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Adstar · 56-60, M
I am a Christian teenage girl, but I am bisexual. I love God and I believe he loves me

Yes God loves you.. Jesus suffered death to pay the penalty for your sins.. But the question must be asked do you believe God? do you trust God ? do you Love God?

I am bisexual. I love God and I believe he loves me, but am I sinning?

The only sexual relationships sanctioned by God is sex between a wife and her husband.. Anything outside of that is sin.. So if you are engaging in sexual relationships outside of that you are sinning..

As i said above Jesus obtained Atonement for Our sins but the process of actually obtaining that Atonement is to first Believe God and that means believe in His standards.. That way we can accept atonement for our own sins.. The worst thing we can do is reject the LORD's standards and declare our sins to be good and thus willfully engage in that sin.. willfully meaning having an in your face rebellious attitude towards Gods will.. One cannot be justly forgiven a transgression that they never seek forgiveness for..
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@Adstar thank you for your help and advice. Please could you tell me where it says that the sexual relationship must be between man and woman?
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Aoibh2ellie You will find most of the statements on the restrictions in the Bible in Leviticus chapter 18 and also Romans chapter 1 also deals with the issue..
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@Adstar thank you ❤️

TrashCat · M
Don't worry about what you hear in a book of fairy tales
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
I often turn to music over boring didactics. Good luck :D
@DestroyerOfIdeologies Hi, looked up the lyrics. Thanks.

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home?
Iwillwait · M
Of course HE does!
It depends on which God you mean. There are two Gods in Christianity both that call themselves God. One God is literally called love. The other god is a prideful hate filled genocidal maniac. You can tell which one a person serves by looking at the love vs hate in their heart. Does the person hate gay people? Trans people? Are they racist, sexist, bigoted, etc... If they are like that they are serving the evil God.
The God of love actually loves everyone no matter what. Jesus is a good example of this because he died for ALL sin. Not just the sin of those that believe in him or accept him. As the new testament says Love covers a multitude of sins. And the perfect example of love is to die for another. Like Jesus. So there is no sin that is not covered by his love.
Although you find the evil worshipers excluding people saying Jesus didn't die for X and That X is going to hell. But doesn't that mean Jesus failed if people are still going to hell. He supposedly took back the keys to hell and death. It never said he excluded anyone. But in the parable of the lost sheep the shepherd was not satisfied with having all but one. But instead looked and found even the one lost one. That is the example of Jesus. That All people forevermore are save no matter what. Cause love is infinite and Love IS God.
So Yes God loves you and Jesus loves you because They ARE love.
But the other evil God is also scattered throughout the bible as well. He is the one always in a rage and smiting everyone. But the bible says to have a discerning spirit and to test the spirits because not all are of the loving God.
And since god is love the bible also tells that love is patient, love is kind... Which sounds nothing like the other God. So follow love. Love all people, including yourself and love will cover a multitude of sins.
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@canusernamebemyusername thank you so much for your advice, this is along the lines of what my sister has told me, thank u ❤️
No, it is not a were made the way you were for a reason. Don't let religion hold you be you!! You've got to be yourself or it will eat you alive!! 🤗
@SW-User These days the Church has become a tax free political base. The Religious leaders are more interested in power than religion.
@Pitchblue I see where you're coming from and I do agree with that....
@SW-User Without the Evangelicals the Republican Party would be dead in the water. Leading down the road of antiabortion, anti LGBTQ and even White Supremacy.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Why would u be sinning Aoibh .
God made u that way .
You take notice of everything thats said in the bible or christianity and apply it to your life , you'd go off your game completely .
I seen it happen to some people .
They took notice of everything and guess what happened , whats happening to u .
Your after putting the fear of God into u and that's not what Gods about .
It does in the bible " You shall fear no one except me " .
Thats to keep u on the right road ,but applying your sexuality to God that's not whats it about at all .
I have a few friends and there gay .
There sound out and there perfectly happy being who they are and also they have good morals .
So if i was u I'd take that idea out of your mind .
Your only 18 - 21 . You should be enjoying your life at that age , not going too deep into religious views . It's nice to have a religious belief , thats security , but don't take it too serious especially at your age
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@riseofthemachine literally going to cry this is so kind thank you for your advice ❤️
Penny · 46-50, F
I think whats most important is how you feel about what you are doing. If you think it's a sin then you will be sinning against yourself. As far as answeringr your question from my opinion... if what you are doing is born truly out of a place of love and resonates with your hearts deep desires then it's not a sin.
God loves sinners, but hates the sins.
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@Emosaur Well, according to the rules of the game, sinners who fail to repent and believe go there, sinners who do, get to spend eternity with such a cool god.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Yes he loves you.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
No, you're not sinning. There is no god.
@DunningKruger you're gonna spoil the game.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@EarthlingWise Oh! Yeah. My bad.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
You are not bi sexual. You simply need to learn to channel your urges into healthy channels.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Aoibh2ellie God gives you a choice like He gives us all choices. Your choice is to be bi. Others choose to be gay. Most choose to be straight. Your choice to blame God for your choosing.
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@hippyjoe1955 I believe God made me like this personally but you’re entitled to your opinion!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Aoibh2ellie You can believe you are a toaster. It doesn't change the reality of you having control over your zipper.
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
1. God loves you no matter what.

