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How come some people genuinely think society should pay for them just to exist and do what they want all day?

I mean, what makes these people think they're so special that they shouldn't have to get a job doing something that isn't fun enough in their minds, yet the rest of us should in order to support them? I keep finding more and more people like this, and it perplexes me how one can be so delusional and full of themselves.

A good handful of people I know (all of them in their late 20s or older) have quit their jobs to do Twitch, OnlyFans, YouTube, TikTok, or something of the like. A few of them constantly complain about being broke and elicit pity from others, and also beg for money. One of them spends like there's no tomorrow and then proceeds to whine about having no money and begs for it like it's owed to them. Another one publicly bashed their former job with a story that smells very much of BS and is also a perpetual victim. They all have this massive sense of self-importance, like the world should be very concerned with them and look to them for their infinite wisdom with their "influencer" BS, and they all seem to feel entitled to be financially supported by others. Some of them also up and decide to live in a vehicle to travel the country with no job and then have no idea what to do once their money runs out. I even know adults who fully expect their parents to fund their very expensive hobbies and let them live at home rent-free indefinitely. Shit, I know people who are pushing 30 who refuse to get a job because "nothing interests them" or "they're not ready." Like, excuse me?? Do you think people work in places like the sewage treatment plants, in hot and miserable factories and warehouses, or doing highly dangerous jobs like being linemen because they find it interesting? No, it's because somebody has to do it! Also, how are you nearing 30 years old and "not ready" to be an adult and get your shit together? You'd better get ready, because the gravy train won't last forever!

There are even people trying to convince others that they are mentally or physically impaired far beyond what anyone with common sense would believe they are just so someone will pity them and support them. I know someone in their late 20s who actually WANTS to be admitted into a group home thinking they'll just be taken care of, yet gets pissed at their parents asking them to do things and likes to say "I'm an adult, I don't answer to anybody." You absolutely answer to someone if you're living under someone else's roof and being supported by someone else's money, and you WILL absolutely answer to someone, no questions asked, if you move into a group home (not to mention they're not a rest home for people who don't feel like working, that's not how it works). Do they think a group home will allow them the freedom to do whatever they like? Lol.

Oh, and I'm eternally sick of mental health constantly being used as an excuse for this shit. At this point, a lot of these people are milking that for all it is worth. I don't buy for a minute that the same people that can't work "because anxiety" can go to concerts with no problem. The mental health industry absolutely has ownership in enabling this BS, too. Everyone and their brother is suddenly diagnosed with anxiety and depression, and it's starting to lose its meaning at this point.

I don't mean to sound like an ass, lol, but this crap just astounds me. It's even more concerning that there are enabling parents that raise their kids to grow up thinking this is okay, and expecting others to take care of them, and/or believing their comfort and wants are more important than those of others' and that they're entitled to money and things they refuse to work for.
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JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Going to a concert is an entirely different thing than working, but ok.

Anxiety is debilitating. I know it is debilitating for me and I work a part time job because of that very reason. But a part time job only brings in so much money. I am a 47 year old woman and don't need to make excuses. I only speak my truth.

I dont think people should pay for me to live however i want. I do believe the money i pay into social programs should assist me whenever i need it and other social programs should assist those with conditions that are debilitating to every day function. You dont have to understand how this works(anxiety and depression) in order for it to be a true and real thing.

Going to a concert is fun and can actually be relaxing because : music.

Going to work means interacting with people because you have to and remembering things that matter to the job. That can be difficult because anxiety takes your short term memory and fucks it all around. Major depressive disorder erases whole memories. Just to explain how mental illness might actualy be debilitating and pose problems with working.

Anxiety can be situational and it can make you feel like you are having a heart attack, Can't breath and sometimes i uncontrollably shake. Anxiety causes physical symptoms....So does depression.

My son wants to work. He also has severe anxiety and depression. As well as suspected bipolar which we are treating with therapy and medication. A job he could get is few and far between because of his major mental health concerns.

