I think people are made up of their genetics, their upbringing and their life experience but in the end it is their own choice on how to behave. so you could have been brought up being raped, beaten and god knows what done to you all your life and turn out filled with compassion for your fellow man!! While another bugger could have been raised by great parents, treated well his entire life and turn out to be an utter bastard. You never can tell. some buggers have few loose wires and yet they choose NOT to kill their neighbour, while someone whose wires are all in place decides 'Eh, why the fuck not'. All comes down to choice. And yet! I think there are some people, not all people, who no matter what, were born shitheads and would always grow up to be shitheads. Like my Dad. He had GREAT parents, his brother turned out fine but NOPE! He turned out a complete shithead nutjob. In his case was it bad wiring? Maybe.