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How could you know the bible is true? [Spirituality & Religion]

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MyHope · M
Miracles written in it are seen happening today in our time. For example a lot of healing happen in many churches by pastors who preach and believe in the Bible.
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MethDozer · M
@Stereoguy Yes, logic and rationality is the choice I choose.
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akindheart · 61-69, F
that is what having faith is about.
StokedFox · 36-40, F
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Through other historical accounts of the period.
@Fernie Yes, totally agree. It'd be nice to think that education has put an end to all this but it's a very slow process and some men realise that they have a lot to lose.
Fernie · F
@TomboyJanet exactly! that book has been rewritten over and over by many people to suit their own agendas
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
When I read your question. I understood it to mean if the stories in the bible were true or not. Such as:

Did the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah exist? Yes they did. They were destroyed by what we now know to be an asteroid blowing up in the atmosphere. They would not know that at the time and in any case it happened 200 years before Jesus was born anyhow.

Noah's Ark? Whether or not the Ark existed is still disputed and probably bull.

The flood however? Did happen a long time ago as evidenced by ruins of buildings and monuments at the bottom of what is now a cove and lakes around the world.

David vs Goliath? Yep. David may have had humble origins but later grew up to be the first king of the Persian empire. King Solomon is his grandson.

Was Jesus the son of Christ? Heck no. Don't get me wrong I think he was in the same category as Martin Luther King Jr, Ghandi and Bono. A great civil leader but that's it. Yet given the time period. There were kings and Emporers all over the place claiming to be the descendant of one Deity or another.

As to the other bullshit? Making a sign of the cross wasn't meant to ward yourself from evil but a means to pray to Jesus. Seeing how for 300 years after Jesus's death 'Christians' were hunted down and crucified for entertainment by the Romans. It wasn't until a new Roman leader came to power who was a Christian that that had changed.
However some written stories had survived and had been scattered throughout the known world. In 900 Ad all the religious Asshats at the time got together and debated what the story should be and wrote that down in the Bible.
Not long after that some Shit stain of a priest published that book on finding and persecuting witches. Forged the Popes signature then printed and distributed thousands of copies before the Pope even knew what had happened.
No one questioned anything after that. Cause they would burn you for at the stake for being a witch.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
you don't until a thing of God comes your way , and when it does its not what you'd expect or what you'd ask for but it is Weirdly Amazing
@Pfuzylogic L. Ron Hubbard is God, according to Scientology.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
@swirlie the existence of God is the Basis for the Bible , its a stepping stone to hopefully have mankind come to know the living word from the written word
@FurryFace and since there is no God, the Bible is just a collection of historical fiction.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
i'm a Witness so i know he is Real , but for most they don't really knowm , and the only proof i really have is my stories of truth , thats why the Bible has these too , because i can't share my experiences with God and how they really were becausee i'm not God , and so there's only my stories of truth to share which is a drag for me too to have such little proof at all
Finegent · 22-25, M
Virgin birth? Hmmmm
Pfuzylogic · M
I'm sure you didn't get it.
You obviously lacked two critical aspects that disabled.
@Finegent ...and the talking snake in the Garden of Eden.
4meAndyou · F
@Finegent Sperm swim, you know.
It's on the bookstore, so.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
But its on the internet so it must be true
Pfuzylogic · M
Google Testament like I told you in the previous post.
TomboyJanet · 36-40, F
@Pfuzylogic would you just tell me already instead of acting like the illusive man
Pfuzylogic · M
@TomboyJanet elusive?
A Testament requires a life.
@Pfuzylogic The Bible is composed of the Old and New Testaments, but that's just their titles - it doesn't prove anything.
4meAndyou · F
I just read all of the responses, including yours, and all I can say is that if someone's mind is closed, it is closed. That person does not WANT to believe.
The nuns told me it was and they never lie
Archaeological finds, ancient tablets that tell the same stories, comparing geoarchyology with events.

All myth contains a seed of truth from its origin 🤷‍♀️
@whowasthatmaskedman ill check your new info out....thanks.

My research has led me to Mauro Biglino - he was a long established bible translator for the vatican.

And his in depth and highly multi-sourced translations are astounding!
Things like:
Elohim. It is a masc plural of El, or Eloah. And modern bibles have jist substituted 'God' in its place.
El, or Eloah (the singular), doesnt even literally mean god....its like 'judge', or 'elevated one' or something like that.

And its why sometimes things get mixed up....then more mixed up.

Things like " and then God made man in his image" such a bad translation.
It was originally " And Elohim said lets us make man in Our image".
....which makes more sense if the identifier is plural...
Ie:" and (the) Gods said, let us make man in Our image".

Which changes EVERYTHING !

And raises so many questions its not funny!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@OogieBoogie I know its just me.. But I read the whole pantheon of religious texts like Aesops Fables. A reasonable set of examples for life, then move on. Intelligent people in my experience tend to make up the rules that work for them and keep quiet about it..😷
@whowasthatmaskedman oh im the kind of person who hasnt made up my mind yet.

