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Weed Gummies basics 101

Tried this for the first time.. Loved It!!! Just became legal in my state a couple years ago..
Tried it a second time, felt NOTHING, made the STUPID decision at the swim club I work at to take another one.. This went REALLY bad, I have embarrassed myself for life, along with a friend since high shool.... So, moral of the story you should never take two? Any weed vets advice please help
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AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
Wait for the first one to kick in before taking the second!

All kinds of stuff can affect how an edible or gummy hits you, give it at least 45 minutes before taking a second one if you aren't used to them.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@katy2003 Yeah, 20 minutes, ... that's just not enough.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@katy2003 I once waited about an hour, took more, and about 15 minutes later the first dose kicked in. Be careful with edibles, especially when you aren't sure how potent it really is.
katy2003 · 18-21, F
Very rough lesson learned!!’
My youngest daughter turned me on the Delta 8s when I was undergoing chemo and radiation treatments. Tried a half, did nothing. Next time around took the whole cube. And have never looked back. They do the trick for pain and as a sleep aid. CBD gummies has no affect. Koi Delta 8s. That's my recommendation.
Dshhh · M
cannabis by mouth is DIFFERENT than smoking
way. more,, psychedelic.
get mild ones, 25 mg or less, wait an hour before taking more
I have embarrassed myself for life, along with a friend since high shool....
how was this embarrassing? more so than being drunk?
I did the same the other day, but I only took half the second time.
katy2003 · 18-21, F
Plan i should have done
Bjoern1997 · 26-30, M
Be happy it was only weed friend of me made the same mistakes with mushrooms and had a 6h trip 🤣 btw you eat them so how long it takes till they work also depends on what is in ya stomach.
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@Bjoern1997 I had eaten Lunch.. Yeah, Now I know this.. TO LATE!. but I know
Bjoern1997 · 26-30, M
@katy2003 haha welcome to the world. Haha hope you atleast life in a city and not somewhere where everyone knows each other 👀
Convivial · 26-30, F
Yep... Eaten, weed often kicks in mid sentence lol... Moral of the story, patience🤣

What did you do lol?
@katy2003 everyone at the pool will be buying you weed gummies now
katy2003 · 18-21, F
Lol, if I ever go back!!!
@katy2003 its cool im sure no one cared
Teslin · M
Be careful and thank you for the information.
I am going to be looking into this for future pain remediation.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
One time when I was 16 years old, I worked in this Italian restaurant as a pizza cook......One of the other cooks gave me and another cook a pipe with some pot in it to go smoke during break.....Tobacco pipe...........He said DON'T smoke the whole bowl.........we did..........we didn't feel anything for the first 15 min.........and then it started to creep up on us and BAM..........ended up tripping for the next two hours off of that bowl...........
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@Jimmy2016 That is exactly what I did with the gummies!
Jill1990 · 31-35, F
I use the pens. You feel it within seconds and don’t get too much.
AdaXI · T
I made some gingerbread men with some weed in years ago and I sorta made the same mistake. An hour after eating one I was like well nothing much has really happened so I ate another one, smoked a couple of jays waiting and suddenly it all kicked in and I was completely smashed, lolz.😅

But hey it is what it is, like now reading what other people have said and your own experience you know it's pretty easy to take too much too quickly and you gotta be more patient with edibles in future, you live and learn.
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@AdaXI Got some good advice,, Had one last night. NO PROBLEMS!
Gives me something fun to do while in hiding!
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
i take gummy bears all the time, I don't smoke weed. the most important about gummies is to never take more. you decide of one dose for the evening, take that and never take a second time.
katy2003 · 18-21, F
I never will! None of us that tried it had done it more than once
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@katy2003 these are my rules about edibles: never eat homemade edibles, eat only those with a clear indication of the anount of thc. people usually start with 10mg, then some other day you can try 15 or 20mg. there is a giant difference in how each people react to adibles. I have a few friends who are almost immuned to edible and they need huge doses like over 100mg. for some 10mg is strong. for me , on 10 mg I can be with my parents and 30mg I am fried. 25 is my ususal nighttime dose.
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@reflectingmonkey I took a ten tonight.. Perfect for me!!!! I don't know what went wrong before.. Thanks!!!!!
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
So what happened that embarrassed you? Story time!
originnone · 61-69, M
You can't buy gummies in PA, but you can buy these things that look like Flintstone vitamins if you have medical approval. They help me sleep but little else.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
Idk but edibles hit me different. I can take 600-800mg of dispensary grade gummies and barely feel it. Meanwhile my husband is paranoid and sitting in a cold bath to try to kill the high at 200mg. 🤷🏽‍♀️
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@katy2003 Everyone's tolerance is different! I've never been so high on pot that I disrobed in public (alcohol+shrooms is a different story). I wanna try what you had 🤣
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@SwampFlower I had only did it once before that.. No issues at all... Now, I may never leave my house
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@katy2003 You'll be okay! Just be more careful next time.
Waxfoot · 56-60, M
Edibles can take time and also find out how many milligrams involves or you could get cooked 😵‍💫🤣
Edibles take a bit longer to kick in then if you smoke it. Always wait at least an hour before taking a second one if needed.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Gummies take one to two hours to take effect.
TAReturns · M
Use CBD gummies instead of THC ones
Tonydang · M
Just prey nobody got it on video 😁😁
Tonydang · M
@katy2003 that’s one that will be around for a while just curious what did you do 😉
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@Tonydang As bad as it gets!
Tonydang · M
@katy2003 😂 fair enough that bad hey
Convivial · 26-30, F
The after effects of impatience lol
Nighttalker · 56-60, M
Did you get fired?
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@Nighttalker No.. long story,but no
Nighttalker · 56-60, M
@katy2003 glad you are still employed then!
mainvane · 61-69, M
I grow my own
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔..........Sometimes they kick in fast and sometimes they don't.........Don't take two..........
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@Jimmy2016 Well, 4 of the six of us who tried it were smart enought to do that
I'd love to hear more of how you embarrassed yourself and a friend at swim club?
Catzgano · 31-35, F
I had a horrible panic attack from edibles
I've not tried them
I'm too scared I'll lose control over myself and do something else stupid
I can do stupid things sober without help thanks very much
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
@SW-User ^^ This ^^
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Be really careful with edibles.
They take about an hour to kick in so it's easy to take too high a dose.
I rarely do that then, I prefer a joint because it kicks in quicker and it's easier to titrate your dose.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔........You have to give it time to kick in. 45 min. minimum........
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Oh, honey, you never take that second edible. But don't worry about feeling embarrassed. Everybody's done it.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@katy2003 so, i take it you ran around topless at work after eating two gummies?
katy2003 · 18-21, F
@Tastyfrzz lol, no worse, more came off, I was a victim of paranoia that set in..
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@katy2003 you took off your socks too? Oh dear.
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