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This site is quite hateful.

I personally don't care where people are from, the colour of their skin. Which way they swing, or their ethnicity.
Yet I have noticed people being hateful towards the British, Muslims and women in general.

It's a damn shame.

We're all the same at the end of the day.

Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F


That's why the block button is my best friend.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Yes we are all human, we all bleed red blood.
There's also people here with some type of mental illness ..that should be taken into consideration as well
TBIman · 41-45, M
@SW-User Yeah, it's called globetardism, and much of the world still has it.
being hateful towards the British

that's understandable
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Especially dentists @SW-User
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I don't think a lot of people realize how mistreated women really still are. We tend to not get taken seriously because people just see what they want to see- women have jobs like men, they make money, they get male attention. So people think "What do they have to complain about?"

Well. A lot. Pay is still unequal. Women are only seen as "valuable" if they're seen as available for a man to use in some way. Women are still sexualized and sold and trafficked. We aren't allowed to express anger or ambition without being called "b*tch". Women are still treated like 2nd class citizens in pretty much all areas of life. And it's worse if you're a woman of color. We've come a long way...but still have so far to go.
Life is too short to care about many things.
Personally, in the course of my existence, interacting with people who are different from you is a very good thing.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@SW-User Great comment.
@TBIman thanks
I think between countries it’s just banter but if gender or religion come into it that’s unfortunate
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@BeefySenpie "Banter" is just a euphemism for "hate speech". No, wait a minute, that's not quite right. "Hate speech" is a euphemism for "banter".
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@BeefySenpie should add politics to that as well.

A few hours ago there was such a hateful political post. Yet I must point out it was a newbie.
NickiHijab · F
It's no different to how people think and act irl.
There's just less of a barrier online.
You'll tune them out and find your own circle of people.
You're gonna see that on any social media site.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@BohemianBoo Very true.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I agree there is a lot of misogyny, religious hatred, and racism here.

What you say about the British leads me to something that occurred to me a while ago about "identity humor".

Often, a member of one group will tell a joke based on a caricature of another group.

If there is a mutual trust that the two people really respect each other and each others' background, it can all be taken in fun and everyone laughs. In some cases, that is still not enough, and it might be necessary to have a trust that the two groups really respect each other.

But if that trust is not there, then the same joke can hurt, and it is not funny at all.

In my experience, in the case of jokes about Americans and British (in real life, not just online), I think that trust is there in most cases.

After all, I laughed heartily the first time I ever heard Rex Harrison say,

There are places where English completely disappears. In America they haven't spoken it in years.

And I am American.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
We are all God's children 🫂
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Lilliesandlight amen to that.
Torsten · 36-40, M
i dont know, some people on this site I have a hard time believing are actually human
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@Torsten some posts are questionable I agree.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Torsten Me too. They are probably bots designed to stir up emotions. It's a crazy world we inhabit at this time in history.
Welcome to Planet Earth Lanie...and have a nice day
TBIman · 41-45, M
@metaldog I think you meant to say "plane" Earth.
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LandOfOz · 61-69, M
Yep we are all the same. Same feelings, same love, same needs and more
Nelisme · 22-25, F
Well, we are certainly not all the same in all other respects, but I agree with you - hate can only be destructive to all. There are some really nice people here and some real asses. I am using up my allotment of blocks on the latter, and enjoying the diversity with the others.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Nelisme I've only met a few nice people on this website. The rest were all close-minded fuckheads.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
I get mostly positive interactions here. I have had a few hateful remarks directed at me regarding my dressing but not for being British. But on the whole this is quite a friendly place.
revenant · F
I have not noticed. Can you give examples ?
MartinII · 70-79, M
@revenant Perhaps not hateful, but pretty unpleasant in my view. I responded just as you say, adding that I would be glad to hear her views on British politics. Didn’t get me anywhere!
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@MartinII My views on British politics are that my government are a mess. They're causing unnecessary suffering. Self serving full stop.
revenant · F
@MartinII sometimes I do not like seeing some stuff but if it is true...I swallow the bitter pill 🙂
deadgerbil · 22-25
Whatever hate you find on here exists in any other site, it's just a reflection of society
TBIman · 41-45, M
@deadgerbil That is a scary insight.
It's not the site, itself, just some people who use it. In the same way, guns don't kill people.
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
I've noticed that as well, especially towards the British. Why do you think that is, Lanie?
When I take FB in consideration I'm a lot better here.
Lucia · 36-40, T
I see that a lot too - however not that much for skin-color reasons, but maybe I just haven't spotted it. There also seems to be quite a few very dedicated conservatives from the US who will spend every opportunity to call LGBT for sick and deranged.

I tried to apply the method of listening to what their concerns are, but to no avail.
TBIman · 41-45, M
They are also hateful to people that have a different opinion on the shape of this thing that we dwell upon. They ran me off, but I'm back now.

You are correct we are all human beings.

Thanks for being tolerant of people like myself.
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@TBIman being kind to all is no hardship for anyone. Many still need to learn this sadly.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Lanie78 I refuse to be kind to anyone who still believes that they dwell upon a spinning ball of water in whatever year it is currently. 2021 maybe?
Abstraction · 61-69, M
Agree. There's a lot of ugly human on here.
Oh you will love it here
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I think most here are very respectful of most things other than religion and politics.

Truthfully, the Brits and women seem to be two of the more favored groups.
Yeah it really is. Not all, but lots. People like to kick others when they down and laugh and make fun of others weaknesses, when they have their own.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@lanie78] i agree one hundred percent there worst things in this world too hate than each other because we are slightly different in some way
Carissimi · F
I’ve been here for 7-years, and never noticed this. If anyone is undesirable in their behavior towards me, I block.
Lauren19 · 26-30, F
What is the perceived issue with Brits?
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Lauren19 My impression is that some American users regard SW as an American site for American people, and aren’t interested in anyone else, whether British or other nationalities. By no means all, though. I have made plenty of good, albeit temporary, friendships with American users over the years.
Philasefer · M
Well said dear. Always wondered why theres soo much hate
We're all the same ANY time during the day.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I thought the Brits were fair game. Sorry.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
British hate is a thing ? Lol
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
because you say Americans all use mobility scooters and are 900 pounds and shop at Walmart. sure some, maybe most Do, but far from ALL are like that. 🤔
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@pancakeslam where did I say that? Many Americans are lovely. Some are not too bright. I will never understand America's gum laws. I mean how many children have to die, before something changes?! Absolutely ridiculous mentality.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@Lanie78 we need the country folks armed to the teeth against the possibility of a hostile government
The Brits here give as good as they get, especially when it comes to "Yanks". I’ve awakened to posts with people laughing about "fat, ignorant Americans". I just try not to take it personally.
You complain a lot about this site. So, maybe leave?? Nobody is forcing you to stay here
Lanie78 · 41-45, F
@SW-User Nah... wouldn't want to give you the satisfaction 😊
@Lanie78 lmao I don't care what you do
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Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@YMITheWayIM probably.
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NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@thewindupbirdchronicles That's another reminder of Answerbag. There was a high-profile member there called "Old School" who used to spam the site with every possible attempt to convert others to his own bigoted way of thinking, and he got away with it time after time while other members were suspended for similar behaviour (spam). Do you know why this "Old School" got away with it? It turned out he was a sockpuppet account of one of the admin guys, that's why. That was the sort of sneaky trick they used to play on people, but I found them out with a little help from my friends.
@NankerPhelge I'm glad you are getting your vents out...
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@thewindupbirdchronicles That wasn't even my intention. Lol :)

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