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The Bible—Is It True or Is It Truth? (And Does It Matter?)

I just had to sigh and shake my head when I read a recent article titled “Is the Bible True? Or Is It Truth?” The article pokes fun at those who read the Bible “literally,” specifically calling out the global flood account as “pretty farfetched.” But the reasons he gives for why “the story of Noah is a tough nut to crack” are the same skeptical objections we’ve addressed for years!

Here are the objections author Scott Pinsker brings up, followed by a short answer with links to articles we’ve written on these topics (you can also find answers to nearly all these questions at the life-size Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter).
Objection: How could Noah bring “every animal on earth” onto the ark, including “1.05 million insect species, 11,000 birds, 11,000 reptiles, and 6,000 mammals”?
Answer: He didn’t need to! Follow the link to the full story, but the short answer is he only needed land-dwelling, air-breathing animal KINDS (not species)—less than 7,000 animals total!

Objection: The fossil record proves there couldn’t have been a worldwide flood.
Answer: Actually, it shows the opposite!

Objection: Regionalized flora and fauna prove there couldn’t have been a worldwide flood.
Answer: To answer this objection you need to understand the biblical concept of kinds.

Objection: Noah would’ve had to bring freshwater fish into an onboard aquarium or they would’ve died out.
Answer: This fails to understand the differences between the preflood world and our world and, again, the concept of kinds. Besides, the account in Scripture states only land animal kinds were on the ark.

Objection: Noah would’ve been required to take 2,000 species of termites on the ark, and surely the wooden vessel wouldn’t survive that.
Answer: But Noah perhaps didn’t need to bring insects on the ark, and even if he did, he wouldn’t need all those species!

Objection: Noah could never have cared for so many animals.
Answer: Well, he didn’t bring tens of thousands of animals onboard the ark! He easily could have cared for the few thousand he needed to bring.

Objection: Why didn’t Noah bring innocent babies onto the ark instead of having them perish in the flood?
Answer: God offered a means of salvation, and everyone except Noah and his family rejected it and therefore kept their children from receiving it as well. Besides, only God determines what is right and wrong. How can a human being determine morality without a basis in an absolute authority?

It’s rather frustrating to see skeptics—Christian or otherwise—mock the Bible for so-called “petty flaws” that thoughtful Christians have addressed for years! Just a few minutes of research on our site would’ve shown that there are plausible answers to these questions (and he does know our site exists—he links to the Ark Encounter page!). And yet he just repeats the same tired objections he’s heard from equally uninformed skeptics.

Why does he raise all these objections? Well, it’s to supposedly bolster his main point:

There are infinite ways to interpret the Bible. The Bible is about God, after all, and everyone’s image of God is different: My mental image of God differs from yours. And if we can’t even agree on the starting point, it’s gonna be next to impossible to agree on all the twists and turns in the Scriptures.

The historicity of the Bible is a tricky topic—one that’s rife with recriminations, allegations, and declarations of faith. . . . Couldn’t an all-powerful, all-knowing God just as easily create a Holy Book that’s historical AND moral? Then why must it be one or the other? Why not both?

Only God Himself knows for sure.

If only God himself knows, wouldn’t it behoove us to look at what God has said about his own Word in his Word and take it as written? One verse in particular immediately comes to mind:

For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me. (John 5:46)

Jesus tells his skeptical audience that they would believe his words if they believed the history written in the Old Testament, because it all points to him. God recorded history, not just to teach us some “special wisdom . . . that can transform your soul,” but to point us to the Lord of history, Jesus Christ.

And he also gave us his Word—history—for our instruction, so we can know what is right and wrong and know how to think biblically. Consider that, after refreshing his audience on some Old Testament history, Paul writes:

Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did. (1 Corinthians 10:6)


Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. (1 Corinthians 10:11)

God’s Word is both historical and filled with spiritual truths—not because I say so, but because God himself says so! (And he would know—he authored it after all! See 2 Timothy 3:16). And besides, Genesis is written as typical historical narrative and is treated as such in the New Testament.

In the end, the author asks the question: “Do you believe the Bible is true—that every word and every claim should be taken 100% literally? Or do you believe the Bible is truth—that there’s a special wisdom within the Scriptures that can transform your soul, but truth comes in many forms, and you’ll have to work at uncovering the meaning for yourself?” (emphasis original)

I’ll simply let the Scriptures answer that question for themselves:

Your word is truth. (John 17:17)

The sum of your word is truth. (Psalm 119:160)

Let God be true though every one were a liar. (Romans 3:4)

God’s Word is truth because it is true—if it isn’t true, then God is a liar and therefore the Bible is not truth. You can’t have one without the other!

