Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy (Director's Cut) (16/48) I first saw this on a DVD of director Chris Cunningham's music video collection, was the most far out thing in my collection for quite a long time!! (1)
Milla Jovovich - Mezinka (Original) [From the movie: Dummy] (14/48) Like a Yiddish alternative rock song, neato!! clip in the film (2)
Gogol Bordello - Immigraniada (We Comin' Rougher) (13/48) Sounding good, a 3rd section with the 48 starts with this topical sounding one! (1)
Beck's Sexx Laws (12/48)5 of the 48 songs can be songs i'm very familiar with, and have shared before in other incarnations here, what a hilariously good video this was, it was done when I was still initially into Beck with his Odelay album just before this, why I never... See More » (1)
(70s Zamrock) The Smoke That Thunders [Full Album] - Chilumbulu (1975) (10/48)Zamrock is a thing then!! Sounds so goooooooooooo .... cough zammy it sounds ZAMMY!!! egads, it's AI :( might be AI's one hit wonder, it actually sounds good!! But why then say it's from 1975, huh??!! That's just to draw people in, I guess. The... See More » (1)
Etran de L'Aïr - Imouha (9/48) A fresh new sequence within the 48 songs begins here with something not in English, I so need to listen to more in languages I don't know!! (1)
Dread Zeppelin -- Smoke on the Water (8/48) I remember this group from when I was a teen, but I never looked them up since then!! (1)
Alan Sparhawk with Trampled by Turtles - Stranger (5/48) On the good side of YouTube, lyrics don't make me wish it was in Mandarin, so that's good, and the sound of the acoustic guitar and other instruments. (1)
You Don't Mess Around With Jim -- my fave from Jim Croce (1/48) I don't listen to him much but this song is FIRE My plan is to share 48 songs I love, with an effort to focus on songs that are relatively new to me before the 26th of April, what a fun song right?? Puts me in a good mood. (1)
I might get physical books more often nowOrdered volumes 2 and the 2 parts of volume 3 of WKC Guthrie's History of Greek Philosophy, all 3 volumes coming in at less of what I paid for the ebook of volume 1. Get them used, from volume 4 onward so far nothing less than 80 dollars from what I... See More »
I'm a dummy when it comes to this stuff, so i'm just testing out my thoughts in this area for better comprehensionI have no way of truly understanding anything in Politics as it happens, it's all smoke and mirrors, and innumerable misunderstandings layered on top of each other. I do regardless feel like talking about some things going on in the world. If anyone... See More »
Me and dad listened to a part of Vance's Greenland visit speechI wanted to hear what was being said, and now he's going off on political tangents, he thought Greenland was a part of Canada, and unconsciously backed up what the VP was saying by touching on Bible prophecy about Russia and China, this kind of poor... See More »
Calling things unprofitable doth not make it soFrom some of my favorite schools of thought etc, there's a poo pooing of unprofitable speech, I am here to speak up for it. Who is to say what is now seen as unprofitable won't be so later on. It is how things evolve, progress. Those predisposed to... See More »
Thoughts of a learnerWhat is deepest in us, that comes from a pure undefiled place, where things ultimately matter, and to give oneself the time to express such things adequately, with a modicum of art so that it can be read with pleasure, and edification by oneself... See More »
Things dad says when he's asleepDad does talk in his sleep, so here i'll keep track of them, purely for scientific research, may it prove enlightening to other people too 🤭 11:04am Friday March 28, 2025 "There's a key on the kitchen floor"
Links in a chainI would like my posts to be links in a chain, to be seen in their totality, to represent what I value, and what I distinguish from valuable and not valuable. From distinguishing, one gets a clearer picture, a better grasp. What I value I cling to... See More » (1)
Philhellenes, (lovers of the Hellenistic way)I won't copy and paste from Guthrie here, but suffice it to say he's not of the mind that Greek thinkers are as original as philhellenes of the 19th century felt. Nietzsche among them. No geographical place where historically important people were... See More »
What is your favorite word, that you have trouble spelling?Mine is, and I copy and paste it to get the spelling right -- Rhythm It's much more than a musical term, it's descriptive of a manner of living that is to me most pleasant, there's a super-sensible logicality to the development of the moment by... See More »
Autarky -- n. economic or self-sufficiency'... this knowledge of the indifference of outward circumstances makes the Sage unshakably autarkes, and that is the sole requisite for a happy life' says Guthrie about early Stoicism. So if all goes well I can eventually change my name to... See More »
Just another Alt accountThanks for SomeMichGuy for being so sure of himself, there's something about him that instantly makes it better if I don't see him anymore, for the facts sirs and madames, I am a returning member, not an alt account, if that MichGuy would have an... See More »
March 28, 2025It's a new day, after a long sleep, I'll be able to get smokes, and volume 2 of W.K.C. Guthrie's unfinished magnum opus, which rounds out the Presocratic era, volume 3 is split into 2 parts for a) The Sophists and b) Socrates, volume 3.a is in Kindle... See More »
Behind the scenesHi folks, i'm actually gonna be going to sleep soon, but I have to share with the community here just a taste of what gets under my skin with my dad. My brother does our finances, if it wasn't for him, we'd be in serious debt, dad is a spender, not... See More »