MarthaTheMaid · 56-60, F
It's always good to have an open mind, other (different) perspectives is useful. It's my choice to change my perspective based on feedback and experiences. Each persons perspective is rightful them at a given time.

@MarthaTheMaid Absolutely, rightful to them at a given time. We all draw from what we've experienced and been exposed to.
SoulKey Best Comment
Both actually for two different reasons.
I want to hear my perspective from a different point of view, it kinda gives me the opportunity to judge my thought process a little more objectively.
A different perspective is always welcome. I think it's why we read books, watch movies, and even travel. Ultimately we gain new perspectives from those experiences.
I want to hear my perspective from a different point of view, it kinda gives me the opportunity to judge my thought process a little more objectively.
A different perspective is always welcome. I think it's why we read books, watch movies, and even travel. Ultimately we gain new perspectives from those experiences.

@SoulKey I rarely give best answers but your answer just blew me away.
@SW-User OMG! You gave me goosebumps. Thank you so much ♥️

@SoulKey Good! Because I really loved reading what you said!

I want everyone to always to.agree with me all the time
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@SW-User dew ettt mow 😠

@SW-User You must hate it when I 'visit'. 😂

@SW-User I'll allow it 😌
MellyMel22 · F
I don’t mind others having different views/opinions as long as they respect mine as I do theirs.

@MellyMel22 Mutual respect is a requisite whenever we share ideas. People seem to forget that on here.
MellyMel22 · F
@SW-User Quite often!
Classified · M
Different perspectives are nice, but people should understand that I'm right. 😶😇

@Classified How do you make them understand it? 😂
Classified · M
@SW-User I just let them be wrong 😯

If I ask for different perspectives, then I want them. I don't think I ever simply want people to voice my own perspective back to me. But there are times when I don't want other perspectives, such as when I'm venting about something. That isn't the time for a debate.

@SW-User That's fair. Do you mention your expectation when its a vent?

@SW-User Yes. Though in other cases I think some people need to be able to "read the room".
I have definitely encountered many examples of someone seeming to ask for opinions and perspectives, but then they insult and shut down anyone who disagrees with them. So it's clear that they did not actually want a discussion, they only wanted their own biases validated. On the other hand, sometimes a question might be more tailored to a specific audience or issue, like a question addressing other Christians or LGBT people. And someone comes in with a rant about those people. That's clearly not the perspective that was being sought.
I have definitely encountered many examples of someone seeming to ask for opinions and perspectives, but then they insult and shut down anyone who disagrees with them. So it's clear that they did not actually want a discussion, they only wanted their own biases validated. On the other hand, sometimes a question might be more tailored to a specific audience or issue, like a question addressing other Christians or LGBT people. And someone comes in with a rant about those people. That's clearly not the perspective that was being sought.

@SW-User I like how thoughtful you are.
Ontheroad · M
I enjoy learning so I enjoy those with different perspectives... I will say that there is a difference between those with alternate perspectives and those who base their perspectives on agendas, conspiracies, etc.

@Ontheroad Very true. How would you tell the difference which one is which?
Ontheroad · M
@SW-User Whenever I read something that interests me I do a fact check and decide then if I want to respond. If it's truly a different perspective and not... shall we call it an alternate reality, I respond. If it seems to be based in a different reality, then I usually just state the facts and wait for a response - the response tells me if I want further discussion. I won't bother getting in an insult trading contest, it just isn't worth it.

@Ontheroad Insult trading contest really ruins what could otherwise be a mutually amazing conversation of different realities. I think we all see reality a bit differently.
PhoenixPhail · M
I would enjoy different perspectives. Choice is good. But I don't want them shoved at me as though they're something I'm required to take on.
It would be wonderful to find others who agree with me on my perspectives. It would make for a less lonely world.
It would be wonderful to find others who agree with me on my perspectives. It would make for a less lonely world.
smiler2012 · 61-69
if somebody has another take or thoughts on something long as they are not rude with it i am happy too listen [idolovemostofyourthoughts]

@smiler2012 That's brilliant, and really how we learn, right?

I accept different perspectives as long as they're logical & respectful

@SW-User Makes sense.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Different opinions are okay .
It's when your called names for yours especially on your own post that irks me
It's when your called names for yours especially on your own post that irks me

@Justmeraeagain Yep, being called names is a fast way of getting me to exit that 'discussion'.
bookerdana · M
Why/Why Not???
I don't need an echo chamber......other people can how us a lot..and thats the way I LIKE IT
no way you'll watch that😀
I don't need an echo chamber......other people can how us a lot..and thats the way I LIKE IT
no way you'll watch that😀
bookerdana · M
@SW-User I've posted US friendly versions for OPs who post blocked videos
I'm good,in that way🤣
I'm good,in that way🤣

@bookerdana I'll start checking again! And spam you with 'I can't see this!' messages. 😂
bookerdana · M
@SW-User I'm pretty quick on the trigger so no worries
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Honestly, depends on my mood lol. I feel like, and maybe everyone does even when it's not true, sometimes the reason I don't want to hear the other perspective is because I've already considered it and it feels like going back to square one hearing it again

@plungesponge I think I get that feeling you're talking about.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
@SW-User I want different perspectives, not dumb perspectives crammed down on me by repetition lol

@plungesponge I
4meAndyou · F
I used to have at least three friends who had different perspectives. One was a guy from Italy, the other was a cross dresser with a political/legal background, and I don't remember the first one at all.
I could NOT have tried any harder with them. Eventually all of them became abusive...because that's what people of that particular political bent DO. They can't "win" an honest discussion.
I could NOT have tried any harder with them. Eventually all of them became abusive...because that's what people of that particular political bent DO. They can't "win" an honest discussion.

