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We must counter it with light and love.

@Grateful4you I’m a fighter but I always start with love... but I’m no doormat. People find out quick.
@DarkHeaven My "normal" self is fairly passive. I mostly seek to make others happy. This is a side folks seldom see and I'm grateful for that. I have a passion for those unable to defend themselves or speak out. It's my conviction that all life is sacred and I have a need to help the defenseless.
@Grateful4you me too. 🖤🤗

Frank52 · 70-79, M Best Comment
I fear it is not confined to one country. The cure is inside people and it depends on your view of the innate nature of humans as to how much hope you have.
@Grateful4you you too. Be safe. 🖤
Frank52 · 70-79, M
Something I tend to forget but I'm low on the totem pole of my enlightenment and evolvement. I'm a slow learner and a tad dull normal.

I am sure you underestimate yourself, but the clothes of humility are becoming to all who want to learn and grow. The older I get (you will get this) the more I realise there is to know. If we have nothing to learn, the 'teacher' is wasting their time. There is an arrogance in some forms of hate which believes that one view of the world is supreme.

I had my first vaccine a few weeks ago. I hope yours goes well.
@Frank52 You are wise Frank and hope to talk again sometime. I better go soon here. Be well stay be happy.
kodiac · 22-25, M
What i find odd is this isn't a problem in the places that are wrongly blamed for its origin. I live in West Virginia, coal country,land of the confederate flags and rednecks yet here a mixed couple can live in peace no one cares.Two guys can walk through the mall holding hands no one notices . Mixed couple in same mall no one notices. Neighbors care for neighbors regardless of race or color. People here are labeled low educated hillbillies could be that's why. because less kids go to college and get their heads filled with indoctrination . I believe radical extremists are a minority looking for their 15 minutes of fame.
Frank52 · 70-79, M
@kodiac It's good that you feel a sense of acceptance for all in your community.
@kodiac I live on the west coast, (California) a former hippy and tree hugger. Not the sort most would think would care or take notice of Appalacian country its people or culture.

On the contrary, I've had a deep appreciation and respect for both for a couple of decades to this day I've enjoyed the documentary, " The Wild and Wonderful Whites of Boone County W.V" Probably not a family you would choose as representatives for your state given their history of criminal activities and chronic drug use, I guess some of my own rebellion and drug use of my own youth has made me feel a sense of affection and empathy, I'm a huge fan of Jesco white and his dancing, the music, and overall culture.

Politically I claim as an Independent but in honesty, more of a liberal "snowflake" I understand many in your communities were avid Trump supporters, "Trump digs Coal" this is understandable, folks believed the mines would once again flourish and dignity restored. Your people have always been hard workers and hoped that with his win your state would once again thrive.

I know many of your people have felt betrayed and indeed you were. I sincerely believe in the good inherent in most people. I believe every word you said is true. I think, if given the chance, the present administration will do it's level best to turn this situation around.

While I have little to no business expertise (and even less expertise in technology or energy alternatives) I really think Hillary Clinton was grossly and purposefully misrepresented on her proposals for W.V industry. Even I realize that the demand for coal continues to diminish by the year and will never recover.

What she wanted was to introduce new industry, to bring W.V back into the 21 Century with state of the art energy alternatives. And an economy that would enable you and the good people of W.V to once again thrive.

My very best, David.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Grateful4you W.VA is not what it's been labeled for sure
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I'm a party to an interracial relationship. We've had problems with these haters. Retirement isn't that far away. We'll be leaving the U.S.
@Crazywaterspring I follow a number of Ex.pats living in Mexico. Most will tell you they wouldn't dream of ever returning on a permanent basis. I'm seriously thinking of going myself. I can't really afford Canada and I love the idea of being near the ocean. I sincerely think you should consider this as an option. Good luck!
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@Grateful4you I'm in a border state and most of Mexico is very nice. I'm considering SE Asia.
@Crazywaterspring I sure don't blame you. Please keep in touch. I'm "friending" you so you can private me.
I'm seeing so much anger here. And people seem to be accepting "This is how it's alway's been" Good lord people, storming the Capital, attacking Asian Americans in way's that are horrific that it turns my stomach. Folks saying these are just random crimes and that the media is to blame when there is camera footage showing these terrorist attacks are happening from one coast to the other.

