I like rts so: StarCraft 2 and Sins of a Silae Empire.
The original Mass Effect trilogy has the best world building of any game ever.
Mass Effect Andromeda was my least favourite. It's not the worst game ever but it was the biggest disappointment. It has mediocre world building and tries to be Halo, but without the clever problem solving in the battles and it has clunky combat system.
@Burnley123 Halo is too linear for me and a tad too militaristic; I mean I enjoyed it, but I always enjoyed the multiplayer component more, the campaign was.. accessory? ME instead story wise allows for more depth and ramifications, which I enjoyed better, especially because I could replay it and make different choices.
Indeed. I've played ME:A only once.. I have probably more hours in ME3's multiplayer than in MEA's campaign, and that is quite telling 😅
@Elessar Yeah Halo is indeed very Linear. It's not a badly built world but you are right about the militarism. It's like Starship Troopers but without the irony. The bad guys are called the Covenant (an English term used for an organisation of witches.) Obviously, they had to have Tyranid/Zerg/ Alien ripoff and called it the Flood. You know because they don't have enough biblical references after calling the game Halo.
As pure shooter, the series is first class though. I did play the campaigns but skipped through the narrative scenes because they were pointless.
Rescue this artefact, neutralise this threat blah blah. Dude, I just want to drive a Jeep up a ramp and onto a giant Robot beetle, jump out and shoot some bad guys.
@Burnley123 Absolutely. But for Halo indeed my main focus has always been the multiplayer, starting from Halo 2 (PC, 2007). I've caught up with the campaigns only in 2020. It's indeed the FPS game for me - between custom maps, custom modes, chasing the achievements, etc. I had a blast with it throughout all the middle-school years.
ME too has some militaristic component imo, but definitely nowhere as much as Halo or Starship Troopers.
- Mass Effect trilogy (both the story, and ME3's multiplayer/coop) - Red Dead Redemption 2 (if only they updated the multy even just 1/3 as often as GTA... idk how they could kill a game like this 😔) - GTA (III, then San Andreas, then V) - Conan Exiles (still my favourite survival/exploration/base-building game) - Star Wars: Battlefront I and II (2005, multiplayer) - Halo (especially the PC multiplayer of the 2nd title, see the discussion under Burnley's thread) - Star Wars: KotOR I (personally liked the second title less) - Star Wars: TOR (obviously not as enjoyable as KotOR plot-wise but I still have a lot of hours in it along with friends, and a f*ckton of game money I'll never get to spend lol) - Terraria (co-op, it did beat my àss when I soloed it) - Minecraft (multiplayer only, when I used to have a server with my cousins) - Sins of a Solar Empire (multiplayer, RTS) - Section 8: Prejudice (multiplayer/coop; worth mentioning for the amount of hours I spent in the MP)
I always say my "Favourite" game is Secret of Mana from the SNES. I don't play it very often, but it was the first game that made me feel something when I was a kid, so it's a huge nostalgia factor.
In the Final Fantasy series, 7 is probably my favourite, but it's the first game in the series that I played (and I haven't played any of the subsequent FF games since that one).
I got to Metal Gear Solid late too - I've only played 5 =D
I'm really into co-op games lately so I've been playing 7 Days to Die with friends, and Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 when I want a more casual experience ;)
@Laura1998 Oh haha yeah that would be nice, or even a Left 4 Dead 3. I wonder what they would be able to add to it though. Left 4 Dead 2 is almost a remaster of 1 but I still prefer 1 for some reason.
Some of my favorite video games include Pong, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Galaga, Pole Position, Frogger, Centipede, Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Tetris, The Secret of Monkey Island, Sonic The Hedgehog, Starfox, Myst, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Also when it comes to non-video games, I like Chess, Pinball and Billiards.
Baldur’s gate III for me is the best. I can play this game over and over again.. i also love Yakuza series. On switch, i like to play fire emblems and stardew valley.
@SW-User it has a different style of fighting but it is still fun (ny) and cool. At some point, it felt like i’ve enjoyed it more than the original Yakuza😅
We bought fc24 at the weekend. Fifa has always confused me in the past but after doing some training and tutorials it’s starting to make a bit more sense
@Laura1998 I would say 5 is the best. But yeah after that it just got to be a little too much and it got boring. I tried playing Far Cry 6 and I just didn't care anymore after the first part.