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Confused, I don’t feel like I belong here

My life feels like one big joke. I feel like no matter how much I pray, nothing is going to change. I feel so useless. What purpose could God possibly have for me? I want nothing more than for Him to take me out. I hate being alive and would much rather I never existed, period..
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
Some very simple prayer instructions that I have found got good results;

FIRST: THANK GOD FOR ALL HE HAS DONE FOR YOU (I'm sure you'll think of something)

I sincerely hope you find your purpose. :)
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@Matt85 oxygen, breathing, walking, talking, eating, chewing food, swallowing, hands that work, clothes, a warm place to live, health.... So many things to be grateful for
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
Humor is life-saving. Even life can get comical. If it looks like a joke, laugh it off and keep going. You may not understand today, but maybe the answers will hit you a little bit farther on your path.

Patience! Sometimes the universe/God/the main source of everything, may need time to get to you! Imagine the number of prayers sent to space per split-second!

God's purpose could be beyond our comprehension (not relating to intelligence, but rather, to the fact that you can't contain the vastness of space in a tiny human mind - it would pop!). Perhaps our reason to exist is not to understand God's purpose (that's his job), but to discover and expand our own.

You exist. The experiences (good and bad), are all gifts of learning. The purpose of your existence lies not only on events that seem to be programmed into your life, but also on your will. What do you want your purpose to be? Think about it and align your actions to your principles. Don't wait for your purpose to be magivally revealed - build it into what you like.

God will take you out, when your time comes. Clearly it is not your time. He has plans for you. You should respect that and hold on a little more, life has good sides worth living for. New good moments are on the way!

Now, that last sentence us not entirely true, and you know it. You are having a tough time at the moment. That's understandable. But you wouldn't be born if your soul didn't agree to learn and grow here on Earth. This is like a level on the game of existence that is too big to comprehend at once.

I don't know anything with certainty, but I feel very strongly for myself that I wanted to be born, and was even rushing, at that (was born about 2 months in advance) 😆

So when I have a hard moment I tell myself, if I am here, I must still have something to accomplish and learn around here. I may not understand now, but I'll take it one moment/day/ decision at a time because I feel like I should see what comes next.

Life is a weird thing... but also interesting.
You never know when things can flip... to the bad.. or to the good! That kind of gives me hope that when I'm down, it is not permanent.

Good will come, too. You just keep pushing.
Strive to be your best, that will allow you to receive the best of life (if not today, maybe tomorrow, it will reach you) 💪 🙂☀️

Anyway, life looks better when you look upfront and ahead, every day. You can do it.

Think about your life short and long goals and just pursue them one by one. The rest will take care of itself.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Busybee333 Every life is a masterpiece but not perfect. What do you mean? Can you explain?

Do you work?
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
@sree251 Even a masterpiece is not entirely perfect; yet, it feels complete and beautiful, so much that we perceive it as perfect. :)
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Busybee333 If you perceive it as perfect, then it is! What's the matter with you?
eyeno · M
[What purpose could God possibly have for me? ]
Just a reminder which even I need at times.
"Its not about you".
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
Same, I'm completely confused at what is going on. My purpose is just get bad luck or something.
Go to a hospital if you are depressed or suicidal. Many people your age are confused and lost and more. You are alive for good reasons. It is up to you to live. To learn. To grow. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Go volunteer to work in a soup kitchen or with a local agency. Focus on others instead of poor you. I have never belonged anywhere in the world, but I found a niche in healthcare. And I am mostly a solitary learner in life. You do live .It is a gift. That is all I have to say to you. The whole world is not about you. You are part of the world.
Lonelyandyb · 36-40, M
I know somewhat how you feel.
I like to think everyone has a purpose. I hope you find yours. Just stick around
Edashh2399 · 26-30, F
@Lonelyandyb thank you dear, hope I can find mine too
sree251 · 41-45, M
You have written a heartfelt prayer for all humanity.

Life has no purpose for everyone. It is worse for the sick, the poor, and those who must toil for a living.
Lisa82 · 41-45, F
Please get help. Remember God loves you.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Life is change. Yet even the rate of change can change too drastically.

Reconsider your choices.

Do change, yet change more slowly.

In doing so, you can find your own reasons. Change too much, you will be unable to see your own reasons. Therefore the confusion.
Please speak with a mebtal health counselor
Never mind "god", whatever that might be. Just look around your family and friends. They are there for you if they love you. And if there is no one in your family or friends you feel comfortable confiding, ask a counsellor.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Keep praying... This is only for a season, it will change, you'll get through it, stronger from the lesson learned
We're all faced with a different challenge in life. Dont give up faith and be patient with God as he will be patient with you.
eyeno · M
Forgive me, not to sound condescending but its not about you, Its the one we believe in.
I'll listen to this everyday which affirms my belief in God and His promises to us.
Pay close attention to the words sung and know He is.

Penny · 46-50, F
im thinking what you need to do is figure out why you are so miserable, then do what you have to do so YOU can change it to be happy and not wait around praying for God to answer your prayers. they do say that God meets you halfway and I hope your life improves
eyeno · M
@Penny James 4:8 👍🏻
Filipinalez · 18-21, F
I was toild he writes straight with crooked lines. Keep praying and dont give up and hey if you need an ear, a shoulder or just need to vent hit me up hon.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Why pray for an imaginary person
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
What are the things that are going so wrong?

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