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TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
London's always been a bit different to any other city. The claim makes no sense fro a geographical point of view does it?

What is the data from the last census that you refer to?
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
@TheConstantGardener The last national census in 2011.

Iirc white British now account for 45% of the population of greater London. In 2001 that figure was 25%. In just ten years, that is quite a change to the demographics. Now, 8 years later, it's likely to be 40%.

Gusman · 61-69, M
What he is saying is what those in power do not want verbalised.
Everyone knows that Countries/Cities are loosing their Cultural identities to mass immigration.
Where does it all end? Mass migration of original citizens to other parts. Away from the mess their own Countries have become.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@D1senfranchised Yes the EU is exactly as you say.

My father was originally a Communist serving in the former Czechoslovak army. He had his revelation and abandoned it completely and schooled me in its evils but it was really the election of Donald Trump in the United States and listening to Nigel Farage that allowed me to make "real time" sense of the larger point my father was trying to make me see. Brexit and President Trump's election also inspired the populist-right parties in Central Europe to the point where now I think we will be unstoppable.
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
@Abrienda What do think of socialism? I used to think it was a good idea...until I learnt recently what has happened in nearly all socialist counties.

Someone on youtube pointed out, that recently in Germany, leftist's were protesting against the evils of capitalism, advocating socialism, social Marxism & communism, yet on the very same day there were mass protests in Venezuela against the evils of socialism.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@D1senfranchised I despise it. My father said a Socialist was only a Communist without the courage of his convictions. Venezuela is a real-time example of what Socialism leads to when people grow tired of it...totalitarian methods.

My own little contribution to try and match my brilliant father is "Socialism is tens of thousands of pseudo-intellectuals eagerly ruining, imprisoning and murdering hundreds of thousands of people to bring to millions more something they never wanted in the first place.

I watched this at work yesterday by one of your many brilliant writers...Theodore Dalrymple about Socialism.

Quizzical · 46-50, M
It's not racist to state facts... But today we live in a worlds where if the facts do not fit a certain leftist view then the person presenting those facts gets vilified and dragged through the mud.

Not surprised Dom Joly got involved, he WISHES he were a tenth as talented as Cleese

This tweet was an observation. In no way did he poor hate upon any group or groups, he just stated what he saw, and that he was not the only person who saw it.

It's about time these social justice warriors and virtue signallers got off their asses and went to places where they really DO have issues. Where there is horrific racism, and certain people are treat like second class citizens. But of course they won't, because that might be a bit dangerous and it's far easier to point the finger at a celebrity from afar.

Thankfully, I'm sure Mr Cleese couldn't really give two fucks what anyone thinks of him these days.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@HootyTheNightOwl Well, here is a link to some figures I just found... I hasten to add, he's not mentioned black people at all to my knowledge.

It seems to be the influx of other cultures over-writing our own, not the colour of people's skin that concerns him. In essence, the imminent loss of the British way of life.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Quizzical Yes! Great way to put it....👊
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@SumKindaMunster Thank you
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I don't see it as racist... He's not denigrating anyone, nor causing fear or hatred .. He's not ascribing stereotypical behaviour upon a group ... As someone once said, offence is taken, not given!
room101 · 51-55, M
This has been in the media quite a bit this week. There was even a couple of hours devoted to it on LBC (my fave phone in radio station). The host asked the same question as you ie was it a racist comment. But she went further and asked if the word "English" was code for white. Various idiots phoned in. If I hadn't been driving at the time, I would have too. Just so that I could tell the host, and the majority of her callers, what vacuous fools they all were.

The UK is a rather unique nation in that it is comprised of four distinct countries, each of which has its own cultural identity and heritage. And it is white!

I'm Greek. I'm white. I came to London when I was five years old. I have family members who were born here. None of us are English. We are British.

There is a difference. And it's not racist to note that difference.
Platinum · M
It was a factual comment...I grew up in London , but would not live there if they were giving houses away...most of it is has gone downhill and not safe to walk the streets...
Platinum · M
@Harriet03 what's roxy...
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Platinum Cinemas
Platinum · M
Sounds good....and a meal afterwards so you can say sorry 😹@Harriet03
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Free speech and speaking the truth is NOT RACIST
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Oh bollocks. If someone from Spain said Barcelona isn't really Spanish anymore they wouldn't have the same reaction. People don't know what racist even means anymore. Considering it's full of lots of different cultures it's a factual observation.

all aboard the outrage train 🙄
uniglow · 36-40, M
I guess we'd have to know more about what drove his opinion. It's easy to look at people who have some elements of non-English culture and say they are not English. I work with someone who wears a hijab but she has the same accent as me, eats the same food as me, watches the same films. She is culturally English but with an ancestry that is varied (like all of us if we go back far enough). I don't see a whole lot of difference it makes what date you got to this country.

What I would say in Cleese's case is that he has lived abroad and references other people living abroad who probably only visit London periodically. In their cases, they are bound to notice changes more keenly than someone who lives there.

Listening to some of his opinion in debates, I'd be very surprised if he did hold racist views. I suspect he just pines for a different England, and that immigration was not really what was on his mind, as opposed to prevailing attitudes (held by all).
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
@uniglow I think one difference is your work colleague probably grew up in England which as you pointed out makes her culturally as English as anyone else.

