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Husbands car stolen… he expects me to get a new car payment because he doesn’t want a car payment??

Y’all… our car was stolen right out of our driveway today. It was freezing my husband stupidly so freakin’ stupidly left the car running for 5 minutes while he ran inside to put the kids coats in and get back in the car. As he came outside they drove off… it’s not likely the car will be recovered according to police. They honestly didn’t even care, showing up like 3 hours later with a pen and pad to take notes. That’s it. It’ll be assigned to a detective but they said most vehicles are torn apart for parts so fast that it’s generally a futile effort to even try to recover them. I make more money than my husband so his first reaction was “gee I don’t want a car payment” he had paid his off.. so he’s like why don’t I pay off the rest of your car with the insurance money and you get a new one. Im like.. 1 year from paying mine off… I’ve worked really hard to pay it off… and basically he wants me to just go get a new car with a new payment that btw since I got my car rates have gone up a lot, interest rates and car prices. I don’t feel like it’s fair that just because he doesn’t “feel” like having a car payment that I have to go out and like double mine.. when I told him this he got really upset like gee I hate to inconvenience you.. making me feel like the bad guy. What do I do? Anyone been in this boat? Or had their car stolen? Was it found?
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BlueVeins · 22-25 Best Comment
I feel like the obvious solution would be him getting some old clunker to drive, at least for the time being. No monthly payments, no huge expenditure on your part, and he still bears the brunt of the cost for his mistake.
Brassm0nk3y · 36-40, F
@BlueVeins I agree I think the is the most logical option. And fair for all parties.

samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Isn't it your joint money? In my house, my wife earned her money, and it was hers, and i worked and my money was hers.
Brassm0nk3y · 36-40, F
it’s sideways I guess because I didn’t want people to recognise my face as easily weird and probably not effective but lol that’s why I originally did it that way
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Brassm0nk3y today was a disaster but ended okay. The insurance company never called to discuss it, my wife got a call from a wrecker that called telling her to get all her personal belongings out. I called the insurance company, we have to return the paid rental car by Tuesday, they could not tell me how they came up with the amount they agreed to pay. Trying to get a car rapidly was nerve wracking. You need to organize your lives. Do you both have life insurance to protect your family, wills, don't fool with fate.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Brassm0nk3y are you really worried about being recognized? Are you naughty? Even if so, anyone recognizing you would have to admit how.
Punches · 46-50, F
The insurance is going to laugh. You cannot set yourself up for being the victim of a crime then expect the insurance to pay for it.

And with him, it was his fault the car was stolen, why does he expect you to pay for it?

BTW I once had a car stolen and was rudely reminded that it was my fault. left it running to warm up on a cold night, walked away for a few seconds to ask someone about something, car vanished like a fart in the wind. I did eventually get it back after it was towed and impounded.
Paladin · 61-69, M
My wife and my money all go into the same pot. There is no my money/her money. It's all our money. So if one of us have a car payment, we both do. That's what works best for us.
Don't you split your combined resources between the two of you? Maybe you can both pay for it. Split it.
Brassm0nk3y · 36-40, F
@Spoiledbrat I already pay for 80% of everything. He just doesn’t bring as much home as I do. I just don’t think it’s fair given how much I currently pay, that just because he doesn’t “feel” like having a car payment, that I should bear the brunt of a new loan so that he can basically go Scott free without paying a dime, while my car payment doubles. He can afford a payment he just doesn’t want to.. that’s like not fair to me I feel like but I don’t know that’s why I’m asking
He is the one who lost it. If you feel bad, tell him you'll help him but don't want a whole car payment. @Brassm0nk3y
ArishMell · 70-79, M
You (not your husband) have my sympathies but unfortunately, I cannot imagine any insurance company would even consider a claim in a case like this.

They would accept that the car was on your drive, and left for no more than five minutes - probably less - but the mere fact of leaving it unattended with the engine running would be taken as not protecting it against loss.

If you can't afford a new car, then I'm afraid you will have to accept somehow being a one-car household, at least for the time being.
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
Does he have a job? Why can't you use the insurance money as the down payment for a new one and he can pay the difference?

BTW, I had a remote starter installed on my car last winter and it was the best $350 I spent all year.
You can start the car from inside the house, but the doors remain locked and you can't drive it without the key.

My Christmas present to myself will be dashcam to record the reckless drivers in the area in case I get hit again. Last August I was rear ended by an ininsured driver. The one I am looking at is $250, a worthwhile investment.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
If this works out, i really don't want a car payment either😁
If you're in the UK it's possible your insurance won't pay out. The car was unlocked, running with the keys in it.
@SW-User I dont have the luxury of a driveway 😭
@V00doo mine is huge....
@SW-User Show off 😌
No's his fault the car was stolen.
Not yours.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
He lost it... Let him walk...😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
A ten year old Camry is the go.. No one is going to steal that..😷
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Toyotas last forever. But a Camry is one of the best selling cars in the country. Just like Ford and Chevy trucks . And they are the most frequently stolen vehicles because they are stripped for parts. There is always a market for them because there are so many.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@DallasCowboysFan All good points. I just think no self respecting punk would be caught dead stealing an old Camry.. And the reliability would mean he would be forced to drive if for years..😷
@whowasthatmaskedman Forced to drive the car you stole for years. Hahahahahahaa
MarieUK · 36-40, F
might not get a payment if the key was left in the car, I am sure thats in the small print
What if you biy a car and it is found?
Khenpal1 · M
Mericans 😁
Fluffybull · F
Over here (UK) insurance companies won't pay out if people are foolish enough to leave their cars unattended with the keys in and engine running. I'd tell him to get the bus.

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