Can you get a contact high from riding in a car someone previously smoked weed in ?i felt a little funny
Have you heard of this new vegan band called Kalestorm ?Someone messed up and booked them on the same show with the death metal band Cattle Decapitation........that didn't go over well
So Hanes is making face masks now. I tried one out....literally like someone cut up a pair of tighty whities and sewed ear straps on.Super soft though, they don't itch or chafe
I Admire Good CosplayWhen you try to cosplay princess Leia slave girl but you're so hairy everyone mistakes you for Chewbacca (1)
I Want You All To Have A Good DayWell, I went to the gym on my day off today. I'll have to say it was pretty fun. Met some cool dudes. One of them was telling me about how he used to work out in prison, really nice guy, even offered me some protein powder.
How many people here do you think really are who they say they are, and act as how they would in real life?I'd guess only 20 - 30%. Even that might be too high.
What is your demeanor ? Are you a fast talker, get things done in a hurry, or laid back, slower speaking, carefree type of person?
What's the deal with presidents golfing all the time ?Nothing against golfing, but if it was me i'd rather play some backyard football on the whitehouse lawn or paintball or something. Probably no one would be able to get Trump because he'd be protected by a huge wall. 😏
I Love To Be Inspired By Unbelievable StoriesSo I heard a story recently about this real life minecraft guy. This happened years ago during the gold rush out west. He and his mule were riding through the mountains and they came upon a place that was impassable. So he thought instead of going... See More »