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Has anyone else seriously thought about how stupid a concept the economy is?

We have to buy and discard buy and discard buy and discard perpetually.
If we don't do that all of human society implodes.
It's pretty much that simple.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Everything had an economy. Wven if you are a hunter-gatherer. You have to obtain things to live.

Try living by yourself in the wilderness.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@SW-User The North American Carbon sink has been well known for over 30 years
America does have more trees today. It's because less farm land is cultivated.
From what timeline are you making this assertion? All that's happened is that forest cover has shifted from west to east as farming left the east coast and moved west. America's forests have remained stable for approximately 100 years, but they are losing more old-growth forest that just about any other so-called "civilised" country in the world. Must Do Better.

North America is a net carbon sink.
No it isn't. It is emitting far more CO2 than it is absorbing, just like everywhere. And the reason for that is us.
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Money is getting tighter by the day for nearly everyone (just the mega rich dont appear to be concerned about the financial squeeze) but we're still being bombarded to get then latest expensive gadget or 3 piece suite or car. The consumerist ultra-capitalist agenda is still being shoved down our throats.
@Really The suite Mum has has seen me off. It was there when I was growing up and it was still there when I moved out about eighteen months ago!
Really · 80-89, M
@jackieash27 Haha; good for Mum! In your own young lifestyle does that seem admirable, or more like just old fashioned & tight fisted?
@Really it's still in good condition so I guess it's just being sensible... 🙂
RebelFox · 36-40, F
It will collapse eventually. Or nature will eradicate us.
@RebelFox It will collapse. It's crumbling now....
Really · 80-89, M
[It will collapse. It's crumbling now....
.... and accelerating, which I believe it will continue to do. Surely we're long past the point of no return.
It's disgusting that we are trapped in this vicious cycle. 😔
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
You dont have to at all . I have had the same phone for years and dont discard anything if I can help it .If I have clothing that is still wearable I no longer need I donate to charity shops anything they can sell I donate . If its more expensive electrical stuff I sell it online . I hate waste and even recycle as much as I can . We have become to much of a throw away society and our habits need to change .
@Rhode57 That is the point we're making :)
Really · 80-89, M
You dont have to at all . I have had the same phone for years and dont discard anything if I can help it .
I agree with your second statement but not really the first - even though I have had the same phone for years and don't discard anything if I can help it. More & more we're stuck 'going with the flow' because there's no longer any other option.

For example it's difficult to buy anything that isn't at least partly made of, and/or packaged in, plastic. Even our clothing is made of t he damn stuff. Last night on TV I saw an English sheep farmer who shears his sheep - himself - only for reasons of hygiene. The wool - wool! - is discarded because a whole fleece sells for only 25 pence. Professional shearers would charge at least 4 times that.

And that's just a small part of what's going badly wrong,
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
@Really You are right the world has become a throw away society . I was raised by parents who lived through the 2nd world war where you had to mend and make do . I was raised the same . Taught how to knit and sew and darn socks and also had to fix our cars in Rhodesia as new ones were a very rare commodity . Now everyone throws it away and buys new . A sad state of affairs really . As I have said in many posts we are our own worst enemy and enemy to the planet .
carpediem · 61-69, M
So don’t participate. Move to Afghanistan. Enjoy
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@carpediem Or better yet,those mega-rich entertainment stars and politicians whom profess their admiration for Cuba should live there.Im sure they'd LOVE it.
carpediem · 61-69, M
An example of this: "Black Friday". Weeks of hype about goods being reduced in price, which in reality is only a reduction of the mark-up over the real price, then what happens? We see people punching and kicking each other over a TV or an air fryer when they already have one at home but they're brainwashed into thinking they "need" a new one.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
but some economies are healthier ( for the people) than others
and we have flipped a lot in recent years going for a producer and exporter to consumption and Import.
the fomer makes us richer the latter makes us dwindle
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
While at least half the world's population is poorly housed, poorly fed, and can't afford to buy anything because the available jobs are behind artificial walls/borders we build. Is planned obsolescence and disposable products really the most stable economic philosophy? Japan's embrace of quality control sort of taught Detroit that the answer was no.
iPhones don't grow on trees. 🤷‍♀️
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
When there is a depression millions of people are plunged into poverty. Yet there are no less resources, not less food, not less timber, not less raw materials, etc How does that work?
Really · 80-89, M
@badminton Oh badminton, that basic question has been rattling around in my head for a few decades. Do you have a theory in answer to it?
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@Really I think it's because corporations, Wall Street and billionaires fix that way. Well, fellow peasants, it's time to get out the torches and pitchforks.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
economy is just the flow of currency in exchange for a service or product. way too much media hype which makes people feel comfortable or scared and worried
@1490wayb No there is a lot more to it. Economy is the base of a society and it's superstructures are our politics,religions, laws...
The way an economy works shapes culture and so much more.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i noticed that nothing lasts not even machinery. my dryer had a lot of life in it but the part was going to cost more to fix it. out to the trash it went. sickening
th3r0n · 41-45, M
It was made that way on purpose against us