I just think a lot of assumptions are made on your part. While I am positive there ARE people out there as you described...dismissing mental health as a factor in someone being unable to work is ignorant. That is what makes you sound like an ass. Because these people are also few and far between. Lots of people talk a big game. Many young people are lost right now. Many older people are too. People are struggling out there.
anonnn777 · F
@JaggedLittlePill Most of these people claim to be unable to go out in public and interact with others due to anxiety, which is why I don't buy it. I also don't buy it in about 90% of cases. Are there debilitating mental health disorders? Of course, but I don't believe they're anywhere near as common as society and the mental health industry would like for you to believe. I'm not saying there are NO outliers, but I think it is relatively rare to have such a debilitating (legitimate) anxiety disorder that you can't work at all, but can do fun things with similar requirements of going out in public and interacting with strangers just fine.
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anonnn777 · F
@SomeMichGuy I've actually done a lot of work servicing various factories and was not referring to a specific kind. Many of them were not comfortable and luxurious. My point is that people don't typically work those jobs because they're their dream jobs or are "fun." They typically pay so well because the work is not easy, comfortable, or enjoyable.

I also don't believe that most people who turn to social media or OnlyFans do so out of sheer necessity. Some of these people will legitimately do anything to get out of working a job that will actually pay their bills (and these obviously aren't if they're constantly begging for money). Many of the people I know who went this route formerly had jobs that they quit in favor of this. I also don't believe that a lack of a college education will prevent you from having any options besides social media, video games, or OnlyFans. One of the biggest lies told to Americans is that a college degree is an absolute necessity to have a good future, and that you'll have zero job opportunities or money without one.
@anonnn777 Lmao
anonnn777 · F
@SomeMichGuy What part of that is funny? Care to elaborate?
Ynotisay · M
You threw a pretty big blanket but there's truth behind it. This line is an example.
"It's even more concerning that there are enabling parents that raise their kids to grow up thinking this is okay."
My personal belief is that we're seeing how generations that have only known digital technology are being influenced.
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
I think there are several things at play here.

If you have a job where you are expected to do the work of two or three people and don't get paid enough to live on, you're probably going to say "screw this"

We keep seeing pics and vids of people on fabulous and very long vacations trips, clearly these people don't work; which leads people to start saying "why can't I do that too"

Some people have figured out that "i have anxiety" is a way to get out of having to do things they don't want to do. If it worked once, then why not again...

The truth of the matter is a sizable portion of the population does have anxiety and depression which has been caused by a lot of sh*t in society (housing costs as an example) which is beyond our (individual) control.
anonnn777 · F
@thisguy20 It's definitely true that people do what works, I will say that much.

Social media is also usually a farce. Just because people post that they have multiple long vacations doesn't necessarily make it true. People like to make their lives out to be much more grand online than they really are. I mean, someone is paying for those vacations because they certainly aren't free. Anyone who is enabling someone who refuses to work to go on multiple vacations is screwing themselves over big time. Most of the people I know IRL that go on vacations do it once per year max and save up for it. Typically they're couples who pool money together and put a small fraction of each paycheck into a vacation fund until they can afford one. They absolutely still work, they just go on a one week vacation once per year. I don't know anyone who is constantly vacationing and I'm not sure that truly exists outside of the elite rich, maybe. Even those "influencers" are known to stage and edit photos to make it look like they're living a life that isn't real.

While it sucks to have to do the work of multiple people, is it really better to expect others to subsidize your lifestyle because you don't feel like working, but feel entitled to the fruits of other people's labor? This only contributes to the problem. The people who do work would likely not have to take over the work of 2-3 people if people would stop quitting their jobs for this nonsense and actually go back to work and pull their own weight and contribute to society.

