I'm Roman Catholic, from a land of Wesleyans!My family is Italian, but we have lived here for a few generations. We are spread out across the world like the legionnaires from Rome! We originated in Tuscany, and our family spread afar in Europe and the world, and our assurances travel with us.
Easy a friend, terrifying an enemy, perhaps!It's a family trait I suppose. Roman Catholics in a land filled with chapelfolk and Wesleyans!
Covid19 isnt good for meeting someone you can have a relationship with!I seem to spend a lot of time at the church with my grandfather. Hardly the place to find a playmate!
Catching glimpses of your life!Life is sometimes a blur because of how fast we live, so catching glimpses of what you have been experiencing in a photo or ten is a great idea! (1)
Such a difference! Coffee here!Italian coffee is so completely delicious! You have to try the difference! So much better with a view like this! (3)
There is a little more to it than that!But I don't want to be rude, or appear too wanton! It's been a while! The pandemic has had an ugly affect on our lovelives!
It's in this haystack somewhere! [I Am Trying to Find Happiness]It's often a needle in a haystack, but if you keep on searching you'll get the point! Stuck in your finger drawing blood!
Some might call it something else! [I Believe In Karma]I only know you can get the feeling your past bad deeds are catching up with you, and you need to try and balance the books! Lots of people get that in their minds, I was only talking about it with my grandfather yesterday!
Too much too young!Can you empathise that you're sitting at the side of the bed of someone who you rather fear has begun giving up on the idea of being a live, but you are young and you love the person you feel who is actually dying in front of you? Welcome to my... See More »
The Pandemic is already changing things and not making them better!There is a lot of vitriol out there about vaccine injustice and discrimination, which is calling for vaccine passports, when hardly any commitment is being seen in the important places it should be! There is likely to be cases to the law courts... See More »
Have you ever given a decent amount of money to a beggar?I don't mean coins from your pocket, a banknote
Living in ItalyI moved to Pisa after my grandmother died of Covid to look after my grandfather who is in his mid late eighties. I like it here, and I have always been close to my grandfather so it's a natural thing to be here.
Eclectic TastesI would admit I like music from the Nineties and the Eighties, that my parents listen to daily. It's about survival, lots of musicians from the Noughties have failed to survive it grow in their music.
Hi, i am Mickie See!I arrived here yesterday. It's a good blogspace potentially, and interesting. Do you use it as a blogspace?
I haven't much of a hoot!I really should go to bed but there's always one more thing to see, or do, it's awkward that way!