What’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you think of Denzel Washington?For me it’s Training Day
What kind of phases did you go through as a teen.I probably was your typical teen, I went through more phases than the more. 1. I converted to bring a Muslim for about 3 months. 2. I became a troubled teen cussing people out, skipping school, drinking and running wild. 3. I decided to become nun.... See More »
When was the last time you told a lie?And why and what did you lie about? I lied just yesterday, I told my co workers that I had regular nail polish but it was really gel nail polish. I lied because gel polis is banned
Is your hubby/wife what you expected them to be?Personally, I expected I would be married to a wealthy, handsome prince. And that he would be the answer to everything. But, my hubby in real life is far from what I expected and he is not the answer to everything. I love him, but he’s just a man,.... See More »
What’s your first thought when you think of Robin Williams?For me it’s Mrs. Doubtfire and then Jumanji both funny af hahaha
Why did every platonic friend I’ve ever had eventually tried to hit on me?I had/have male friends many for years, but each have tried to ask me out and I am thinking wtf why would you try to hit on a friend. It’s just crazy to me.
What’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you think of Eddie Murphy?For me it’s Donkey from Shrek
If a random stranger offered you $5 million dollars, and told you there were no strings attached just the one to their heart, would you accept it?
Are you pro life, pro choice or somewhere in betweenI am mostly pro life, but I do think in some cases it may be necessary .
Why doesn’t she ever seem to get mad or angryOk, so my sister stole like over $400 dollars from my mom, and she didn’t curse her out or yell at her. She only threatened to make her take it back, but somehow that never happened either.
What are your thoughts about a child telling a principal what she need to do?Ok, so a child was in the principals office at school and I principal was talking and they interrupted her and said “Well, then you need to talk to him!” And the principal laughed and said right, I do need to talk to him.
My great grand dad use to say“You’re never too old to learn; you’re never too young to learn and even a damn fool can teach you something”
“All legs”I always thought that expression just meant someone with long legs until today I saw a woman that was literally all legs, like her legs and arms were disproportionately longer than the rest of her body. But, idk really if that is what is meant by... See More »
Does it make sense to say that you got 3 sets of kids?Ok, So my uncle has 7 kids by 3 different women. He told me that he has 3 sets of kids. Now, that just sounds funny or wrong or something.
How would you take this...If your friend told you that she hears voices saying she is ugly and that the voice is laughing at her, and she says she seen a flash of vision that looked like demonic symbols and what she called the devil laughing and she says his face was red with... See More »