I just created an account, I previously was on MeToo- The Experience Project back in 2013 until it was shut down. I doubt anyone from ten years ago would remember me, but it's worth trying 😊.
@DiabolicalBear Wrong, hand crafting personalized insults and sarcasm takes a lot ro make them work, there is actually more genius in a comedy than there is in any other genre of entertainment. A comedian can naturally transition into drama or do any thriller, Robin Williams is a prime example, but both Stallone and Ahnold flopped bad when they tried theirbhand at comedy in the early 90's
Bienvenue as well 👋 Hmmm....you should add 'gorgeous' to your description because you are definitely that. Plus, an excellent choice of both your username *and* your pendant! 😍
Heyyy..I just joined here too, I was on EP starting around 2010 until it closed. I dont recall you but I do remember following blackbarbie and her simps....ahh those were the days☺
Welcome to SW. How did you find out about this place after so many years EP shut down? 😁
@SW-User I tried looking for a bit years ago and with no luck, I gave up looking. It wasn't until I was on Quora when the CEO of EP posted a comment about EP when someone else mentioned this app 😂
No i dont remembet you but yeah i was on EP also back in the day 🤗🤗
I was never on EP but welcome back anyway. If you like bullshit stories about seeing people naked or being naked, or rants about politics, then you're in the right place! 🤔