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Does helping others make you upset in a good way ?

I notice that when i help others such as seeing someone who looks hungry or thirsty when i walk into a gas station or someone asking for food & asking them what it is they want and ordering it for them even if it seems like alot unhoused or someone in a time if need i seen on a reddit post and i PM them to help them with alittle amount they may need help with. It really does get to me and not alot gets me i would picture myself as cold hearted, but when it comes to helping other humans i get upset about it after i helped them.

Maybe its because i seen some people help me as a kid when my mom had nothing, or maybe because i just know what its like compeltely to be down and out & needed help and know what its like to be ignored and not have anyone really care & i know what its like to be a stray dog without a family or a wolf cut from the pack. I really dont know why but i know it upsets me and i keep those people in my prayers.
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being · 36-40, F
Sometimes you don't help by helping.
Sometimes I needed to reach the bottom, in order for me to realise of how enough is enough and to finally take action and save myself.
Sometimes being helped only added to cultivating my victim mentality.
That being said, if I were hungry and you met me, I would like it if you buy me a meal, yes..

Sometimes I have been so grateful for the little help someone gave me as it filled me with hope.
I've been fed and sheltered by strangers, directly or indirectly. This keeps the flame for humanity alive.

What I'm trying to point here is, how life is a complex experience.

But mainly what I'm saying is, if we manage to instill in our heads that by helping we're not necessarily helping, we'd keep our egoic selves humble too
And you'd stop being upset about it, because everyone needs to learn things through their journey and you'd better respect the good and bad experiences...

Nevertheless, thank you for your service...:)
Aren’t we all needy ?whether its a sweet gesture or buying a meal or through a heartwarming message,a gift ,sometimes just listening to us ,sometimes just being silent .
We all need somebody.
Kindness is a natural instinct almost like loving someone.
The way I see it ,I was present at that time and I’ve been chosen to help him or her ,its more adding to my karmic value than to him .So ,even though I become upset at that time of how tragic some lives can be ,it does make me see my own life from a new perspective and how blessed I am that I am sitting on the other side and I pray for them to be blessed equally
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
I've dedicated my life to the service of helping others for the same reasons that why I'm in nursing and i volunteer at nursing homes and group homes. And my anger is what caused me to do it in the 1st place. With me i saw children as well as older people who were dumped into group homes because their parents/ loved ones were too lazy to take care of them. I would see people with only 3 pairs of pants to their names (i did their laundry) while i would hear about their parents /loved ones going on cruises or buying that 2nd home or beach house smh people are just trash there's no other way of saying it. No one in America should live like this they say it takes a village but the villagers are just trash humans sometimes.
Tumbleweed · F
It's called empathy, my friend, and after all you've been through and you're still able to feel that way, that's a beautiful thing! 🫂
Different · 31-35, M
@Tumbleweed yes thsnk u very much i am still kind and not bitrer despite all the bs
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
In what way do you feel upset? That such people are being ignored and not enough is done to help them?

I am upset to begin with. Helping and communicating makes me a bit less upset.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Different I work late at my office two nights a week. The security guard lets a couple of young women sleep in the doorway because they are so vulnerable. I bring them as much food as I can and try to get them to accept good advice because they are so young, not much older than my daughter. But each week they are still there.
Different · 31-35, M
@SunshineGirl thats the ish im talking about stuff like that, young girls like that should not be out there, should be shelters and with selter for longer term stays for one tome for 60 days, and then they send these people right back to the streets with no help and all they know is the streets with no chanced to get back on their feet unless their lucky and if not thats the circumstances that have to be done and thank u for helping them i hope God blesses u with more.

It just upsets me cause i know it very well no supportive parents and straight out there to be a stray
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@Different Thank you too 💖
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I once paid for an elderly lady who was in front of me at the deli. She was a tad short of money, so I kicked in the rest. Her reaction was extremely warm and appreciative. It sucks that they're in that position, but I like doing a little something every now and then.

You can't focus on that person's situation or you'll lose your mind. Be glad you had the power to make a difference and you did. That's a great thing.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Here's how I see it... Helping others can be challenging, but can also be very rewarding.
Different · 31-35, M
@Sidewinder i just feel it after that is the reward but i just do it cause i feel its the right thing.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
No, I don't feel upset after helping. If anything i guess I feel a bit happy if I was able to help someone.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
I have had so many scams I paid to that I have lost the trust in anyone who is able.
My heart goes out to infants, kids, elderly and mentally/physically challenged people and I help where I can.
Helping others doesn't upset me.. other not being able to get the help they need.. sorta does tho ..
swandfriends · 41-45, F
They aren't your responsibility. Save the nice gestures for when God puts it in your heart to give, when it feels like you've been called to help
Different · 31-35, M
@swandfriends i feel it is god giving me that feeling i dont help just cause i do it cause im feel called to do it & i dont ignore its not just nice gestures always i feel someones soul needs help so i do it. With no questions asked or whose asking.
Nunki · 31-35, F
That’s called empathy
Different · 31-35, M
@Nunki sounds like im BOTH hahaa its a hard mix hahaha
Nunki · 31-35, F
I still say nooo @Different
Different · 31-35, M
@Nunki i have been told by many im very non chalant & happy go lucky lol so its funny u notice that about me too haha
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
I have never heard of someone mentioning being upset in a good way.
Different · 31-35, M
@Moneyonmymind probably meaning as in it makes me emotional not mad in good way tho
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Different · 31-35, M
@Moneyonmymind u know i once had that situstion i was in my early 20s and i was on my lunch break at carls jr and the guy told me he needed gas money and ran outta gas which he did he was at the gas station next to it asking so i gave him 10 dollars and i needed that 10 dollars lol but i gave it and i got a smaller meal for myself and he came in asking people, then walked passed me and on the phone and said bro gave me 10 but ordered himself a whole meal hahahahhahahaa tf!!!!!

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