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Why would you block somebodys driveway and not care !?

I living in flat/apartment building , and there is a laundromat on the outside of the building.... today when i get home this lady going to the laundromat parked her car on the driveway to enter my building and did not care . I went in to tell her she is blocking an entrance to our building , my word she did not care kept sayinh okay il be right there and went about carrying on talking to the owner of the laundromat saying i must wait. There is lots of parking along the road available for people to park and only when she wanted to she came out and moved hervehicle , she started making funny faces at me while walking to her vehicle telling me im making noise and i must shut up . The cheek of this woman . I went to the laundromat to tell the owner he should ask his customers to be more considerate he said he cannot do anything about it because he is inside sitting he cannot see where his clients park . And then she came after me sayinh dont speak to him speak to her because she is the one that blocked the driveay and she came up close to my face aggressively . The thing that also shocked me apart from her utter disrespect and lack of both of their consideration is that she says oh because you white you cannot wait note , i am AN INDIAN MUSLIM FEMALE , I was wearing THE ISLAMIC HIJAB/SCARF and a ABAYA/CLOAK . How am i white !? How did this become a RACE THING!? How !? Bare in mind she is an AFRICAN FEMALE . How is expectations of people to be more considerate a race thing . Why cant you just park on the street like a normal person ? Why BLOCK A DRIVEWAY AND BE SO SELFISH . Can anyone make me understand why are people so selfish and inconsiderate!? With this DONT CARE ATTITUDE ? Why do we even have rules ? #southafrica
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Casheyane · 31-35, F
There is a food store/mini eatery by the street right beside our gate. Their customers are the same.

We had to ask them almost every time for a while to stop parking outside our gate.

And one time the owner of the eatery herself had the audacity to get in my face for telling her customers off instead of being a responsible business owner and neighbor and respecting other people's right for driveway. Funny thing is her customers were just as awful.

Mind you, the drive way is also ours.

Business owners should have respect for that, but no, they have the nerve to make it about you. And that woman also had the nerve to talk bad about us to her customers. The fools believe her without knowing the situation so sometimes we receive unwarranted glares from people we do not know.

Bad people have the nerve to do bad things and turn the crowd against you. But I trust my God to give them karma. Slander and disrespect and subjecting other people to unwarranted hate and unnecessary danger...I'll let Him handle revenge. Surely it's worse than what I could ever think of.

The worst part though, that eatery is rented. The owner likes to try to get in our good graces yet do not have the brain cells to realize her awful boarders are a big reason why we don't like associating much with them.
Yayasim · 31-35
@Casheyane it sounds like the exact same thing that i am dealing with . Its so unacceptable . Why are people so arrogant and selfish ..... makes me so upset
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Make a block with nails in it and if you can kick it under the tires without being seen, do it. Don't carry around any extras in case you get caught. One should do it. And never get into an argument with anyone about anything.
Yayasim · 31-35
@Diotrephes hmmmmmm love the ideas but why do we have to have to take such drastic measures ??? Why cant people just be considerate . I wont lie . This gave me such a horrible sleepless night
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
hmmmmmm love the ideas but why do we have to have to take such drastic measures ??? Why cant people just be considerate . I wont lie . This gave me such a horrible sleepless night

As I mentioned, you are placing your life in jeopardy by getting into an arguement with an idiot on the street. So, to be safe you either ignore the person's conduct or do something underhanded without drawing attention to yourself. Maybe the person had a good reason for parking where she did. What did you accomplish by yelling at her?
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I've seen the race card being played as well. Once a woman was trying to bud in line at a retail shop and my wife told her to go to the back of the line and she suggested we said that because of her race. Everyone in line knew we did it because we have been waiting a long time.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@JimboSaturn It's best to shut up and stuff it. They generally have their own way in the public space. It's not that they are not aware of the way to behave, they just don't care. We care, and we follow the rules and observe social etiquette. We don't lose it and yell. They do if you so much as get in their way without meaning to. They see it as an affront, a show of disregard for their emancipation from slavery.
Yayasim · 31-35
its us who do not play the race card who get accused of being racist . Its unbelievable . My reaction when she said coz you white , like where !? I was shocked and realised how easily the "coz you white" line gets thrown around 😳 shocking how people think
Oster1 · M
@Yayasim That's disgusting, and I can relate. 🙂🌺
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
It is an unfortunate sign of the times that some individuals place their needs and convenience in life above those of the rest of society.And the actions of some public figures along those lines only reinforce this trend..People feel immune from consequences..😷
Yayasim · 31-35
@whowasthatmaskedman i dont know where you are from , but here you can see by the behaviour of people ....there is not consequences for them its their way ONLY .
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Yayasim I agree. And while one can argue in terms of right and wrong, that solves nothing. I prefer to see the disagreement as wasteful of effort by all. At a time we really need toi make progress of any kind..😷
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Did you call the police and get them to drag the car out of the way?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@zonavar68 Thats not going to get any action. But call the local police and tell them you parked a car with a bomb inside and give them the location and she will be in a world of hurt in 5 minutes..😷
Yayasim · 31-35
@zonavar68 our local police station was robbed using a spare key the intruders had ..... the police dont help at all .....n will most definitely not assist im this situation .
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Block her in. Pull up next to her so she can’t even get in her car through the drivers door.

With guys, it’s easier. It’s going to get physical.
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I had a woman half blocking my driveway when she was picking her child up from school. The school is in the next street but they’re all so lazy. In my day parents used to walk their kids to school. Anyway I mimed shouting at her in my car and she reversed back a bit. I got out my car, slammed the door and looked at her but she wouldn’t make eye contact with me but her young daughter was looking at me. Once I got through my front door I cracked up laughing. It was one way to get her to move.
Yayasim · 31-35
@Gingerbreadspice oh the school going parents that do this ..... have a school down the road here and its always a nightmare i avoid it at all costs
Confined · 56-60, M
I would have had the car towed that was blocking the drive way.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
U could have called a tow truck to take her car away
Yayasim · 31-35
@smileylovesgaming amd put myself at an expense ? For inconsiderate people . Doesnt make sense does it ?
I’d be mowing gravel right now…
RedBaron · M
*BEAR in mind.
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Mordechai · 31-35, M
Next time slash one of her tyres 😌
Mordechai · 31-35, M
@Yayasim Law of the jungle baby. It's on your property, it's yours to do what you will 😎
Yayasim · 31-35
@Mordechai like that line law of the jungle 😃.... i feel the jungle has better , more FAIR laws . Here its a different kind of jungle . Telling me shut up , im making noise 😤
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@Yayasim Slashing tyres is illegal but letting the air out isn't.
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Yayasim · 31-35
@HumanEarth so awesome owning tractors hey !!!!

I would love to have the power you do !

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