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Twitter Deal Is Off, So....

Will Twitter have an impact anymore?
It's now well known that Twitter Think is simply some percentage of robots.
Trending has no meaning anymore.
Everyone knows that only leftist comments and ideas are tolerated.
Even the leftists would get tired sitting around a circle jerk 24/7.
Their stock is at $33.80 right now.
Musk's offer was $50 something a share.
Shareholders have got to be pissed.
Employees will be in their cry rooms a lot for the foreseeable future.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F Best Comment
I always had a feeling there was a mass of bots. They’re modern day propaganda. They portray things that aren’t true and all band together so it appears more legitimate

They can make anything look like someone is supporting it. I also believe they manipulate the follow count numbers for certain individuals as well
Shytoshow · 56-60, M
@DeluxedEdition sooo true

4meAndyou · F
@BizSuitStacy He's a genius...and the Twitter execs are NOT.
@4meAndyou Twitter is currently in breach. That's bad. And chances are they materially misrepresented the bots & fake accounts to the SEC. That goes from bad to much worse.
4meAndyou · F
@BizSuitStacy Of course with all their shoddy records, the burden of proof about the spam accounts still falls on Musk...but I do see his position as favorable.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Doesn't matter to me, I never joined Twitter and don't really care who twits or doesn't twit or is a twit on Twitter
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
I heard one guy said he lost 50,000 Followers once they deleted the bots and now he has only 90 lol. And that’s 90, not 90,000
doong · 56-60, M
If the Dems success stealing the election again, yes , twitter will play influence in justifying it
4meAndyou · F
Most Twitter employees own stock in the company...and that stock is plummeting due to the publicity and the deception and massive mismanagement at the top.

IF Elon decides to go ahead and pursue this purchase, Twitter employees themselves are predicting a mass exodus.
I think they are looking at legal action against Musk. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Ozymandiaz Desperate people do desperate things. Interesting to see what happens during depositions if it even gets to that point.
@Ozymandiaz Likely an idle threat. Twitter is in breach as they have yet to provide the info regarding the bots and fake accounts. It's likely that Twitter materially misrepresented that info to the SEC. That's much bigger trouble than Twitter is in right now. If they go to court, that will be exposed. Elon has them by the cajones.
I was supposed to here it’s still a thing. I don’t know anyone who still uses it. Same for Facebook.
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DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@carpediem But remember,the leftists destroy EVERYTHING they get involved with.

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