My heart is set on something, i just havent found a name for it yet.

And i never thought to read all those fables again as an adult😂

But i am fascinated by religion and ancient cultures. And the more i read and find out, the more i see similarities than differences.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Fragments of it certainly are.. Places exists, the archeology proves it..
But finding Bethlehem does not mean finding Jesus. The bible was assembled from hundreds of texts and hundreds more have been left out or edited over various versions. For instance, the original scrolls show not just A God, But a Goddess. She has been all but deleted now. So , how can we know??
swirlie · F

The very last thing the old boy's club of the time would want back then, would be a Goddess kicking their ass. "Get rid of her and let's go back to the man-cave and do it our way!", would likely have been their tribal call.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@swirlie I absolutely agree. We cant have those unclean second class citizens having their own girl in the coaches box.
swirlie · F

I know, I know... she would create such a misleading impression.
WoodyAq · M
I think faith is the answer.
Fernie · F
@WoodyAq how is that proof??
WoodyAq · M
@Fernie I'm not religious, so I'm not the best person to say ... but for faith, proof is beside the point.

Not everything can be proved.
IAmJess · 22-25, F
You can never have proof. You either believe it or you don't.
Fernie · F
no one can prove the buybull is one...but they keep on trying
nedkelly · 61-69, M
My mother in law took down all of the notes
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KelseyR · 26-30, F
Parts of it are true. It's the rest we need to worry about.
KelseyR · 26-30, F
@SW-User I'm not an idiot. I won't shut down my reasoning processes so that I can see the light.
@KelseyR Didn't say you did.
MethDozer · M
@SW-User Prayerfully negates the previous statement of an open mind. If your doing it "prayerfully" then you are going at it with a preconceived bias.
God provides you the faith, and the knowledge. He writes it in your heart. It's not faith alone, though, it's the background and historicity of the Bible.
I don't know that it's true. It's just a lot of nice stories was written by a bunch of men.
Extrabiblical corroboration
Sueisright · 31-35, F
It’s a comic book of fictional stories,and even worse most are pretty rubbish stories
caesar7 · 61-69, M
We don't but we must believe in something greater than we are. Look at the world and the complexities it bestows. From the simple atom, life on earth, and technology, I could go on and on.....There has to be someone or something that created all of this out of the chaos of the universe. I want to believe in "God" and I want to believe that I will see the Truth when I die.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom I realize that but things are too complex to simply ignore anything. You might be right but I prefer knowing that my existence will have meaning when I die.
@caesar7 I'm not ignoring anything. If the laws of nature weren't compatible with life, we wouldn't be here to observe them. And any meaning your existence has after your death will depend on what you did while you were alive and how people will remember you. Otherwise, it's logical to conclude that our personal existence after our death will be similar to our existence before our birth - total, eternal oblivion. Anything else is wishful thinking. I realize that some people don't want to accept that, so if stories of the afterlife comfort you, by all means keep believing them, but they make no sense to me.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom Your point is very valid and I respect it. I know I most probably will be wrong but I have hope and faith in that respect. Something to look forward to when I take my last breath on this earth.
swirlie · F
We know the bible is true, because there are many references to the actual existence of the 4 guys who wrote it, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

What you are actually questioning however, is the validity of what those 4 guys wrote. After all, none of them were actually there at the time of Jesus and in fact, none of them wrote anything about the Times of Jesus until 40 to 60 years after Jesus had passed from the lifetime. What they all wrote about therefore, was purely speculative on their parts.

What the 4 guys actually wrote then, was a highly educated, albeit honest guess (at best) and was highly based on one's perception of what Jesus meant, or what Jesus intended within His own words. The problem is, those 4 guys were highly censored to appease the concerns of the individuals who ran the Catholic Church at the time. So in truth, what eventually got written and then translated into the New Testament is really what a bunch of Catholic Hierarchy wanted written, not what the group of 4 tried to write from their painstaking research on Jesus.

The amazing thing is, what Jesus was really all about was 2 things in particular: 1) You cannot die; and 2) Love is all there is. But the very last thing you will ever take from the bible the way it was eventually written, was that you cannot die and love is everywhere. Those two concepts do not exist in the bible as a result of the exact opposite being prescribed by the High Priests. The bible therefore, is exactly the reverse (the opposite) of what Jesus was trying to tell everyone.
Pfuzylogic · M
The authors did see the acts of Jesus.
The Apostles were with Jesus.
swirlie · F

The bible was not written from actual film footage my friend! It was written from research that was done 40 to 60 years after the death of Jesus. The 4 guys who wrote the bible were not eye witnesses to the apparent facts they wrote about concerning the life of Jesus. Those guys were ardent researchers of what had been written at the time of Jesus. They then attempted to decipher that information when they wrote scripture.
Pfuzylogic · M
@swirlie Matthew and John were disciples. John Mark wrote what Peter observed. Luke collected personal observations including Mary the Mother.
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MethDozer · M
Hello Janet. Good to see you once again.
The babel fish is your proof.[media=]

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