Say what we want about all golfing presidents (yes, even including Trump).
But at least they aren't as embarrassing in needing to have their sports ego stroked as much as this guy.
But at least they aren't as embarrassing in needing to have their sports ego stroked as much as this guy.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Thanks for the BA. 🙂
SuperMachoNerdMan · 36-40, M
@beckyromero you're welcome

Generally speaking, a President having healthy recreational time to unwind isn’t a bad thing in my opinion. I’d rather the person with the access to blow everything up not always be on edge and wound up 100% of the time.
SuperMachoNerdMan · 36-40, M
@SW-User True. I guess they could have a really bad day at the course, and that might not bode well

If you see a President do this.... might be time to hide the nuclear briefcase. might be time to hide the nuclear briefcase.
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bijouxbroussard · F
@Rachelxxxx I voted for his opponent. But a lot of people in swing states didn’t like her; some made the “statement” of either not voting or voting for third party candidates who couldn’t win. So they have their statement—but now we have Trump. Hopefully next time will be different. 🤔
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Drummer · M
@SuperMachoNerdMan He couldn't be a QB, his hands are too small.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
There’s no bugs at the golf course.
Northwest · M
His Ireland golf course, is losing money. He needs to prop it up.
bijouxbroussard · F
I’d find it rather boring. But apparently it’s a calming and contemplative pastime.
SuperMachoNerdMan · 36-40, M
@bijouxbroussard I suppose it helps to deal with the stress of being in office