Oh, and to clear up yet another misconception—we don’t take the Bible “100% literally.” We read the Bible naturally, according to genre, as it was meant to be read!

by Ken Ham on October 21, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

There's only one interpretation of God's Word, and that belongs to God and whoever He decides to share it with.
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I love that Ken emphasizes that God is not just any truth, but the Truth. Jesus never said I am a way, a truth, or a life, but that He is THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life.

To determine if a part of the Bible is not speaking figuratively, we can look for passages where the language is plain, directly describes historical events or people, and makes logical sense when interpreted literally, considering the context of the surrounding verses and the overall message being conveyed; if a literal interpretation would lead to an impossible or harmful action, it's figurative language being used.

We must always examine the surrounding verses and the broader narrative to understand the intended meaning.

We must recognize common figurative language like metaphors, similes, hyperbole, and parables, which are often used in the Bible.

If a passage makes sense when interpreted literally, without requiring extreme or impossible actions, it's more likely to be literal.

Examples of potentially figurative language:
"You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14):
This is a metaphor, comparing Christians to a source of light, signifying their positive influence on others.

"Let the dead bury the dead" (Luke 9:60):
"Dead" here is likely figurative, meaning someone spiritually dead to God's call, not literally deceased.

"Do not take an eye for an eye" (Matthew 5:38):
This is often interpreted as a call for forgiveness and non-retaliation, not literal physical retribution.

Examples of likely literal language:
"Jesus walked on water" (Matthew 14:22-33):
While miraculous, this is interpreted as a literal event, given the details provided.

"Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31):
This is a clear command to treat others with kindness and respect, understood as a literal instruction.
This is the greatest post. I've been reading on a few of these things and I will offer my thoughts when time permits but I just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed this. There's definitely a lot to this.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
The archeological geographic record proves a flood happened. So it's a near extinction in history. However the archeological geographic record also show 3 additional exinction historical episodes. And it also shows the dinosaurs preexisting mankind. I'm not here to give ANY fuel to those who want disprove the Bible because it's the word of God WRITTEN BY MAN so man had to exist for that happen. We can argue forever but we already know it doesn't tell us how God worked his creation and that what we ourselves have learned that the Bible shortcuts the telling of all the cosmos and earths creation and it's real beginnings start with Adam and Eve. All those mysteries before and the what cannot be dismissed but were irrelevant and unknown to those writing the words as given to them.
We were given the ability and freedom to learn and we are doing that about our world.
Everyone is welcome to criticize my opinion and I don't care. There are in fact things about our world the Bible doesn't discuss.
I have expressed and been knocked down for this one thought.
To me if you want evidence of miraculous creation the Big Bang is something out of nothing representing it. Some believe there was no Big Bang and others believe dinosaurs never existed. I suppose God created all the bones and fossils dug up for his amusement and to confuse us.
I am just me a simple human observer disguised as a chimp.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
Of all your comments and your knowing nothing and will continue to know nothing of my career background other than what I said throughout SW replies and posts, i didn't need your theory explanation. However a theory remains theory until proven factual.
If I am reading this poor, tortured sentence correctly, you just said that you understand what a theory is before demonstrating the exact opposite. However, as you also do not understand grammar, I could be mistaken.
As for Adam and Eve as I said a real head scratcher.
No, it is not. The fact of the matter is, it is impossible on the face of it. Two humans cannot create an entire species, because the sheer amount of inbreeding would cause major genetic defects.
However, and this is a Howstuffworks article extraction:
Nearly every ancient culture told its own set of creation myths and they share a remarkable number of similarities, including key elements of the Adam and Eve story

All these cultures with their own religious beginnings telling a similar story? It takes more than Bull💩 to explain this.
Not really. You are failing to take into account that these ancient cultures had no conception of DNA, or why ingredients would lead to fatal genetic flaws. Besides all of that, this is an ad populum fallacy.
Infering and implying. Really? there's no effing difference.
Must I explain the basics of the English language to you before we move on to more advanced topics? To infer is to assume based upon evidence. To imply is to hint and give evidence. Example: "He inferred what I implied."
We can argue forever but there remains things unexplained neither of us will settle.
God of the gaps fallacy. Everyone take a drink.
I believe our archeologist findings and the things existing before mankind. And much to the angst of Christians I believe if God exists evolution could very well be one of his tools. I take crap for that because the Bible doesn't address those extinction periods.
At least we agree on that.
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I think anyone with basic theology should understand the Bible as allegory. Understand the message and meaning in the stories. It's impossible for it to be an accurate historical text considering how it came about. Whether or not the stories really happened is kind of besides the point.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 The Noah story is about how Noah is the only biblical character who completely obeyed the god character without whining. Even the Jesus character whined.