I also think there's a difference between dealing with problems in life and having legitimate anxiety and depression disorders. The problem is that society is enabling these people to use anxiety and depression as an excuse to avoid responsibility, and they act as if no one else deals with problems and stress in their lives that they have to deal with. The mental health industry has given people this false idea that it's not normal to face issues and have to solve them in life, and that they're unique for experiencing the emotions of anxiety and depression (as in feeling depressed; again, not having a disorder). The pills they push onto everyone only exacerbate the problem as well.
LadyGrace · 70-79
You're exactly right! Some people just don't want to work. They think it's too inconvenient for them. This whole society has changed and it's not for the better.
anonnn777 · F
@LadyGrace Completely agreed, and it's mind-boggling how socially acceptable this freeloading is becoming. They truly believe it's their God-given right to have others overwork themselves in order to support them so they don't have to do anything slightly unpleasant. I'm so sick of hearing the BS excuses that everyone like this (or anyone with any sort of behavioral flaw) has a mental disorder that is completely out of their control and completely excuses it. What a crock! What happens if everyone who doesn't feel like doing anything unpleasant just decides not to? We will no longer be a civilized society if that happens. I mean, somebody has to do the jobs. If everyone who decided they'd rather play video games or watch TV just did that, then what? These people actually think they're more important and therefore deserve this luxury while everyone else pulls their weight for them. This is becoming such a narcissistic, self-absorbed society and I'm honestly scared for the future. The fact that people are teaching their kids that this is okay an setting these examples is scary.
TrashCat · M
What jobs might you be referring too...
Picking vegetables in a field? For minimum wage or under the table?
I read all of your rant,btw.
Don't worry about your kid. He can get into one of RFKjjrs "Wellness Camps"
TrashCat · M
@anonnn777 Like I said...what jobs might that me? Picking veggis?
Unless tou have a silver spoon in your mouth, college is unaffordable to most people now
anonnn777 · F
@TrashCat You don't need college to be self-sufficient. That's the biggest scam sold to Americans. There are plenty of jobs. You'll actually have to work, yes, but they will pay your bills. Tons of blue collar options like cleaning, factories, warehouses, etc. I know lots of people who have worked their way up at Walmart, grocery/misc. stores, restaurants. Will you necessarily get rich? Maybe not. But will it pay your bills? Yes. I've even known someone who worked his way up in a fast food chain to general manager.

Do you think that everyone these beggars are trying to grift money from are silver spoon rich people because they work for a living and don't beg for money online?
swirlie · F
To your point, Bill Gates co-Founder of MicroSoft, does not have a college nor a university Degree. He dropped out of his first year at Yale after only 6 months and never went back.
swirlie · F
I actually blame my own father for this same mindset that I was taught from my teenaged years growing up on the farm.

We had a vegetable stand at the end of our farm laneway where people would stop to buy fresh produce. My Dad told me to just sit up on the countertop beside the cash register and he'd look after everything else.

At the end of the say, I'd jump down and he'd hand me $100

Why wouldn't I expect the same from society today?
anonnn777 · F
@swirlie You have a point, it is definitely a product of how a lot of people are raised, and especially those that are enabled well into adulthood or grow up with parents who take advantage of others in this same way. Many of the people I know who are like this are enabled by someone and/or grew up in a family where this sort of thing is normal. I think although it usually is not ill-intended, it's so detrimental to spoil and enable kids. Whether it is never telling them no or at least never following through with it, always bailing them out of their repeated bad decisions, or giving them money so they never have to be self-sufficient, it is damaging to them in the long run. I mean, what happens when you're no longer around and your kid has never learned to take care of themselves? Even the ones who go looking for a partner to support them are at a much higher risk of ending up in an abusive and controlling relationship, because those kind of partners look for vulnerable and dependent people.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@anonnn777 You are correct. The only thing I can add is that no two relationships are exactly alike. Like no two people. So if two people find a level that works perfectly well for them both and no real abuse is involved, that is a successful relationship. no matter what it looks like to others..😷
swirlie · F
You have a point, it is definitely a product of how a lot of people are raised, and especially those that are enabled well into adulthood or grow up with parents who take advantage of others in this same way.

In my particular case, I had been an aspiring gymnast from the time I was about 5 years old and in my example above as a teenager, I was 13 years old but looked closer to 17, mainly because of my above-average height as a Scandinavian offspring of two blonde-rooted parents, plus I had a stick-thin but highly toned physical appearance and I had no ambition to look like a Hollywood Barbie doll fresh out of the box, but instead I had a more liberated female appearance in my public deportment.

I would always help my mom at our vegetable stand on weekends and I'd run around in my very old, black nylon Speedo bikini with it's failed elastic waistband and matching trainer-bra component, plus a matching black baseball cap, both purchased on sale from Walmart. Now dressed the part, I'd act as her able-bodied assistant carrying wooden crates of vegetables from a farm wagon parked behind the stand and around to the front where I'd unload them wherever she wanted them on display for her customers.