How dare people try to normalize this and try and whitewash it away. I'm truly disgusted by many of these posts. There is a BIG difference between hatred and an angry outrage.
@Grateful4you I can be political on an issue while still saying I want no part of the left right dynamic. If we truly believe that there are no good people on the opposing side ( and I’m not talking about insurrectionists,) then we are truly lost as a people and world. To discount the thoughts and dreams of half the population, only further divides. Is it more important to feel right or to find common ground. People feel marginalized, and that’s what drives them to these clearly hate groups, I’m just tired. Tired of both sides wanting to force change and everybody else.
@DarkHeaven I don't force or change anyone. I can't. I just want my little peaceful protest next month to raise the consciousness of the majority of good people to be aware and spread the word we need to protect and show our support to groups being terrorized. If just ONE single person see's my sign and feels the urge to support these targeted folks the day will have been worthwhile.
@Grateful4you And that is why I respect you, so much. I was nearly kicked out of high school for a walk out that I staged over a social justice issue. Protesting is so very important to our democracy in general. Thank you for listening to me. I wish all of your responders were as kind as you. Be safe and be well. Light and love. 🖤
What the world really needs right about now is love. It's the only thing that there is too little of.
@latinbutterfly Period. ly. 🖤🤗
@DarkHeaven ❤️🤗
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Hate is not natural. It HAS to be taught..😷
chrisCA · M
@whowasthatmaskedman It has been taught since Europeans landed in North America.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@chrisCA Since much earlier. The original Mayflower settlers were in fact intolerant religious bigots who would not live in harmony with other British religious groups. Makes you think a little. doesnt it?😷
@whowasthatmaskedman Exactly right. And the exercise recently by the extreme right is evidence. Looked harmless enough. A legal protest with mask burning. But somehow it chilled me to the bone, I remember the German book burnings and it felt like Deja Vu.
It's not really new and it was dying out, but the media has been growing and spreading it for over a decade now.
chrisCA · M
@PrivateHell Give your head a shake.
@chrisCA Or a lobotomy?
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CestManan · 46-50, F
For covid, there was masks and social distance.

Would hatred require muzzles and antisocial distancing?
@CestManan no. Just understanding, compassion and ignoring the media.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
This one has been around for centuries and I think we've all been infected at one time or another. It really is insidious.
Thats not new!
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@DarkHeaven Interracial straight couples have to be careful in public too.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@DarkHeaven People sometimes have problem with interracial straight couples but for interracial gay ones, I don't imagine anyone really cares because the dynamics of being and dating as LGBT are quite different than being and dating as straight.
@CestManan Jesus, that’s completely wrong... but whatever. I’ve been literally spit on because of who I choose to love. I think I’m fucking done with SW today. I really can’t handle this shit today.
Peaches · F
I KNOW?! 😧 I've been experiencing that here the past few days.😔
DCarey · 46-50, M
Nobody has more hate in his heart than you.
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smiler2012 · 56-60
[@grateful4you ] you know that is a real pity i would of though after the day of trump things would calm down obviously if true joes has a lot to do do to heal the rifts and bring a bit a more united united states
bookerdana · M
Th madness has always been there😠

@bookerdana "A cool breeze wafts through the courtyard of San Francisco's Chinatown. A young couple are sipping Starbucks, deeply engaged in their cell phones when suddenly an 80 year old Chinese woman is harshly shoved to the ground and angrily kicked in the head. The woman looks up and says, "Oh my. how horrible" the man replies, "It is dear" and gently pats her knee, saying, "It is dear" and sighs deeply, but, "The madness has always been there" they look down, again, deeply engaged in their cellphones.
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It isn’t new, alas, but people feel free to express it openly again, which is outrageous. Hopefully, with the renewed publicity racists, if they can’t go away, will at least be reminded that however they may feel, they’ll go to prison if they act upon those feelings. And considering how people are arming themselves now, they may pay a higher price. 🙁

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