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wonkywinky · 51-55, M
I cant see why anyone would even do that.
Its like announcing "im a perverted loser" to the world.

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
This site operates on behavior. So if you play gullible publicly, then it will give you the catfish and such directly into your inbox once it figures out your behavior. That takes a while, say six months.

If it thinks you're not gullible it will send them into your "message requests".

If you don't respond, it stops sending their posts to your feed. So they have to physically look through the profiles for even the message to reach "message requests".

It's been a few months since I have had a catfish. But I have been on here for years. I once got a lot of them. Year's ago.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@sree251 have you ever thought of making your own morals?

Replied with this a few moments ago.

sree251 · 41-45, M
have you ever thought of making your own morals?

Yes, but I would put it differently. Right and wrong is a matter of perception.

We all share the same worldview like a bunch of computers operating on the same program. I eat animals and think nothing of culling hundreds of thousands of chickens gassing them to death and incinerating their carcasses to stop the spread of bird flu. I can't eat a human being or kill one until it has been reclassified as food or vermin. This is how we demonize other humans, see them as terrorists before we send in the gunships to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Is morality a matter of convention? If it is, then the group defines what is right and wrong. To make my own morals, I would have to remove myself from the group. Jesus removed himself from the group when he said that we must love each other unconditionally, even the enemy. No killing. If you are struck, turn the other cheek.

Going against convention is making your own morality. What do you say?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Yes, but I would put it differently. Right and wrong is a matter of perception

Yes ... but...

We all share the same worldview like a bunch of computers operating on the same program.

... wrong!

It is a matter of perception. Or even better a matter of perspective.

No two peoples senses are the same. In fact no two brains are the same. And to take it even further even each person body sense of time is not the same. Quite literally the taller you are the more your delay in your reactions to anything.

Ever wonder why few can catch a mouse when it's so much smaller than us? It's nerve to brain reactions are faster than us. Yet even no two mice are the same. Some are quicker than others.

Morality is just as much as a perspective as a physical sense. No two people sense of what is right and wrong is the same.

Yet this is where beliefs come in as well as that saying comes in. We all think in generalities. NEVER in specifics. What is right and what is wrong is usually from the individual "perspective". Yet over all we adhere the majority consensus of morality.

Even when it's contrary to our individual beliefs.

1. For instance there are many that believe "little white lies" are ok. For them it might be the Truth is more harmful than to lie a little. That is one perspective.

2. Yet if you take extremist that person might say any lie is harmful.

3. Again a different perspective. A totally selfish person might say that lying is a matter of opinion, in order to justify their own lies.

All three perspectives and more can be found in any belief system.

In Hindu, the later in 3, is found in the left hand path. In naturalists it can be found in true survivalist. In Christianity in can be found in politicians. For what is diplomacy but a matter of opinion. And overt lying is acceptable.

We all share the same worldview like a bunch of computers operating on the same program.

No we don't.

We are not carbon copies of each other. We infinitely different from each other. Go to any town or city counsel session. They never agree 100% of the time! In fact there's usually arguments over any given issue. Yet this is where the little white lie concept comes in. They usually COMPROMISE! For the sake of the majority.

The majority is never right, though !

I have yet to find anyone, in my whole 64 years of life, that has agreed with me more than 60% of the time on moral issues! And that's a rare occurrence!

To make my own morals, I would have to remove myself from the group.

You have anyway. By the very fact you say you had said ...

I can never be sure of my own integrity. Moral sickness is insidious.

Whose morality? Whose perspective?

And if you are referring of the majority. Then you run into this fallacy...

Once again...

The only way to get around this is to create your own morals. Right by your own perspectives.

Not mine, not Christianity, and most certainly not the majority of the whole world!

Only 34% of the whole world are Christian BTW. And that is slowly decreasing. Because over population. Like in India and China. Not to mention Africa.

So whose morality?
The Zo é tribe of Brazil?

They are a matriarchal (run by women), polygamistic, nudists society!

I totally respect them for being so controversial in all three areas at once .🤣

Yet Christians would utterly destroy their society if they weren't a proscribed tribe by the Brazilian government.

So are Christians right in their total insistence in the destruction of the Zo é tribes morales?

I say absolutely NO! They are irrefutably wrong! Even the morality of attempting to do so is irrefutablely WRONG! Leave them alone! Let them live how they wish to live! It's worked for them for hundreds of years before even the Inca civilization.

This is why the Brazilian government is MORALLY right in proscribing the whole Zo é tribe area of Brazil from ANYONE!