Then when customers would come by, I'd be the one who'd be summoned to carry their purchase out to their car for them which would be parked along the edge of our gravel road in front of our farm. I was allowed to keep any tips they gave me and my mom paid me $20 at the end of the day.

When my mom was busy doing other things around the house and now my Dad had to run the vegetable stand himself, it became a father/daughter bonding session for he and I, at least for me it was!

He was totally unfamiliar with my working relationship with my mom around the vegetable stand, which meant that the wooden crates were suddenly too heavy for me to carry ...and he would carry them ...and it wasn't safe anymore for me to be carrying bags of vegetables out to customer's cars because of passing traffic on our gravel road, despite all traffic stopping at our roadside vegetable stand anyway... which meant the customers would carry them to their car, not me!

So there I'd sit on top of the vegetable stand countertop, sunning myself and smiling a lot, but not really doing much of anything as he worked alone as I'd watch him, offering my assistance or at least advice in how to do something, though he'd usually decline my expertise, which meant I'd sit like a trophy on a shelf, chatting with each customer as they walked in from the road and told them what I thought of the world.

They'd converse with me as they paid my Dad for their purchase and then they'd carry their own bags to their car, which also meant I never got a tip! It worked for my Dad and I honestly thought my working arrangement with him was funny because I made all this money from him at the end of the day to the tune of $100 for doing basically nothing but acting as Public Relations Representative for my parent's vegetable business!

The amazing thing was, when it came time for me to go to university following my high school graduation at the age of 17, suddenly the $-well went dry for me.

There was NO money, my parents were BROKE.. according to my Dad's version of his financial status, despite there being over $1million worth of tobacco harvesting equipment parked inside his equipment barn because after all, it was a government-regulated tobacco farm first and foremost which also required a new pickup truck on his side of the garage plus a new Honda Accord on my mom's side of the garage. My Dad couldn't explain to me how all that 'stuff' got on our property but only to say that one day they all showed up and the owner never came back to retrieve them, so he used them and kept them stored until he showed up which he never did, so finders keepers was my Dad's attitude.

I asked my Dad one day as I was floating around in our in-ground backyard pool while catching a few rays as he sat under the shade of a giant umbrella drinking pink lemonade I'd made for him, that it was appearing to me that we were actually 'poor folk', considering I was still riding my 10-speed bike into town every time I turned around and didn't actually have my very own car.

So I asked him, "are we poor?".

His answer to me was, "No, WE are not poor, but you and your sisters are poor!", his reference to "WE" being, him and my mom NOT being the poor one's.

He then reminded me that HE owned the 10-speed bicycles my two sisters and I rode 5 miles into town on everyday ..and HE owned the in-ground swimming pool I was currently floating around in and which became party-central for all of my high school friends ..and HE owned the new air mattress that I was lying on as I floated around asking him all those questions ..and that HE actually owned the entire bottle of suntan oil I had been smearing all over my skinny lean body which meant I wasn't using much, but which I shouldn't be wearing AT ALL while I'm swimming in the pool!

It was at that moment I realized that I was totally hard-done by, a total victim of poverty who was about to go to university ..and my own father suddenly couldn't find his check book. Like, what the heck is that about?

Fortunately, I was able to attend my first year of university on an Athletics Scholarship I had earned while in high school, but the rubber was now meeting the road very quickly and I actually had to get a part-time job while attending university to be able to supplement my tuition... `cuz Dad said it was time I learned how to make my own money and use my own brain to manifest it!

At 18 years old now but looking closer to 22 according to the guy who hired me part-time as a sales person at our local marina, it suddenly occurred to me that if I kept my mouth shut as I tried to sell those old used motor boats tied up at the marina dock to prospective clients, that the boat would sell all by itself and without my expert advice, no differently than our vegetables would sell all by themselves as I sat on my Dad's counter top at his vegetable stand!

So, every Saturday morning I would show up for work at the marina and just stand outside by the dock where the used boats were up for sale, to say as little as possible to interested clients, but tell them the stats about each boat that was printed on a piece of paper that my marina boss had given me.

Sure enough, all those old wooden fishing boats would sell and all I had to do was be there for 'show and tell', which meant show the boat and talk about it, but otherwise just enjoy the sunshine and social interaction with everyone who came into the marina!

