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What do you do when your thoughts and feelings don't align with your core beliefs/values?

(I'm not gonna get any answers on this one, am I?)
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Our minds are in a constant struggle with our hearts in which as same with our core of beliefs and values. As much we seek to believe we've not change but in some degree we do.
Trying to find due North and reset our path when one becomes confusing of such seems is to be objective of you not let it unmind you. Surround yourself with the right people who know your heart to the core of your being might put you on the path you wish to take.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@Gamma87 I appreciated your response very much. Thank you.
@OverMe Welcome and thanks for such a deep question instead of some like Did you see Spot Run.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@Gamma87 Aww thanks for appreciating my question. 😊
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
I ask myself what I have to gain by not adhering to my morals because there must be something to gain if my thoughts are straying from my firmest beliefs.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@BlueMetalChick Thank you.
I know then that it is time to declutter my mind.
There is one aspect, I struggle with now.Rest are perfectly aligned.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Cognitive dissonance.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@therighttothink50 Googling...
OverMe · 51-55, F
@therighttothink50 I didn't realize this was actually a thing. Thanks for the response.
Actually, this one is right up my alley (as if you didn't know).
I check to see what's behind the dis-alignment, and feel my way through the issue.
The result of your thoughts and feelings not aligning with your core beliefs/values, are depression and feelings of not being enough, for yourself and others - feelings of missing your life, because you are.
OverMe · 51-55, F
@PhoenixPhail Yes, all so very true unfortunately.
@OverMe There is a fortune in your recognizing this is what's so. Without that recognition, you're powerless over its control.
You know...

I think it’s easy to slide away from morality when you’re depressed.

There are times when I focus on “just keep it legal” when I’m depressed. There is a lot of gray out there that can get your dopamine levels up.
76starships · 46-50, M
I'm sure you'll get quite a few answers. I myself have dealt with and continue to deal with this contradiction. I do my best, knowing that in some ways I am a huge hypocrite.
SailorMarz · F
I think i’m a bad person & feel guilty and like a fake. Thats it.
SailorMarz · F
@BlueMetalChick i’m not even bad lol
OverMe · 51-55, F
@SailorMarz I have these same thoughts, but my therapist has worked with me and taught me they are distorted thoughts (and also that thoughts and feelings are not facts ). I guess that's why I was asking.

Maybe you just make some bad choices, which you interpret to mean your entire being is bad....

SailorMarz · F
@OverMe i’ll keep that in mind

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