@4meAndyou Politics has really broken down so many relationships. Unfortunately. And for what really?
Unlearn · 41-45, M
That's an interesting question. I made a similar post few days or mirrors.

@Unlearn Why do you think that is?
Unlearn · 41-45, M
@SW-User I think it's because I had formed those opinions after a lot of observation and thinking. There are times when I am proven wrong or I am led to reconsider my opinions...I love it then. But it doesn't happen very often.

@Unlearn I find you very level headed anyway so perhaps you're right to stick where you are.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I really do want different perspectives, but I want to understand the basis of those different perspectives. Not just hear the same bumper sticker slogans shouted at me with no explanation as to why they have that viewpoint.

@dancingtongue I agree, it's always more depth knowing any basis.
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@SW-User Why? Are you a higher species I don't know about yet?😂
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@SW-User I've not yet ascended to your level... so show me the world from your perspective.
Rokasu · 36-40, M
I don't think I know anyone who genuinely wants to hear a different perspective, including myself.

@Rokasu When you feel secure in your own beliefs and understand that multiple realities can co-exist, you let curiosity take over that ego of only one truth concept and from that space there is a willingness to listen and understand other realities without the need to update/upgrade/downgrade ours.
Rokasu · 36-40, M
@SW-User Yeah there's that too. I spose that's more the feeling I get these days than one of conflict. More so the whole "Put yourself in their shoes" vibe.
Never fun when you feel like you're walking on egg shelves for the reciprocal though.
Never fun when you feel like you're walking on egg shelves for the reciprocal though.

@Rokasu It's what makes me go silent so often... the whole feeling of walking on eggshells with people.
bugeye · 26-30, F
i'm fine with different peoples perspectives if it's their genuine perspective and not some group ideology that has overtaken them.
i want your opinions. not your groups opinion.
i want your opinions. not your groups opinion.

@bugeye I like that.

I welcome different perspectives from others because many times it changes the way I think about something and I learn a few things.

@SW-User Yep, amazing!
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@MalteseFalconPunch Why would they not believe it?
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I like hearing the sound of my own voice 😤.

@SW-User As long as the echo my opinions, we good😌

@SW-User How do you not hate me?😂

@SW-User You are very unhateable. That's not a word, I forced my phone to accept it just to prove I'm boss
A healthy debate/discussion is always useful. It opens your mind and possibilities.

@ABCDEF7 It certainly does.
Boleuskas · M
I am always up to hear different opinions

@Boleuskas That's brilliant. And broadening.
Boleuskas · M
@SW-User that is the best way to grow and not to be affraid, people are affraid of different, that's is our problem. And most take different opinion as an attack when they are just that different opinions

@Boleuskas Well said!
Northwest · M
As long as they're actually on topic? absolutely.

@Northwest Can some topics morph into other topics organically and still be relevant?
Northwest · M
@SW-User It’s a slippery slope. This is why I ask participants in my threads to remain on topic. Otherwise it will become chaotic.
If you need to vector off, start a different thread, just as God intended 🤣
If you need to vector off, start a different thread, just as God intended 🤣
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
I have no reason to want more different perspectives.

@Roundandroundwego Fair enough.
Spoiledbrat · F
It depends on how strongly I feel about the topic.😆😂

@Spoiledbrat LOL that's honesty. :D
exchrist · 31-35
Either as long as everyone can remain rational

@exchrist Is rationality subjective?
SatyrService · M
i want new perspectives
I broadens my understanding
I broadens my understanding
Yes 😬

@TheDeathOfOzymandiaz So succinct. I can't help but agree. 😂

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@Bang5luts Now I want to watch those cartoons!
Bang5luts · M
@SW-User I do watch them. 😆 becoming an adult means your parents were right, you can do whatever you want to do in your own home.. plbt
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
I dont mind debating opposing perspectives, bc im from a region of introverts. Where extroverts get run out of town with their extermist interpretation of society, i fucking love it here.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
@SW-User central new England, we dont understand the progressives language at all, sounds exactly like comie propaganda 🤔

@checkoutanytime tbh... I don't understand political language. I'm usually a mile off from these discussions. I'm also not from USA so a lot of it goes above me.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
@SW-User run, run as far away as you can from political stances.
bijouxbroussard · F
I’m okay with different perspectives as long as they’re not based on hatred, if that makes sense. Unfortunately, some people can’t separate them.

@bijouxbroussard Definitely makes sense. We don't need to be abused for differing opinions.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I like to learn so bring it on.

@Justenjoyit Careful... I might. Then you'll be swatting me away with a rolled up newspaper.😂
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I prefer different perspectives, even if I argue with them. It always pisses me off when somebody blocks me for having a different opinion.

@LordShadowfire Yeah, lol. Fragile egos.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I like to talk to people that see differently than I do. That’s how we learn and grow. All I ask is for that other person to respect my views because I will respect theirs.

@iamonfire696 Respect is always necessary in such interactions and yet almost always lacking.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User on here I agree with this