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I'm really struggling tonight

I have a lot of weight on my shoulders and no one to lean on. I take care of my family, and when I'm in need, when I have emotions, when I break. That's when I'm reminded how alone I am. I'm not allowed to be sick, I'm not allowed to cry. I'm not allowed to be tired. Because if I do I'm not the faithful servant fulfilling my duties. I'm human, and that's not allowed.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Yes that sure sounds one-sided. I think maybe someone there doesn't understand how to treat people. Communication is key but not always easy, as you know. I completely understand. This is not love, this is control. Some people don't know the difference. When I was in my abusive marriage, I always felt like I was owned and operated, like a business partner, but not a friend or person with needs like everyone else. And I'm not talking sexual needs. It sounds like you are facing people that are emotionally unavailable. And the reason you feel so lousy is because the Lord is telling you that something needs to change; something in your life is not working and needs taken care of. You will have to pray for his guidance in the best way to handle this. Do nothing hastily. If you cannot even communicate with your partner and talk things out, I'm sorry to say that's not much of a relationship and so you will need to reestablish communication and sit down and talk about this. I know it won't be easy but ask the Lord for help and he will guide you and give you wisdom and what to do. In how to handle this. I will be praying for you and if you need to talk, feel free to pm me. Lots of hugs. And don't forget, you couldn't be in better hands, nor have better leadership, than to turn to the wisdom of the Lord. 🌹
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@LadyGrace thank you so much for your kindness. Things have been really hard. My husband was horribly burned. I was with him in the hospital for two months. I'm still taking care of him. I've bent over backwards for him. I got sick with the flu and he didn't even notice. It really offended me. It was obvious I was sick and he seemed to ignore me so that I would get upset.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Lilliesandlight I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for you and I hope things improve for you very soon.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@LadyGrace thank you so much 🤗
Isthisit · F
Those around you need to realise that you are only human and you cant be perfect all the time. It is an impossible standard for anyone to live up to. To care properly for others you have to take care of yourself first and foremost.
Do you have any friends or other family you can talk to? Have you ever considered counselling?
LadyGrace · 70-79
Are you feeling better? I hope so. 🌹🤗
RuyLopez · 56-60, M
You have to allow yourself to be human. Give yourself the grace to cry and take what you need to restore yourself. Your mind, body and soul are demanding it. What ever gives you pleasure or rest or relief from the stress. Even for a moment. Give it to yourself if no one else will. A walk, a pet, a manicure, whatever. You have the right to give yourself the permission. No one else has the right to deny it.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@RuyLopez 🙌🙏👌 MUST.....is RIGHT! If she does not at this point, she will lose her health and no one is worth that. But still if a marriage can be worked out, I say go for it unless this person is being abusive. If it is her husband and he's an abusive bully, and will not listen, then she definitely needs to go her own way. I am not for divorce but when it comes to losing your health, like I did, because of such a person as this, please get out. Don't walk out. RUN!
Montanaman · M
You're allowed to here.
I'm here for you.
Just reach out, and take my hand. 😔🤗

Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@Montanaman you're an amazing soul 🤗
Feel free to talk to me about anything, I have been there too. People don't realize that we are imperfect and need someone to lean on once in awhile, despite our place in society. You are allowed to be who you are.It's the humanness that makes us beautiful inside and out
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User So beautifully said. 🌹🤗
@LadyGrace Thank you :)
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
You deserve respect and rest like anybody else.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
I hope you find solace somewhere.
Spumoni · 46-50, M
Big hug

Sorry that you're not getting any help from anyone so as to give you time to live
I know how hard that can be i do the same thing i help my elderly parents and work 7 days a week i never really have any time for myself when i get upset or down or depressed i have no one to turn too or talk too i dont have friends because i never really had time to make or interact with any
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@ExperienceDLT that's rough. I'm sorry you have to bear the weight alone
@Lilliesandlight well the way i look at it my parents raised me so it would be selfish of me to not help them now that they need help
@Lilliesandlight and as for the alone part im used to that everything ive ever dealt with i fealt with alone so thats nothing new
I’m sorry you’re struggling and I hope you feel better soon.
Serenity1980 · 41-45, F
I have felt this way before, I'm sorry.
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
I know how you feel to the bone. Stay strong and find solace in mini-moments to recharge, even for a few seconds. Count your blessings often and take progressive action towards changing the things that don't work in your life anymore. Take care, a strong woman must also take care of herself if she is to stay strong forever ❤
Docdon23 · M
sending love and hugs and hope your way...I am also struggling...my wife just had a massive stroke
Docdon23 · M
@Lilliesandlight we need a nice virtual prolonged hug together--sending it your way...and perhaps a good cry...let it go...allow your emotions to be expressed...
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@Docdon23 long hugs back 🥺🤗
Docdon23 · M
@Lilliesandlight It would be so nice, especially right now. Thank you.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Sounds like you’re living with one or more narcissists.
I’m sorry to hear that… but thank you for what you do.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
What's going on tonight

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