If you believe the majority of the billionaires of this world share the same morality as the lower classes, you are ignoring the reality of billionaires morals. For each and every one of them are spitting on the lower classes every day by the hour. Irregardless of their individual beliefs!

They have their own morals, separate from their own hypocritical beliefs!

So you wish someone else's morality and be controlled by that morality? Or are you going to make your own? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Adstar · 56-60, M
It's only becomes a personal problem if your a guy who comes on here looking for woman.. If you don't come here for that it has no real affect on you..
@Adstar perhaps not, but I find it insulting
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Some men just want to be treated like a princess
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Right under your post 😂

@fun4us2b I assume every "New 18-21F" inviting interaction is a catfish or some similar sort of troll.
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
@SW-User lol I guess I didn't catch that!
Fcuk 58 msgs.... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 @SW-User
As opposed to the women, most who use a pfp that is 30 years outdated. 😂 and have been using it for the past 10 years
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
Catfish exist everywhere but on here it seems like they are ridiculously obvious.
Lostpoet · M
I have no money, no life, and all the time in the world for catfishes.
I’m gonna go with “common.”

pdxlinux · 41-45, M
does catfish mean to meet in person? i do not believe that the pretenders here are looking for a meeting. they want to have perverse chats about their fantasies, their fetishes and glorify their desires.
minxy · 46-50, F
@pdxlinux you're right, it's to deceive when you plan on meeting the person.
supersnipe · 61-69, M
Short answer is yes. Men pretending to be women? There's nothing to stop them! This is the Web! In addition to that, I've seen a few profiles on here that might be women but are suspect for other reasons. I do a Google search on images of people who look improbably like Instagram fodder, and I'm suspicious of people who say they're e.g. American or British but don't use the language in the same way as 'L1' speakers would (grammar, syntax, subtle things about the turn of phrase....)
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
These kinds of smaller social media communities are breeding grounds for catfish. We got all sorts here.
This probe is probably only problematic for those with probing problems.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@SW-User The word "probe" arouses me.
I'm pretending to be a girl who is pretending to be a boy.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@BohemianBoo Both of you are doing a damn good job.
I’m a woman pretending to be a dog. I guess that makes me a catfish.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Gingerbreadspice No, it does not. Even if you are a talking dog that can communicate in English on the computer, there are no dogs here looking for doggy love.
I'm sure there are a lot. I've had long running chats with people to learn that they made up everything. And these aren't salacious sex chats. Just normal day to day life chats. Boring stuff. But they made up elaborate stories with lots of characters and pictures. The attention to detail was impressive. Until at some point things just didn't add up. They didn't want money. And it wasn't some sort of fetish thing.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
If you dont go chasing the women on this site it shouldnt be a problem for you..😷
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
Most of the women here are guys pretending to be girls
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Don't know. Don't care

People can be whatever they want to be on-line
minxy · 46-50, F
pretty common, not much of a problem.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
I just assume that any "female in their 29's" who talks about sex a lot or has a beautiful girl as a picture is a man. so I don't flirt with girls, especially if they message me, I automatically conclude that its a guy.
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
@reflectingmonkey What I've found, is most guys posing as girls, will message other girls. I had female friends irl tell me that.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@WizardofOz I am convinced that there are many gay old men trying to chat up strait guys by pretending to be girls. for this reason I don't come here to flirt, its anonimous, so people can be playing a role.
MrsMONAKanful · 36-40, F
I am a woman
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I use to create a female account just to see how man reacts....I've already got results right away. It's like a Dog hound on here.
I never thought of this as a site to socialize with women.

I assume everyone here to be a guy by default.
in10RjFox · M
You should check with the Les and bi gals for they have created the market.
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
A lot and rather obvious. Its funny to see how many people think its a real person 🤦‍♀️
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
Its prevalent, another reason why I rarely respond to DMs
Blondily · F
Ive ran into a few and just pretend I don't notice. lol
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Don't know man, there are a large number of T's here.
come2gether · 51-55, M
Look behind the curtain, wizard. I wouldn't though.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Well I can confirm that I am a MAN
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
@Strictmichael75 I honestly doubt if many women pretend to be a man.
Not me I look just vaguely like my pic
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Most of not all the women are blokes.
Thatsright · 61-69, M
Not as many hobots as X
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
We have an infestation.
TheFragile · 46-50, M
They're everywhere.
SarahAndAJ · 41-45, C
Probably a lot
Thatsright · 61-69, M
Chix with dix
Common enough
Specifically bisexual: all the time
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