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Meanest thing your boss ever said to you?

Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
"You're always so happy, we should beat that out of you! "
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
A former boss…”I own you.”
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@Pinkstarburst Go, Pink ! 😆
@Pinkstarburst Great answer!
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Told me to get in my truck and leave.. I did and everyones paychecks was in my glove box.
The owner of the first place I ever worked for was once going on a rant about all the money he put into a machine he invented. It was around 3 million but for some reason after he said it, he looked me right in the eyes, pointed right in my face, & said "that's more than you will ever make in your lifetime".

I instantly wanted to beat the shit outta him but I knew better. So I let it slide. Then all my coworkers pointed out afterwards that they all thought that was rude asf too.
I found a new job then a few weeks later when they called me asking me to cover for one of their drivers (like I always did even though I was a service technician & not a delivery man), I told them "nah I'm not coming in tomorrow. Actually I'm not coming in at all anymore. I quit".

He was so petty that my last paycheck was 1 single penny. I'm pretty sure he was racist but I never confirmed it. He definitely hated me but after I left they had to shut the shop down for a while because they realized I was the only reason everything got done
It wasn’t that mean but I heard him call an employee walking in “here comes special Ed”
Umile · 41-45, F
I am not the best manager, so I make up for it in other ways.

Implying that I am not the best worker and that I should make up for it in other ways.

As if I didn't break my back and bend over backwards.

You can't sway a managers favoritism.
Offthetop · 51-55, M
He said sometimes the garbage takes itself out.
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Offthetop · 51-55, M
The worst part of it is I’m self- employed.
@Offthetop answer is still same
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔............My CEO had mental issues........She said many illegal and unethical things........Too many too list.......
Many many mean things he always said. 😔
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
We've decided not to fire you
Mudkip · 31-35, M
You're still here?
lost213 · 46-50, M
Your fired.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
I could hire a monkey to do your job! Told him the monkey wouldnt work what he was paying me!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
You're a good boy. I was not only older than him, yet he was a racist.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
“OK little girl…” but in his defense I had said something sassy.
Morvoren · F
What are you doing Saturday? We need you in.
Convivial · 26-30, F
I guess I've been lucky in that regard ...
I can't pay you to sleep.
J/k--too hard to pass up! lolh
leotheromeo · 36-40, M
When u give an idea and the boss laugh and scoffs and then says: " we don't need you to think here. Just do what I say."

And then u find out later that he used your idea with someone else...
I had one that talked smack behind my back. When that manager asked for our input for a corporate outing, I suggested paint ball, to which said manager said no! 🤣
In 1977, while I was in college I had a part-time job in a Marietta library. One day the librarian, thinking she was paying me a compliment, said,

"I’m glad we hired you ! You work so hard, and you’re pleasant to everyone. Usually you people are so lazy and mean !" 🤨
MrGumHead · 46-50
Get to work!!

Man, he didn't understand how tired i was ..... :(
BatmanIRL · T
If your family replaced you so can I
You work to hard to fire you
Can I come in two hours early
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Umile · 41-45, F

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