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Those of you that voted Trump.... any regrets yet?

Poll - Total Votes: 71
I voted Trump and wish I hadn't
I voted Trump and am still happy
I didn't vote Trump but wish I had
I didn't vote Trump and want him gone
I didn't vote but want to be included in this poll
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Avectoijesuismoi · 31-35
It was a spat based mostly on the previously traded insults and Zelensky has been pretty used to getting what he wanted previously his previous profession is an actor and he has been heavily reliant on that and learning scripts to plead his case.
Zelensky has a very weak hand to negotiate with as well.
Trump cannot be scripted he has an unpredictable nature but what he is, is a businessman and has the view that if you invest there has to be return on that investment.

Also when it comes down to it can the US actually afford to carry on chucking money at it, short answer is NO
@ElwoodBlues Ah yes. The battle cry of the con man. "did you get it in writing?". Despite the fact we have testimonies from both sides that that was agreed to.

Just pointing out your omitting of inconvenient facts about America's bad faith dealings is support by pretending they didn't happen by leaving it out of the discussion.

And the Russian response to the INF treaty was a direct result of RIM-161 SM-3 systems being installed in Poland. The entire point of that treaty was to keep missiles out of Europe.

For a country not to respond would be dereliction of duty bordering on treason.

Regardless the grown up response is to negotiate. Not take your toys and stomp off home.

This plan to put missiles into Poland was tried 10 years before and was a non starter for a reason.
Avectoijesuismoi · 31-35
Trump wants to end it and at least he had the balls to pick up the phone and try talking to Putin
Who else has done that ???
The issue is he is a businessman his business mostly revolves around teal estate those are the tactics he knows trust's and understands and he knows how to get that deal done.
We had three years of people doing nothing but escalating the situation by supplying ever increasing size weapons, and the Russians using ever increasing sized weapons.
The Ukraine is being used as a testing ground let's see whose is best Western or Russian scenario
MethDozer · M
@Avectoijesuismoi I love how you put the responsibility on the victim. Good MAGAtard.
Maybe we should have called up Osama bin Laden when Ukraine was helping us find him in Iraq🤣

No we wasted three years not doing enough and treating Putin with kids gloves. And here we are
GerOttman · 61-69, M
This is everything we were promised and more. Ad revenue is up, the sponsors are thrilled!!

Can't wait for next week's show. I hear it's going to be a two parter...
Toofargone · 26-30, F
I am more and more thankful everyday for the world saving actions he's doing. All while being made a villian by the media that is owned by the enemies of the free world. It's funny so many libed though biden and still don't see what's happening in the world
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TrashCat · M
My MAGA neighbor who had a government job was laid off and he now spends all his time in his garage drunk, listening to loud 70s rock music and yelling at everyone
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MethDozer · M
@TrashCat [media=]
TrashCat · M
@MethDozer Bro!that's just about it. lol
Philip06 · 18-21, M
I’m not American I’m European

But I thank him with my soul for avoiding ww 3
Nanoose · 61-69, M
@BabyLonia When Trump returned to the WH - Scientists moved the hands of the Doomsday clock to 89 seconds to midnight - the closest ever to catastrophe. After Trump’s meeting with the Ukrainian PM – I bet the scientist started thinking they better set the clock to 10 seconds to midnight. Cheers!
Healingtogether · 26-30
@BabyLonia yes he did if he stood back and let Ukraine join nato ww3 would be happening right now. Instead of diving head dead into doom reporting, how about you step back and get to understand the real world
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
@BabyLonia he might actually cause WW3. But it might not be a bad thing. North america needs a war on our territory. We have become soft because of too much freedom. We need a good struggle to survive so our priorities are better than chopping dicks off and standing in traffic.
Blazer420 · 36-40, M
It's kinda my fault Trump won. I voted for Afroman but when I wrote in his real name I accidentally misspelled it so I don't think it counted 😭 otherwise he probably would have won instead of Don
Toofargone · 26-30, F
@Blazer420 i loved his recent song about the police department that raided his house lol
Blazer420 · 36-40, M
@Toofargone right lol it was pretty good. That and "hunter got high"
I wanna be included 😔
Elessar · 26-30, M
Those people were rawdogging and dying of COVID when a vaccine was available just out of spite for the "libs" (read: anyone outside their club). There's no going back from that. It's a religion, they'll literally die for Trump, they won't change their mind, either now or ever
Pretzel · 61-69, M
won't when he runs for his 3rd term (which isn't legal but that won't stop him)
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I voted for RFK Jr. Trump could not win California.
Buyer's remorse? Was there a money back guarantee?
Those who claim they’re happy with him…it’s early days yet.
Unless they’re billionaires, that cattle-car train’s a’comin’.
TrashCat · M
Gone as in kaput
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
maybe kamala wasnt so bad after all, but then again.. XD
@Moneyonmymind it's a constant concern. We may know one candidate is bad. But to avoid that one and pick the other one may also lead to unwanted results. The best we can do is learn who the candidates are before we vote.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@froggtongue yes however both candidates were really bad. 🤷🏻‍♂
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