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Just a weird hippie artist/writer chick.
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pennynoodles: What trivial things do couples tend to squabble...
My boyfriend and I don't argue. But, in the past,...
5 yrs ago
Highonheels: What is the color of your personality
Going by my favorite color, mine would be red....
5 yrs ago
ZonkeyBalls: Why are so many questions focused on something...
Probably because people come online to express...
5 yrs ago
HelterSkelter1: Thing's people say to you that sound shallow?
While working as a bartender a customer came in...
5 yrs ago
Wraithorn: Do you think the following quote is a good reason...
No it is not the "right" thing to do, but it is...
5 yrs ago
suzie1960: Why are christians so desperate to deny those who...
Sounds like an intelligent analysis to me.
5 yrs ago
Wraithorn: Do you think the following quote is a good reason...
@Wraithorn Actually, insults, have become the...
5 yrs ago
Wraithorn: Do you think the following quote is a good reason...
I don't interpret the quote with having anything...
5 yrs ago
AnonymouslyYours: Do you sometimes stop for chain (e.g. Starbucks,...
I'm a coffee snob. Here where I live smaller...
5 yrs ago
Imperatrix: Give me one detail from your worst date ever.
I saw him eat a booger.
5 yrs ago
IAmNothing: No man wants you when youre fat and ugly looking
My guy likes this curvy, far from skinny, mom...
5 yrs ago