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Those who scream the most about "racism" are actually the biggest racists.

And I don't even have in mind the clear prejudice they have against "white" people. They despise "blacks" as well.

I won't mention any revealing details, but I had a rather interesting discussion with someone over that story about Haitians in Springfield eating the cats and dogs (allegedly). I was told by this person that there are currently 20,000 of them in that city because they were people who "wanted to escape poverty", and so came to the USA after they were invited to (by none other than Donald Trump, apparently).
Anyway, I pointed out to him that those migrants could easily have just moved across the border to the Dominican Republic if that was the case, but he replied with something along the lines of, "If you had to choose between a rich country like Switzerland, or a poor one like Somalia, which would you go for?"

He clearly didn't know that the Dominican Republic, in spite of the fact that it's in the Caribbean and is predominantly "black", is doing really well right now. It's prosperous, even by global standards, and especially by the standards of the other nations within that region (like socialist Venezuela).

So he was basically implying that the Dominican Republic just had to be poor, because it was A) in the Caribbean, and B) largely black. Why else would he have compared it to Somalia, a nation that really is dirt poor? Somalia is in Africa, and they have their own special problems to deal with (like rampant corruption and war), but the Caribbean isn't like that. It's a stereotype, held by Western, university "educated" white Californians, that the region is hopeless and needs our "help".

That's a rather patronising attitude to have, don't you think? 🤨


The economy grew by 2.5 percent in 2003, and growth of 5.1 percent is expected for 2024, driven by the delayed effects of monetary policy easing and an increase in public investment.
Nope, not what I said. I said that America has a higher living standard than the Dominican Republic, which is why the Haitians accepted the offer they were given, rather than move to a country with a lower living standard, not to mention work was guaranteed to them in Springfield, whereas they might not have been able to find jobs in the DR.

You white guilt snowflakes, always trying to find racism where there is none. 🙄

Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@BohemianBabe Did I actually say the person I had the conversation with was you? 🧐
Wow, people are so weird on this site. They see things that just aren't there.
@Bellatrix2024 We literally had this conversation today. 😆
Sweetheavens · 46-50, M
Can I ask why you keep bringing up Haitian eating pets in Springfield when it isn’t correct?
they are magical at bringing racism into every subject...

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