I Am Annoyedi just pressed the DPI button on my mouse and now i cant figure out which speed i like the most.....do you know how painful this is? 😖
I Have a Cat [Cats]My cat is either a ninja and is hiding or being a human and sleeping like one...either way she's taking over my bed and now im a refugee (2)
I'm FacepalmingWhen you're reading an interesting bunch of replies, theyre 2 people areguing or having a conversation but you can only read one side because the other persons blocked you for whatever reason -__-
I Hate SummerIts so hot....ples just make it stop....can we have the rain pls? Or snow...just remove the heat I don't like if...
I Am The Black SheepBeing so distant from all of your family is horrible, nobody should feel like they're not part of one. Yet the same can't be said for me....
I Love MusicHaha the video to this is hilarious especially towards the end. https://youtu.be/MTJkE8Ki3Gg
I Think Dinosaurs Are Coolwhat dinosaur would you be? Id wanna be one of those diplodocus fellas because theyre beautifully derpy
I Love These Lyrics"I was falling for a girl Who would ask me to come over If just for a day When her parents were away Now all i can do is lay in my room, Fall asleep dream of you, Wake up and do nothing about it" Neck Deep - a part of me ft laura whiteside
I Have Random ThoughtsWouldnt it be funny if people's PMs appeared in the recent activity bar but no one realised?
I Want Someone I Can Tell Anything ToI long for that person who will always be there for me, but im afraid that they will one day leave like the last ones...
I Have a QuestionIm eating cherries and accidentally swallowed a seed thing...will i turn into a cherry now?
I Hate SpidersJust had one in my room, had to get my mum to kill it....now my skin is crawling and my hair on my neck feels like theyre on me
I Sometimes Wonder Whats The PointYay...in that mood again...like a good 100% of the time I'm alone...