Is there such a creature as a dragonfish?I'm a Pisces born in the Year of the Dragon and I combined those two to mentally produce a dragonfish. Is it a real or imaginary creature?
Nazareno Cruz And The WolfWhat a beautiful film from Argentina. The story of a boy, a girl, a werewolf curse, and the Devil. Who turns out to be an ok guy. (1)
I wish I could find something amazing like thisA few years ago a guy in France walking his dog saw something sticking out of a cliff face that had fallen away. It turned out to be this: A mostly complete Titanosaurus. 10 meters long. I've been wanting to find a dinosaur since I was old enough... See More » (1)
I want to become a werewolfI am a nature loving guy who would like to learn as much as possible about werewolves and eventually considering becoming one.
The real origin of the vampireSo we're seeing up to play a new tabletop RPG (think dungeons and dragons) but the theme is going to be Monster Hunters that work for the government in the 1950s. Think a cross between league of extraordinary gentlemen and the X-files. The game... See More »
If a vampire bites a zombie, does the zombie become a vampire or does the vampire become a zombie? Think about it..... (1)
nothing feels right anymore.nothing feels right anymore. My mind is so full of toxic thoughts that I shouldn't really think about it