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RavensStar98 · 31-35, M
"Evolved".. Well i guess we are Pokemon now 😃 but where are my powers?? 🤬

If you really believed in God you wouldn’t waste so much time trying to prove someone wrong, faith is personal and comes from within
DocSavage · M
You assume people are wicked and deceitful without knowing anything about them.
Sharon · F
Anyone who compares God with the tooth fairy is a moron.
Childish insults are the resort of those with no logical argument to offer.
@SW-User True Christians should not ask if the bible is moral, or if God is moral. If God is the source of morality, then asking if God is moral is like asking if goodness is good. To ask seriously if God or the bible is moral (with a possible negative answer) is to assume that “moral” means something apart from God, and that we already know what it means independently of the bible. If the word “moral” has meaning by itself, then right and wrong can be understood apart from God, and judging the morality of God puts him under the jurisdiction of a higher level of criticism. This is true even if the judgment is favorable. To the believer, questioning the morality of God is blasphemy. It implies that the “supreme judge” can be judged.

However, “Is God moral?” is a perfectly legitimate question to freethinkers who are outside the religious circle. Also it has to make some kind of sense to Christians, if they are honest, in order for them to be able to worship. Can you worship someone who has not earned respect? When Christians or Jews say that “God is good” aren’t they judging God? Don’t they think his character merits praise and adoration? Or, are they simply giving blind obedience to whatever happens to be omnipotent? (We can “respect” the strength of a hurricane, but not call it good or worship it.) Most of us do not consider it an admirable moral quality to praise power alone. So, if believers deem God to be good, then it must be because they have judged God to be morally worthy of respect. You can’t praise what you don’t admire.

It doesn’t really matter how God acts: God is good because God said he is good, and we should worship him not because he has earned our admiration but because he has demanded it. Morality is not a question with which mere human minds should wrestle, believers insist. It is something that should be determined by the perfect, omniscient, omnipotent mind of God.
DocSavage · M
So it’s back to the walking mud pie and the transgender clone again is ?
Been there done that.
Let’s just skip to the basics, shall we.
Your video is full of bullshit, evolution is real, it works, there is no intelligent design. It’s just evolution .no god needed. And even if by some miracle you could debunk evolution, it still will would not prove your precious Yahweh exist.
Yahweh, isn’t dead, he was never alive to begin with. No one here is going to waste their time trying to prove it one way or another. You’ll make the usual false claims, accusations, etc.
You’ll keep moving the goal post to avoid straight answers, yadda, yadda, yadda.

You still owe us an ape skull, and me a light year.
And Jesus is a bastard.

Does that cover everything ?
Your hiding place all set ?
DocSavage · M
You still don’t see science accepting creationism do you.
That’s because evolution works.
DocSavage · M
Nonsense. God would have to be (assuming he actually existed ) indifferent for creation practical.
DocSavage · M
All meaningless.
You can’t establish god’s existence with quotes.
Did you happen to check Pope Francis views on Evolution and creation?

@DocSavage Kind of weird that this guy's screen name includes "invictus." "Amadeus invictus" means "Unbeaten lover of God," but "Invictus" is a famous poem by William Ernest Henley that implies a total rejection of God and any kind of salvation other than what the poet can do for himself.
DocSavage · M
Religion is hypocritical to begin with, the more devoted, the worse they get
@DocSavage The problem is religion paired with political conservatism. The only thing stopping this guy from cutting our heads off the way ISIS would is he doesn't want to go to jail. If he could get away with it, he'd do it in a second. These people have turned Jesus into a violence-loving fascist.
If human evolution is so easily disproven then why don't you go ahead and point to the last skull which represents "ape" and the first one which represents human.

Surely these two "kinds" are so distinct that you'll have no trouble.
Aaaand Go!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@DocSavage @Sharon
Saw a video today. Over 29% of Americans, no longer refer or consider themselves as belonging to a religion. Up another 6% from the survey done in 2014.

Even if that were true, it still doesn't alter the fact that Yahweh lives and His Word is true. As a matter of fact, it'll prove what Paul wrote to Timothy during the early years of the church.

3 But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

2 Timothy 3:1-7
Sharon · F
I can't ignore what I can't see.
You're starting to understand at last. Well done. Atheists can't see the evidence you claim to have. Neither can you it seems because you've never managed to present a single shred of it.
Sharon · F
Even if that were true, it still doesn't alter the fact that Yahweh lives and His Word is true.
Just as your wilful refusal to believe in The Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't alter the fact that Our Lord FSM lives and Its Word is The Truth. r'Amen.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Years ago when i ran out of Rizla papers i used a few pages from the Gideons bible to roll a joint. Also i once used several pages of the book of Esther to wipe my bum. I knew the bible would come in useful one day.
Sharon · F
@Entwistle I knew a Prison Officer and a Pagan Visiting Minister. They both said the same independently.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@Sharon Cool.
PatKirby · M

Years ago when i ran out of Rizla papers i used a few pages from the Gideons bible to roll a joint.

Just curious. Was that Gideon Ganja or a Bible Blunt? I'm guessing Chronicles Chronic would've made me reach the heights! Aye mon, good vibrations and a testament to your creativity!
There is no evidence for the existence of God. If you have any, produce it.
Sharon · F
You take His Word for it,
Your god is just a figment of your imagination, it doesn't have an independent word for anyone else to take.
DocSavage · M
I would take god’s word for it, but not yours.
So tell god to give me a call, he has my number, or should if he is actually god.
DocSavage · M
Funny how you can’t seem to pin point it
This is so silly like act your age
Sharon · F
@SW-User Yet he can't see that the same explanation can be applied to the quantum singularity the expanded to form the universe we know. His god is a totally unnecessary postulate, a complete waste of time.
DocSavage · M
He still didn’t say where god came from , or how he influences a material universe, he just said what would be needed . That doesn’t answer anything.
Sharon · F
@DocSavage I noticed, he just rambled on carefully avoiding the real question. Typical christian obfuscation.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Actually humans are still evolving.
DocSavage · M
Gods, what else ?
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@GodSpeed63 Yahweh is a fiction. He doesn't exist outside of your own imagination.
DocSavage · M
So we have no reason to believe a word you say
I remember hearing how evolutionist scientists faked fossils to create a human tree of evolution.

They just want to undermine the word of God
DocSavage · M
I heard that it was god himself who planted fossils, and made the rock layers appear millions of year old, when they are only 6,000+ .
Which would.mean that scientist would have got things right if god hadn’t fucked with them.
@Stargazer89 Where in the Bible does it say evolution by natural selection didn't happen? It's weird how you people picked this hill to die on. There are plenty of other things in secular culture that the Bible explicitly condemns, like divorce. But opposing that would be inconvenient.
DocSavage · M

There are plenty more if you want to keep this up.
Really · 80-89, M
This is a real hoot !
DocSavage · M

Since the only thing you have to offer as evidence is one video. I figure I would save time by posting as many videos needed to show what you got wrong.
DocSavage · M
DocSavage · M
Outsider98 · 36-40, M
Surly all species adapt and evolve to some certain extent. Even apes. Its when alien species do experimental test and studies to manipulate. That's when changes happen like "The missing Link" to create species like modern Human. We known as Homo sapien do the same things, manipulate biology. There are just more advanced beings that are ahead of our technologies. Not god.
Anyone who uses the phrase debunked is hippy.
DocSavage · M
DocSavage · M
DocSavage · M
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@checkoutanytime Your fear of needles doesn’t support getting it.
@LeopoldBloom have a nice day bud.
@checkoutanytime Same to you, Typhoid Mary.
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