I added a few butterflys I did the mirror design few days ago and decided to add butterflys to it And then we did the table we put stickers under the glass I think it looks great
Whyyy do you judge me, like I have faithlessness?In these 13 years, I have had incredible number of awful, best, disgusting, awesomest experiences. And my intuition, did not come for free. Someday, if you wanna chill, I'll tell you alllll about it.
Stress reactions are weird.I have never had this before but have found i am clenching my jaw for a good part of the day. I force myself to relax when i notice it but it keeps coming back. No real question here, just a comment about how odd it is.
The Wolf MoonI found myself wandering alone, deep in the forest under a full moon. I heard a faint rustling behind me, I heard a low growl. I knew then that I was safe.
Hey Blake10Exe,Hi Blake, I'm sorry, I didn't reply earlier. It's awesome that you think I'm stunning. Thank you! :) Your message went to the unread messages, and I just saw it. Please come back on SW. I replied to you, buddy, and would love to have long... (...)
Sammie has also passed away Today was another loss. Woke up this morning to finding Sammie really sick. The veterinarian prescribed medicine and hydration via Iv. He was surprised that in the winter parvo was this aggressive. I bleached and cleaned repeatedly after cuddles... (...)
Me está matando.Demasiado sin descansar de esta vida adulta y peor con el calor extremo... ¡¡Quiero Lluvia!! ¡¡Quiero Frío!! 😩 🤣🤣
Our neighbours are pretty old so we cooked for them yesterday!We took a rich casserole of chicken breast and bratwurst 🌭 sausage with potatoes, carrots 🥕, onions and celery, beans 🫘 and cauliflower with cabbage 🥬 in a thick gravy to them for dinner. They were so appreciative and invited us to stay and help... (...)
Can you recall your first ever post?Did you post it on SW or somewhere else? - - - - - Mine was this goofball entry - - - - - "What Time Is It When An Elephant Sits On your Fence?"
Pretty PrivilegeA comment on a pic made me realize how far I’ve came. At my heaviest, I was almost 400 pounds. Keeping the weight off for over 3 years now has been one of the hardest but most rewarding things I’ve ever done. It took years, patience, and so much... (...)
My baby cuddles is gone Yesterday , my baby passed away in my arms. He survived from 10 a. m. yesterday and passed away at 2:20 p. m. Up until yesterday, he was eating and doing well. Yesterday morning, I realized something was off. He refused to eat and was hardly able to... (...)
Met my first 12 inch BBC!I got to play with my first 12 inch BBC up in Richmond! It was so impressive seeing it pop up out of his pants for the first time! Sucking it was a trip! So much more of everything in my mouth!
My baby cuddles is gone Yesterday , my baby passed away in my arms. He survived from 10 a. m. yesterday and passed away at 2:20 p. m. Up until yesterday, he was eating and doing well. Yesterday morning, I realized something was off. He refused to eat and was... (...)