If Biden was this "liberal" that folks on Fox like to scream?Elon Musk would have not only been deported. He wouldn't have had his $ Billions in assets and bank accounts seized as ill gotten gains under civil forfeiture laws. With PSAs flaunting it as an example of "LAW&ORDER in the midst of zeroed in civil... See More »
Birth rite citizenship is a constitutional RIGHT. Just as much is the right to bare arms or practice non Christian religion is.No matter how much it'll disliked. The constitution is the constitution.
To future left leaning political candidates.STOP staying "BILLIONAIRES" "1%" and "WALL STREET* as it implies legitimacy to their social standing which there isn't any. They are "THE MOB' "ORGANIZED CRIME" and "CRIMINAL ENTERPRISES" Run it as a campaign forefront for JUSTICE and "LAW&ORDER"
One way most people would start respecting the police.If they started a mass scale basis. Blatantly profiling, CEOs hedge fund managers amd multimillionaire/billionaires they way they do the poor and minority groups. Like vehicles less than 5 years olld that plate back to a clear registered owner as... See More »
With the death of brian we need some harsh regulations and taxation on privately paid NON LAW ENFORCEMENT personal body guard protection services. .Defined as someone who is not on government budgeted taxpayer paid time. As in state trooper governor protection detail or US Secret service type. With taxes on such privately paid for protection at $100k per man hour of such protection before... See More »
All upcoming elections between now and 2026 as well as 2028 must have a campaign forefront aimed a policy of tax and regulatory:War on private equity firms and their ability to profitably exis. War on the Wall Street MOB. Call it what is is.
Just imagine the positive impact on immigration if:The DOJ went all in all hands om deck and shut down tyson or JBS. Sizing all stock Capitol and liquidated it piece by piece in less that 30 days while jailing their executives and board of directors without bail. Using human trafficking and RICO... See More »
Driving an old clunker/beater car embarrassing?Get some tools and do self maintenance and repair. Put the average monthly car payment amount based on average bran new car prices and interest rates aside. Keep doing it for the full term of the average car loan. By the time its time time to... See More »
The average repair shop charges Napa Orileys prices ×2-×5 + labor.For parts they get from the same wholesale vendors. That is why i invested in my own tools and fix my own car. Despite what Kerens have to say about it.
Cities countiess and states need to start banning corporate ownership of residential property.And blatantly tax existing corporate owned residential property out of corporate ownership into fast desperate sell off liquidation in avoidance of tax seizure. Then cap home lones from exceeding 3×primary breadwinner average annual net income.... See More »
The concept of Blatantly bankrupting multi billion dollar companies that don't follow the rule of law with.Civil penalties proportional to what felony DUI costs are for a welfare recipient is a good thing.
If I wanted to talk to a central call center or automated switching system, I'd call an 800 type number.Forwarding in bound on sight calls to a central call center is extremely RUDE.
BREAK UP WALL STREETNeeds to be a true left campaign slogan forefront is any true liberal wants to get elected. Like 1980 AT&T or Standard oil but on a mass scale. Speaking of which, AT&T is overdue to be broken up again. As is Verizon. With new mandatory SEC... See More »
Wound you ever print a poster size pics 📸 of teen daughters boyfriend, then use them as paper shooting targets?
I honestly believe that Trump and Biden both lack the natural life expectancy to live out a 4 year term in the white house.Politics aside, based on health, age and observed cognitive function.
We need governor, state and federal congressional candidates with the courage to wage all out war on private equity firms.By regulations and brutal tax code set at blatantly bankrupting them. Like ban on new corporate ownership of residential rental property. 300% historic high appraisal monthly property tax rate on real-estate currently owned by private equity... See More »
I hate the idea of this, but maybe biden should order the take out of Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Alito and Roberts. Poll (17) See Poll OptionsThen declare it an official act and appoint their replacements that will ultimately decide based on today's ruling. Based on today's decision... See More »
McDonald's says they may have to shut down California locations over $20 an hour minimum wage. I hope they do.There are plenty of food truck venues that will gladly upgrade to a defunct Burger joint that fast. With better food and prices compared to the current state of McDonald's prices.
3 ways to build a better economy in 3 year.1. Ban corporations from owning residential rental housing, and blatantly make no mistake about it, tax currently corporate owning residential housing into a desperate fast sell. 2. BREAK UP WALL STREET. AT&T/standard oil style on a mass scale by... See More »
THE REAL PROBLEM IS NOT AT THE SOUTHERN BORDERIt`s criminal enterprises here in and arount the US illegally employing illegal immigrants. It will not stop until they refocus 0 tolorance on knowingly and unknowingly having illegal immigrants on the payrol with RICO charges and full seizier and... See More »
Sick of endless war around the world and our tax dollars being used on it?America needs to wage an eminent domain war on the Military Industrial Complex making the US Army Corps Of Engineers the primary exclusive defense manufacturer for products of war. The problem is that the military Industrial Complex in general is... See More »
Although what NY State is doing to the trump organization as a whole is a good thing,We need a US attorney General, DOJ, FTC and SEC with the courage to take the same kind of actions on WALL STREET in a fast action bold way. Even if it does have a 4-6 month negative impact on the stock market by crumbling a multi bullion dollar... See More »
Should minimum wage be raised? Absolutely to what? $?$?$I won't quote a dollar numbers. What I will say, is that it needs to be a single living wage. Defined as enough for a teen out of high school to reasonably afford Rent of a 1 bedroom apartment, transportation, food, healthcare, education.... See More »