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Do most Americans think about freedom and independence, or is the 4th of July just another reason to party, get drunk, and shoot off fireworks?

Cantsayno · 56-60, M
Today I was actually thinking of the brave men and women who fought so we could live in this great country.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I'll give you a clue... does King George III of England ring a bell with you?
BlueRain · 51-55, F
@SandWitch spoken like a true child.
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
@SandWitch except there were BRAVE MEN AND WOMEN that fought in the Revolutionary War so that we could become a country. Not sure if you're assuming that Adogslife was referencing our current military (which by the way, I do appreciate their service regardless) or not.
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
I do. But I'm history buff. If not for our revolutionary founding fathers we'd be the divided provinces of Spain, Britain, France, Mexico, Japan, China, Canada and whatever country wants to bid on the New World. Instead, we're the divided States of America where we all get suckered into one extreme or the other with no room for reality. Just my two cents.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I mostly think of the people who kept us safe so we could enjoy our freedom. Those people who poured out of landing crafts to storm Omaha beach, into the machine gun fire. And the brave people who went ashore on the Pacific Islands, one by one, until it was just The island of Japan itself. I think of our fathers and uncles who chased the evil people from North Africa, and up the length of Italy, and all the way to Berlin.

I know, today is not Memorial Day, but without the millions who kept us safe there would be no Independence Day.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@SandWitch Thankfully, we are free to decide for ourselves why and how we celebrate Independence Day. Not all states in these United States had to first exist as British Colonies. Most though had to break free of one or more European bully governments before arriving as states in these United States,

So we collective celebrate Independence Day for our independence from whomever the bully nation that once served as our overlords. Independence is a moveable or series of events. The Brits took another stab at us in 1812 and a handful of my ancestors sent them a’running at the Battle of New Orleans. Another set of relatives made Texas not a part of Mexico, so unless we are ready for 4 or 5 separate Independence Day celebrations, I’m fine with lumping our collective Independence together on July 4th.

Not quite the same as Memorial Day. On Memorial Day we honor their sacrifices, on July 4th we celebrate their achievements.
SandWitch · 26-30, F

Not quite the same as Memorial Day. On Memorial Day we honor their sacrifices, on July 4th we celebrate their achievements.

I disagree with you. You're still confused about the significant meaning Memorial Day and Independence Day have from each other. That is precisely why most Americans don't understand why they celebrate Independence Day. They don't understand because they confuse the 'true' meaning of each commemorative day as being one in the same much like you have done. They are not one in the same, nor even close in technical meaning.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@SandWitch Practically all, if not all, such holidays have a variance between the ‘true’ or original meaning and the twisted meaning. Christmas has come to mean dozens of things. I grew up where Mardi Gras is celebrated. Does everyone celebrating Mardi Gras realize they are celebrating Fat Tuesday, a last spirited day before beginning the penitent 40 days of Lent?

Drifting from what may have been the original reason for Independence day allows us to celebrate our own independence, that we are independent. Our breaking free from France, and Spain, and Mexico, and wherever is every bit as significant as Virginia and Pennsylvania breaking free of England. And again, without the patriots taking up arms to defy the heavy hand of overlords there would be no independence.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Lots of Americans are thinking about how far away from the vision of the creators of the constitution they wrote our govt has drifted.
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
@kodiac I second this. We went from a Republic, to a Democracy and we're spiraling down to possibly Communism since the only way down is to cause a huge reset to where we, as a whole, are so desperate for a savior to lead this nation we'll offer our freedoms. I swear if we're not the second fall of Rome, idk who is.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Unfortunately many Americans dont understand the significance of today
carpediem · 61-69, M
I think the latter rather than the former. But I believe that is about to change. We’re like a pendulum that swings left and right. We’ve swung so far to the left we’re dangerously close to losing what makes this country great.