Noah was given an outrageous task to do without really knowning how to do it. He had to build a giant ark, which involved all kinds of skills he lacked. Once he got that done he had to collect all of the food suplies for all of the different animals and get enough to last for a year. And then he had to collect all of the animals and get them into the ark.

The story actually illustrates how a person should be totally obedient to the God character without whining even if the person doesn't have a clue as to how he will accomplish the task. As I said, even the Jesus character whined and he was supposedly the son of God.

The flood is a metaphor for war, which is depicted when Noah sent out a raven (a symbol of war) and then a dove (a symbol of peace). The dove didn't find any peace. Later on he sent out another dove and the dove returned with a fresh olive branch (a symbol of peace, the end of the war).

Read the fairytale. The Garden of Eden was surrounded by the Middle East empires. And after Noah's flood (war) those same empires were there intact and were never flooded out of existence by water.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Obviously, the Truth is not in you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have thought was whining when cried that out.

It's obvious that the Jesus character lost faith in his daddy. Of course Mary had been telling him lies all of his life about how the sky God was his real daddy. But once he was nailed to the cross he finally wised up but it was too late.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
It's obvious that the Jesus character lost faith in his daddy. Of course Mary had been telling him lies all of his life about how the sky God was his real daddy. But once he was nailed to the cross he finally wised up but it was too late.

If you want to believe in your jesus character and his sky daddy, It's your privilege to do so. I'll stick with the one true God and Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
If you want to believe in your jesus character and his sky daddy, It's your privilege to do so. I'll stick with the one true God and Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord.

Why didn't you simply say that you are one of the lost sheep of the house of Israel?

Matthew 15:24 (ERV)
"Jesus answered, “God sent me only to the lost people of Israel.”"
SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
So, seriously, ARE you Ken Ham or have you just never had an original thought of your own?
SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
@LadyGrace I'm being nice...a bit of a brat...but nice. lol

I have no issue with his biblical prowess. I'm sorry, though, when a person says the Earth is 6000 (or whatever number it is, I can't remember off top of my head) years old, despite evidence to the contrary, I can't take their science cred seriously.

I'll leave my opinions about the creation museum and the ark encounter to myself, it doesn't matter for this
@SarahAndSamantha lol okay Sarah. I love that name. I used to call my daughter Sarah even though her name is Sherry. Hahaha I love that name
SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
@LadyGrace Thank you, I picked it out all by myself :)
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Massageman · 70-79, M
Great piece. Amen. We have to stop at the Ark and Museum when visiting family on our next trip.
Massageman · 70-79, M
@newjaninev2 with the exception of the "behind the interior" spaces, all the measurements are per the Bible.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Massageman as are the construction materials and methods, I assume.

At least the workforce would have been cheap, given there were so few of them... and the edifce was not required to actually float 😀

When will it be stocked with all 10 million of Earth's species (fish included)?

Fleecing the poor to build a monument to gullibility - that's quite some vanity project!
Massageman · 70-79, M
@newjaninev2 If you had read - AND understood the original post - you wouldn't have asked this question: it was already answered.
AbbySvenz · F
I just had to sigh and shake my head

You didn’t. Your boy Ham did
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
It’s a nice idea, but it’s a leaky boat.
Reads like mythology.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I believe the Bible is true if only because all of its detractors have been proven false.
UndeadSona · F
Bro had a spaceship and shrinking technology duh. That's how he was able to get animals to cross continents and if he has a spaceship he could take less animals and mutate them for genetic diversity. It's also how we didn't die out despite being horrendously inbred like the goons we should be.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
You forgot the third option.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@CorvusBlackthorne He didn't forget it. Ken Ham didn't write it, so he's incapable of thinking it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Dude. Are you seriously just not capable of coming up with stuff on your own? Do you literally just exist as a vessel for Ken Ham?

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