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Ok SW soyboys, how many of you are attempting to rub one out to Madonna's newest atrocity?

Mooed78F Best Comment
@Mooed78 the muppet is actually more attractive.
I'm not joking.
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SumKindaMunster51-55, M
This is what happens when you get old. She is trying to capture her younger more youthful face and clearly has injected filler and other stuff in there. Nobody is close enough to her to let her know how bad this looks.

It's tough for women in Hollywood who got a lot of plastic surgery in their younger days. It catches up to them and they over compensate like this.

what's his excuse? 馃
SumKindaMunster51-55, M
@SW-User No idea what happened to that guy. Clearly too much plastic surgery. I wonder if they screwed something up, cut a vital nerve or something in his face.
@SumKindaMunster maybe he had a stroke...but also had his face made shiny and plastic
She was always slim and went to great lengths to be slim. But her face now is round and fat and that weird hairstle looks like those old chain-pulled toilets.
Reminds me of an undertaker with handles.
@PatKirby yes you described "it" perfectly
Slade56-60, M
@GunFinger damn, I already gave out best comment
@Slade no worries you gave best comment to my friend Mooed. It's an accurate reply Madonna looks like a muppet now.馃槀
not even with a viagra. LOL
Slade56-60, M
kodiac22-25, M
Looks like the trunchbull
[image deleted]
HoraceGreenley56-60, M
What a freaking nightmare! 馃槻
Riemann31-35, M
I feel bad for her. Let's not make fun of her.
Slade56-60, M
Thodsis51-55, M
Can she get a refund?
m4milk51-55, M
Zero here 馃ぎ馃ぎ馃ぎ馃ぎ
If drinking babies blood and worshipping Satan was an actual thing?
Which of these 2 ladies of the same age would you guess partakes?

Looks dangerous. You could poke an eye out with that thing. Please stop scaring my poor cat 馃檧
Livingwell61-69, M
She looks terrible! She may have some kind of medical condition causing facial swelling.
pride4931-35, M
Wait, that's Madonna? She probably stole the hearts of a hundred thousand babies
FreestyleArt31-35, M
Holy shit Put that thing away!!!! Don't make me sic Nancy on you with her Exorcism 馃ぁ
Virgo7961-69, M
I don't know why people cant leave some things alone鈽癸笍
Torsten36-40, M
what is she like 90 now?
CestManan46-50, F
@Torsten she just turned 21 years old!馃槃
Torsten36-40, M
@CestManan yeah like 70 years back haha
CestManan46-50, F
What in the HAIL is that thing? 馃え
Thanks for BC
Eddiesolds61-69, M
Nope! Lol
SarithBorn18-21, M
Slade56-60, M
@iamonfire696 She's cute when horrified
empanadas31-35, M
She looks barely human
Slade56-60, M
@empanadas I think she died and they embalmed her to push her on stage
candycane31-35, F
She would look good on that wednesday series

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