The ones doing it consistently get more and more rich
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Really · 80-89, M
No one is saying making a profit is wrong
Not so sure; what's wrong with just making a decent living? A lot of of humanity can't even achieve that much. What justification is there for others to demand profit on top of it - I mean over & above whatever may be needed to keep an enterprise or business viable?
Really · 80-89, M
@DavidT8899 I'd be strongly in favor of a fairer and dramatically simplified tax system in my country, and a decimation of the bureaucracy that administers it; but it would need a great deal of intelligent, thoughtful analysis to 'get it right'. Among the simplifications I'd want is to stop using the tax system to influence social behaviour.
@DavidT8899 We have VAT in Britain. And it is a total rip off. Already over expensive goods and services are made even more expensive with this additional tax. I believe it was introduced by the tory party in the early 1970s (going off research ) and that was the start of inflation problems in this country.
@Really I am a joint partner in a cleaning business (40-60) with another woman. We use resources most local to us and we make a profit. We take some of the profit to get by but when we can, we recycle the profit into the local community and we have taken on a couple of extra people lately because we have grown. What I am against are people who are already mega rich who insist in making more money for themselves just because "they can", It's a psychopathic mentality which does nothing but harm all round
Really · 80-89, M
@Lacrimagirl I agree that working together commune-style would be preferable and more egalitarian than capitalism, but sadly I don't think it's "closer to humanities true nature". Unfortunately there's a large slice of humanity whose true nature is quite different. And the other sad truth (for the rest of us) is that the most ruthlessly competitive will nearly always gain control of "the system". Or so I believe.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
What is the alternative? Do we go back to the stone age? Live in mud huts and caves?
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@Really Without the "economy", everything goes away, we become hunter, gatherers again. And when we get to that point, we again start an economy based on barter. The guy that is a better hunter trades with the guy that is a better gatherer. Society, being part of a group rather than individuals, is built on interactions with others.
Really · 80-89, M
@Roadsterrider Semantics about what is or is not 'an economy' will not avert collapse. Only a universal commitment to drastically reduced consumption and pollution would have a hope, but I can't see those being voluntarily adopted.
Really · 80-89, M
The guy that is a better hunter trades with the guy that is a better gatherer. Society, being part of a group rather than individuals, is built on interactions with others.
The 'economies' of communes - and quite likely of most hunting & gathering communities - do not function by trading. They are generally about sharing, which is an entirely different concept. Thriving societies of the sharing kind have existed on the American continent within living memory. In some remote native communities that tradition is still the norm, despite colonist attempts to enforce 'civilization'.

In a trading economy, I will only give you something if you give me something in return, on which I personally place an equal value - otherwise 'no deal' and you get nothing. In the other system I give you something because we share what we have. Generally that involves quite a lot of personal interaction 😉.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
You can't not have an economy. Also that simple.
(Unless you plan to 100% live off the land) as it was already stated.
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
If that causes an implosion it would have happened hundreds of years ago.
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
This is the result of holding onto the same tool for too long. Like trying to work with wood but only using a saw. The saw is great for refining the sizes of the wood, but when it comes time for joinery you need something different.

Capitalism provided a big boost in early productivity and innovation. But we've reached the end of its useful state. We need to examine other tools and put down the saw. We've reached the point in capitalism where solving problems permanently is not profitable, so we need to engineer for temporary solutions.
MethDozer · M
It's moronic really. An economy amd economic model ia just made up rules and can work any wat the game is designed to ne played. Yet members of the cult of capital act like jt js a natural force and hard science.
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DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@bleach Of course,space travel may become commonplace in the very far future,where they will no doubt create new industries and opportunities.It is said that outer space may become the new frontier,much like the Old West was for America.
@DavidT8899 Let's hope not. Humanity can't even manage to take care of our earth. No need to fuck up the universe as well.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@SW-User The universe is too big for even us to fuck up.But it will make for a good challenge to explore and profit from.

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