I believe recent revelations have begun the pendulum swinging the opposite direction. I just hope it doesn’t swing too far.
I can't speak for anyone else, but every 4th of July, I think about our nation's history, and the sacrifices others made so we could be free. I also think about the current state of affairs, and how we, as a nation, are on the precipice of losing that freedom.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Some people will pick an argument over almost everything or nothing. The founding fathers were incredibly brave for what they did. They were all treasonous as far as the king believed. Had the Continental Army prevailed they would undoubtedly been hanged. The holiday should be a tribute to al.those who fought or still serve to keep our freedoms. There really is no "defined holiday" for those serving in active duty. We have Memorial Day, a tribute to those who have their all in the service of their country. We have Veterans Day for those of us who have served, but we have no Armed Services Day, so, by default, we do celebrate them on July 4th. The founding fathers did proclaim that independence be celebrated every year with fireworks, which signify the battles won. Who better to honor than active duty serviceman.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@carpediem then maybe I am wrong, lol. I served for 2 years, have lived and been educated in the US. I have my feelings/beliefs on what America is. Frank Sinatra sang a song about that many decades ago, the current politicians should review it.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 Thank you for your service.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@carpediem it was a hardship, but worth it.
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
I think all of the above 🇺🇸✌️🇺🇸
BlueRain · 51-55, F
For the most part young people think it’s another reason to party and get drunk. The older people think about freedom and independence.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Spoken like a true child. Have another drink and get over yourself. 🍹
BlueRain · 51-55, F
@SandWitch 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ferric67 · M
I feel as if there might be at least one other holiday that this can describe
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Im not drunk yet
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Most Americans today are not aware that Independence Day is about their American ancestors who fled from King George III of Great Britain over 250 years ago. Independence Day is the American celebration of an entire culture of British commoners who fled to North America to live a life of freedom by becoming independent of England and it's dictator King.

What's amazing to me is the USA's insatiable need to continue celebrating this simple act of pulling up stakes and moving to another country. When you look around, people are doing this all the time.

Why are Americans still celebrating their break from England over 250 years ago, when in fact American culture is almost identical to British culture today?
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@SandWitch I understand, but I draw a bit of distinction between the people and the culture because my fondness of the people don’t always extend to British institutions, which at times behaves like bullies.
SandWitch · 26-30, F

I agree with your historical analysis but to clear the confusion on why we celebrate independence day religiously is because we had almost lost that war.

The USA still celebrates Independence Day religiously because it had almost lost that war? 🤣 That conclusion of your's is actually laughable! 250+ years ago, I may have gone along with your analogy, but seriously, that reason you give that America had almost lost that war and therefore celebrate today because they almost didn't win, simply doesn't fly nor continue to fly not long after the smoke cleared!

The American Revolutionary War took place over 250 years ago! And now you're trying to tell me that the USA celebrates Independence Day religiously these days because they almost lost a war that took place closer to 300 years ago than 200 years ago?! Like, WTF! Get real!

The truth is, you don't have a clue nor does the USA as a Nation have a clue why Americans feel the insatiable need to celebrate Independence Day like they had just won a war, other than the obvious reason for celebration which was America's total gain of independence from Great Britain in the mid-1700's, which of course was coincident with the birth of this new Nation called 'America'.

For you to suggest that "America as a superpower would not exist...EVER" had they lost the American Revolutionary War over 250 years ago, thus being the reason Americans today celebrate Independence Day that is based on an event that took place over 250 years after that war ended, is an extremely far-reach of creative imagination on your part!

Independence Day in the USA today means nothing more than a date on the calendar which commemorates the day in each calendar year when the USA became a Nation unto itself and broke free from Great Britain ...and that's really the end of the story.

But honestly, that's all very nice that America broke free from King George III of Great Britain back in the day, but many other countries around the world went through the same thing with Great Britain and many countries today are still breaking away from Great Britain.

Those achievements of independence from Great Britain involving other Nations have never been presented on the world stage as being the big deal that the USA has always made of Independence Day for itself, but those other Nations do celebrate their own Independence Day on the calendar date that it happened for each country involved. And that's all we're really talking about with the USA as well, as being the date America became it's own Nation after it divorced it's ties with Great Britain.
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