2. Sex between two consenting women is not a sin. The Bible verses that conservatives bring up to try to make us believe it is a sin are taken out of context; furthermore, I’ve read a rumor that before 1983 English translations of the Bible said nothing about homosexuality being wrong, those passages were talking specifically about men who used little boys as sex slaves.

3. Setting the Bible aside, why would sex between two consenting women or girls be a sin? You’re not hurting anyone, it’s a victimless crime.

Also remember God is love, and his two greatest commandments are to love Him and to love your neighbor as yourself. If you want to chat some more my inbox is open.
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@JPWhoo thank you so much for your kind advice and care ❤️
God especially loves girls who likes girls..
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
You have to overcome your lower desires of the flesh. Yes
it is sinning, but YHWH is very mercifull and forgiving, but
as Jesus said, go and sin no more.
dale74 · M
No it is not a sin to be who you are no more a sin to have pre marriage sex. We all do things both sin and not we strive to be the best we can. God always loves us no matter what we do as long as we follow him and do not renounce him he will always forgive anything we ask him he will always be with us and love us.
How much do you enjoy this guilt trip? because many people spend an awful part of their lives debating with themselves over false issues.
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
Ynotisay · M
Maybe you should ask yourself if you're on board with a god who doesn't want you be happy and who you are. Sin is a made made construct to control people. So in your god's eyes, is it better for someone who is gay or bisexual to be "good," compassionate and kind or is he more on board with someone being hateful, angry and oppressing but gets off the hook by admitting to they're a sinner? I'd consider moving towards the first option.
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@Ynotisay thank you so much. I’m not okay with praying to a God who doesn’t want me to be happy. But I do not believe that’s who God is. ❤️
DocSavage · M
As Shakespeare said ,” to thy own self be true.”
As an Atheist , I don’t believe in god. But, it seems irrational to lie to something like that, or to yourself.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
How can you sin if your God made you this way?
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@Aoibh2ellie I think the lord made his followers to be who and what they are and those who claim loving the same gender is wrong are the true sinners
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@Aoibh2ellie A god who speaks of love does not want his creations going to hell
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@WolfGirlwh0r3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
God created you and God loves you. He is always with us
Punches · 46-50, F
EVERYthing is a sin, no matter what. One might as well enjoy life.
Loves me? Probably. So far He's left me alone.
Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
What does the Bible say?
TrashCat · M
@Sequoia51 It doesn't say anything. You need to read it
Lostpoet · M
Yes God loves you
Yes he loves you
bugeye · 26-30, F
Unfortunately the bible is very clear on its stance on homosexuality.

Personally i believe as long as whoever you are with loves you back who cares what gender they are. Stop wondering how other things feel about you and focus on what makes you happy.
Aoibh2ellie · 18-21, F
@bugeye where does the bible say about homosexuality? I haven’t actually seen it but thank u for the care
Humans are not qualified to answer your question.
Khenpal1 · M
at your age put the religion in 3rd place in your life.
God's love has nothing to do with what you do, sinning or not. Pro tip: if you understand the difference between God's love and your sinning, the easier it'll be to manage sin
Nah, you're going to Hell. See you there.
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JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@Emosaur This flowchart is very simplistic. For example, Does God want to prevent the evil?>no>God is not all loving; so God created a bunch of robots that can’t make choices for themselves? Because that’s the only way to prevent evil, is to make sure that we humans never choose it.

Could God have created a universe without evil that maintains free will?>no>God is not all powerful. Well obviously even an all powerful God can’t do things that are logically impossible. For example, God can’t create an object that simultaneously exists and doesn’t exist. A universe without evil that maintains free will falls into that realm, it’s the same type of thing.

An all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful God would not, and could not have allowed the creation, or continued existence of Satan. What’s he supposed to do? Zap Satan into oblivion just because he chose sin? Because God wanted robotic angels that have no free will? If by Satan what you really mean is hell, then I’ll agree, hell doesn’t exist. Hell is not even just, let alone merciful, so I don’t believe in it. From what I’ve either read or been told early Christians didn’t have anything like the modern concept of hell either.

Also, I’m open to the possibility that perhaps God is not all knowing and/or all powerful.
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