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Have you ever caught your partner cheating ?

What did you do?

What would you do?
Dusty101 · F
I walked into the pub and told her she was welcome to him. And he was her problem now and did me a favour...
The next day I packed all his shit in black bags and sent it to his mother's house in a cab!
Best feeling ever!
Nimbus · M
@Dusty101 lololol, good on ya.
Dusty101 · F
@Nimbus He's a grade A twonk! It's not how our relationship could ever be. Many imagine that when a woman lives with a woman there are all sorts of bizarre, carnal fantasies being enacted which involve whips, chains, suspender belts and delicious buckets of creamy yoghurt! And human cages, ankle handcuffs, frivolous, Victorian maid outfits...and crawling on the floor begging for mercy...oh, and the screaming!! No - not like that at all.
missionfigdeluxe · 61-69, M
Nimbus · M
@EugenieLaBorgia Wth, what a disappointment ;)
ninjavu · 51-55, M
@EugenieLaBorgia Sounds good ... except for the yoghurt! ;)
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
I made them reshuffle the cards.
AlienZipper · 61-69, M

Damn straight...can't trust anyone these days 😁
Nimbus · M
@AlienZipper Aces high and all that 😛
AlienZipper · 61-69, M

PlumBerries · 31-35, F
my first real boyfriend with my best friend at the time.. worked out in the end though, he was a abusive piece of crap and she was a complete bitch.. they are perfect for each other and I got them both out of my life after that and things have only got better and better for me
Nimbus · M
@PlumBerries One of life's lessons.
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
My first wife was cheating on me, and could not understand why I beat the shit out of the guy,
"You really hurt him!"😭
What the fuck did you expect? Was I supposed to give him love taps?
Nimbus · M
@JimminyChristmas lol, quite right.
Tython · 31-35, M
We're in an open marriage so it wasn't exactly cheating.

I came home early from work and could hear them from outside. I come in and she's over the couch with some guy from her work behind her. I just called up a Fwb of my own and invited him over.
Nimbus · M
@Tython lol, picturing that.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
Not in the "I walked in on them" sense, but yes I caught my ex-wife. The fact I said "ex-wife" tells what I did about it.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@Nimbus Oh yes...I found a woman who doesn't have the same physical disability (not being able to keep her legs together), and she is 1000 times the woman my ex ever dreamed of being.
Nimbus · M
@indyjoe 👍️

Congrats :)
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@Nimbus Thanks...a little late though, we've been together almost 16 years now😁
I broke up with her, and kicked her out immediately, then packed her stuff in trash bags and dropped it at her friend's house.
Nimbus · M
@SW-User 👍️ Right on.
4meAndyou · F
The first ex had a fifteen year old girl in the living room when I arrived home from playing tennis very unexpectedly. She was very snotty toward me. I took off, and filed for divorce.

The second ex had a woman he had picked up while attending Community College, and when I came home sick from work, I found him sitting in the living room with her. If I had kept to my schedule, I am sure I never would have known.

I walked out and filed for divorce.
Nimbus · M
@4meAndyou Wow, a more flagrant thing would be hard to imagine.
I've been cheated on once that I am aware of..a woman I dated prior to getting together with my wife. Can't really say it was a serious relationship but serious enough that it stung when I found out. I was quite calm about it to her though...just told her I couldn't go on after that and never talked to her again.
Nimbus · M
@SW-User Walk away, move on, it's right.
MrPerditus1 · 61-69, M
I caught my wife online cheating, lying and all kinds of other crap. As for what happened? I tried to make it when she said she was sorry (I know), but we separated a week before our 10th anniversary and were divorced a year later.
Nimbus · M
@MrPerditus1 I hope you are in a happier place now.
MrPerditus1 · 61-69, M
@Nimbus Not really happier, but better to some extent. Just recently got ghosted and recovering from that. But thank you.
Nimbus · M
@BlueRain lol, you say that like you are expecting it.
BlueRain · F
@Nimbus after 22 years of marriage, I don’t think it will happen.
Nimbus · M
@BlueRain Good to hear.
Nimbus · M
@Fungirlmmm Good to hear.
It's not nice.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@Nimbus He tells me everything and I'm brutally honest with him too. :)
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Yes. He cheated before we were married and I found out a month after we married when I was 5 months pregnant.
Nimbus · M
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
That’s what happens when you’re young. I believed him when I found movie stub tickets and he said he took his ex step daughter to the movies. 😢@Nimbus
Nimbus · M
@Keepitsimple Well I hope the years have softened the blow to some extent, take care.
JustNik · 51-55, F
I stayed for a while but eventually left. I wouldn’t bother trying if I caught the current one.
Nimbus · M
@JustNik Wise.
smiler2012 · 56-60
nimbus cheating at what cards 😀 blow her away like in the gunfights in bars in westerns 😀
Nimbus · M
@smiler2012 Well, football actually ;)
smiler2012 · 56-60
nimbus 😮 footballers cheat you must be mistaken on the wives and girlfriends maybe but the pitch they are honest as the day is long bless there cotton socks 😄 shirts and shorts too
Cried,felt bad about myself, then left way too many years later.
Nimbus · M
@SW-User I hope you are better now.
@Nimbus Yes, we both needed to grow up really.
If isn't working it ain't and best to move on.
Orangehotrod · 61-69, M
Yes! After a while I encouraged it!
Nimbus · M
@Orangehotrod 😯

Why's that?
AbbeyRhode · F

I honestly don't know.
Nimbus · M
@AbbeyRhode Good to hear.

It will never happen ❤️
AbbeyRhode · F
@Nimbus Awwwww. ❤️
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
Only on his diet. I hid the junk food.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
Not my current one but my first one. It was an emotional experience.
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Nimbus · M
@RogueLoner Not old fashioned at all.
You did right.
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Nimbus · M
@TheConstantGardener Brave man! ;)
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