I learned a lot about 'sales' from my Dad and he didn't really tell me a darn thing!
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
Very interesting.....just plain LAZY people who don't want to stress out their minds and body to get up every morning and go to a productive person...have a purpose to your day and keep your mind going...and above all....make some money and support yourself for god sake !
These are the people that will try to get on medicaid claiming some sort of illness and inability to of the government or eventually get caught stealing from a store and then have a criminal record.
These people need a kick in the ass...or end up at rock bottom, homeless and on drugs.
I agree with everything you said.
Money isn't everything...but don't dare go anywhere without it.....
You should give those lazy people an employment application for McDonalds
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It's the fault of the system that allows it but I doubt there's any system that gives individuals enough money to give them a standard of living comparable to someone with a decent job. Would you want a life like that? There's nothing to be envious about.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Welcome to adulthood/workforce… there are a few freeloaders, one or two weirdos. But on occasion you’ll find that rare person who’ll do the job to the upmost just because they can. And all you can do is try to keep up.
I've read about people in that age group just trying to get by without working until their parents die. They figure they'll inherit money and a place to live.
@anonnn777 I like working and enjoy my job. I was on medical leave for six months and couldn't wait to get back to work.
People can call me whatever they want but I'm self sufficient and happy.
anonnn777 · F
@SooperSarah Yes, same here! I consider myself lucky, TBH.
meggie · F
@SooperSarah My cousin is an only child, and her parents are very wealthy. They are wealthy as they have worked hard and been good with their money. Her parents paid for a beautiful wedding for her and a large deposit on a new home. A few months later she ran off with another man. The house was sold and She squandered that in a short time. She's unhappy living in a one bedroom flat and has asked them to buy her a house saying that one day it will all be her money anyway.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
I suppose it's part and parcel of a belief in eugenic superiority when neither advanced age nor actual physical impairments are required to explain otherwise healthy but undoubtedly mistaken reasoning class of under 30 yr old ppl's inferiority to the wasp (white anglo saxon protestant) and brah (black racial anger hustle) class' supremacy over the rest of us.

Since it's not based in the original intent of the work life FICA social security deductions, and some people are willing to live at that poverty level even though they're young and able bodied it's more of a discount political bribe but more recently anyone willing to be, pretendy not white in ancestry are starting to demand even more. This because they're so misled by the eugenic churches they don't even know they're selling their self.

And that's what slavery is.
Miram · 31-35, F
Your every other thread is like this. Like I said before, people who are fulfilled with their own lives don't really wallow in someone else's choices.
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Thrust · 56-60, M
I feel like it's made some of these people feel that they're almost celebrities and that they're far more important than others

They call themselves Influencers
anonnn777 · F
@Thrust Yes, such a narcissistic name to assume that they're "influencing" the people (though there are sadly people who look up to them and are, indeed, "influenced" by them... I don't get it, but I think most of those people tend to be really young too, so hopefully they'll grow out of it eventually).
Thrust · 56-60, M

Unfortunately bad character doesn't age out. Either they get more and more ridiculous, or marry someone likeminded who has money (never earned)
I didn't read all that but yes ...yes ..
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
What's wrong with that? It's cool and good if they make enough money on those platforms.
anonnn777 · F
@DestroyerOfIdeologies The problem is that the people I'm talking about don't, hence why they beg for money from others and are usually financially dependent on family members. Only about the top 1% of content creators/etc. make enough to live off of solely off of their online platform with no second source of income. What's even more concerning is what happens when those family members can no longer support them.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
@anonnn777 Only Fans girl can, if she's comfortable, work for big name company porn, or strip club. And some can maybe teach some sort of class, like cooking. There's things out there that lazy people can do :D
anonnn777 · F
@DestroyerOfIdeologies There is just too much competition for most of them to make it that big, though. Same with content creation in general. Like I said, if they're begging for money and crying about being broke, I don't think this applies to them. 🤣
Alyosha · 31-35, M
No one said you should either. Jobism is the end of society. Doesn't matter who is jobbing you as long as you're getting jobbed, right?
familyfunguy · 56-60, M
There should be a more generous welfare system to help make this more possible for these kinds of people, which I am one of. It should come directly from the pockets of the ultra wealthy too. Manual labor jobs are trash.
anonnn777 · F
@familyfunguy The ultra wealthy would likely just move overseas to evade this if this was the case. They have the money to be able to.