I think his comment alludes to people whom have migrated here since the Labour parties new migration policies beginning around the late 90's and who's first language is not English.
uniglow · 36-40, M
@D1senfranchised She did, yes. Her parents moved here as young adults. To the disappointment of her family, English is the only language she speaks.
vorian · 51-55, M
It's not racist. Im in all parts of London through work once a month and have been frequently with family and friends for years. And that's just the way it is. It's a fact that the majority of people are not English in London.

It's a bit rich for Cleese to point that out from his mansion in the Bahamas. ..but it's stiLloyd a fact.
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
@vorian lol
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Yes...but remember...NO ONE ever expect the Spanish Inquisition! My priest once showed us that routine in my catechism class - he said he thought it was funny (it is though untrue of course...he then taught us the Inquisition was actually a GOOD thing!) but was also a way for him to show us to accept contrary views and not take ourselves too seriously.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@Abrienda You are a real fucking piece of work... Now you're trying to make out I am a misogynist too!

And you really wished that an ancestor of mine died during a public penance, how incredibly Christian of you.

You really ARE representative of your faith... Manipulative, self-righteous and willing to accept and hide corruption, and for you to talk about open-mindedness and tolerance is pure hypocrisy... It's YOUR way or NO way 😠

Feel free not to respond, your opinion does not matter to me.

Oh, and I'm not anti-Catholic... I'm anti-theist. I just object strongly to a religion that has a history of killing people to get their own way and to this day STILL harbours and protects paedophiles and lies about the numbers involved.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Quizzical Charming! When someone uses profanity (and using it against a woman who never used it against you is...ahhh...guess what? Misogynistic - an attempt by an insecure man to use violent language to make a woman be quiet). reveal yourself to be a) a religious bigot, b) a misogamist, and c) without class - a trifecta!🤗

Oh... I lied about you getting the last word, btw, but I KNEW you would fall for it! You really are so easy to set up for play cards, by any chance?😄

Okay really are making a fool out of yourself, and making you look silly is like kicking a blind legless poodle which can be fun but gets boring after a while. But now you're just boring me...something I am sure you have heard from women before though in a different place and context, if you know what I mean...🤔😉

Bye now!😚
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@Abrienda I was wrong about one thing... You may be representative of the way your organised religion operates, but you are by no means representative of it's true teachings.

You are prideful, vengeful, and to wish a painful, humiliating death upon someone, quite simply evil. You wish to compare bad language against that? There IS no comparison.

Frankly, you're just a bad Christian.

Oh, and misogamist mean someone is against marriage, so I'm really not sure where you are making that piece of information up from. 🤔

It's also disingenuous of you to hide behind your gender because someone is having an argument with you. That screams that someone is on shaky ground. When you can't win a battle make the other person seem like the bad guy.

I'm sure you will not be able to contain yourself from responding. Your type ALWAYS needs the last word.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
It's not racist period. Noting that something has changed and lamenting the change is not racist at all, its nostalgic.

SJW's jump all over this shit because it confirms their world view, that everybody is racist and discriminatory just like them. It's classic projection.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@SumKindaMunster Oh yeah? What do the MUNSTERS know about it???😈
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Abrienda Curiously I was in London for a few days about a month ago. It's a lovely city and the people were great. But its highly integrated and I see no issue with John Cleese lamenting the change. He's entitled to his opinion.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
He employed a Spanish waiter, hypocrite!!!!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Harriet03 is not rat, is hamster!
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
Platinum · M
@Harriet03 I thought Andrew was English .....
Entwistle · 56-60, M
London will always be an English city. As it's a city in England.
msros · F
Racist is a very misused word.
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
@msros So true these days.
This message was deleted by its author.
Cierzo · M
I think he is right, and immigration is not the only reason. London is full of tourists, and white collar workers in financial companies with no other country than money.
Does that mean Manuel will be deported back to Barcelona ?
Gusman · 61-69, M
@SW-User He could not handle it anymore and his heart gave out in 2016😟
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Can you address the underlying assumption of your statement that in order to be English one must be white?
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
@DunningKruger It's nothing to do with skin colour and I don't think Cleese was referring to skin colour either. I think his comment was about mass immigration of which alot of immigrants first language is not English, or where in alot of persons, cannot speak English at all.

Those immigrants equally could be of any skin colour including white.
room101 · 51-55, M
@DunningKruger Please see my comment below.

Each nationality has its own heritage, ethnicity and race. Very often the race of a given nation is common with that of other nations. England is no different and its race is white. That's not a value judgment. It's a statement of objective fact. Globally, there are four exceptions to this objective fact. Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. In each of these four exceptions, the indigenous race has been subverted (almost to the point of extinction) by colonial invaders.
Gumba1000 · M
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
@Gumba1000 Yes that's what he said in response.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I love his work, but his political opinions are shite.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@basilfawlty89 Ah so you lied then. I'm not surprised. I've noted that behavior before in you as well.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@SumKindaMunster Ah, so you agree you're a bootlicker then, seeing as you didn't respond to that. The point is, seeing as reading comprehension fails you, is that YOUR OPINION of me, matters nothing. It doesn't mean I can't insult you for the witless, boorish little man you are.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@basilfawlty89 It's not my fault your writing skill suck and you don't know how to get your point across. Maybe you should take a writing course or something.
MethDozer · M
People don't even know what actual racism us any more.
D1senfranchised · 46-50, M
@MethDozer Yes. It's a word that is religiously over used. It's a word that is used when someone cannot think of a argument or valid point. So they scream, 'facist', 'racist' or ' 'nazi'.
msros · F

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