I just can't get behind the idea that you shouldn't have to work, but others should in order to support you. I mean, what makes working beneath one person, yet others are obligated to work so they can support both themselves and these people? We have lives and things we'd like to accomplish as well. If you want money and nice things, earn them. Nobody owes you anything.

There are also office jobs, not just manual labor.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I wonder if this relates at all to Americas $35 Trillion debt to the rest of the world? I feel there is something in there...😷
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anonnn777 · F
@CountScrofula Not sure what this has to do with people who refuse to work and beg for money on social media? It isn't that these people can't get jobs, it's that they flat out refuse to. Most of them had jobs and quit them because they weren't fun 24/7 and they'd rather beg for money online instead. Of the ones I've met that have never even had one, it is not because they can't get one, it's because they've never even tried and come up with excuses not to on the daily.
You mistake your speculation for actual facts. Read up on invisible disabilities.
anonnn777 · F
@FlowersNButterflies I can tell you that these people are not disabled. I know them in real life and they have no problem doing things when they want to. You can't convince me that someone can be a contortionist on OF but can't even get a desk job. I don't buy the mental health excuse 90% of the time either, as that has become a very popular scapegoat for everything these days. The invisible disabilities argument might apply to a small minority of people like this, but definitely not all or even most. The fact is that there are plenty of people who will try to take advantage if given the opportunity and if there are people who will enable them, they absolutely will not do their fair share.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Those folks are known as freeloaders.
anonnn777 · F
@Fertilization Yes, I just think it's scary how many of them there are and how many people shun anyone who calls it out for what it is! There are more excuses for it than ever now, and it's sadly becoming "normalized."
Fertilization · 36-40, F
@anonnn777 Yes, I couldn’t agree more with you.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
@jshm2 Probably there are some. Maybe most. One things for sure. Not as many are needed to continue the building of creative leadership and the country's economic wealth.

Though I mostly agree with the idea. Its not every billionaire or millionaire for that matter. Big money's not proof or evidence that they're all fitting societal contributors just because they all attend the same art gallery galas or get their names mentioned in Forbes.

Some examples of unfit ones I think most would agree. --

That would be windfall political millionaires like the majority of freshly minted ones, the wall street money leechers that labors paychecks can't keep up with inflation they create. Or company presidents and board people who take millions a year pay but only spend their day reviewing p&l statements and making deals with others like themselves.

Remember though. They hate us and think our reasoning is based on envy or inane political ideology so they'll never surrender. They use everything from infiltration to murder and every blackbox scheme in the book to shut up their most powerful adversaries.

We needed to be careful when our alliances were forged but most of us are no longer around.

Good day.
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Thrust · 56-60, M
It's called overweening entitlement. And Moochelle Obama is the poster girl/boy/? for it
Falsely entitled people are the worst..
anonnn777 · F
@SStarfish Agreed, and there's so many of them. I'm not sure if social media just draws more attention to it, or has exacerbated the problem, but I feel like it's made some of these people feel that they're almost celebrities and that they're far more important than others.
@anonnn777 no there's a lot of it.. not just on social media.. there's whole countries of it..
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@SStarfish I don't think falsely entitled ppl are the worst but they sure are many.

I think noisy ppl are easily the worst because they keep messing up the worx.

Examples like loud proud poofys on parade or doom goblins like greta thurbooger.
MethDozer · M
When jobs aren't paying enough to get anywhere with, there's no incentive to work
anonnn777 · F
@MethDozer There are absolutely plenty of jobs that pay more than the average payout for social media or OnlyFans (which for all but the top 1% earners is usually peanuts that they can't afford to live off of, which is obvious by the fact that they beg for money and have family or spouses supporting them). I mean, the jobs are definitely out there or people wouldn't have the excess money to be able to enable these people. It's just that these people believe they're too good to put in the same amount of work and earn it for themselves, and feel entitled to others' money instead.
Ask not what your country can do for you..
instead throw and tantrum and screech until it capitulates
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
ThaTz wimenz HuNz
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