A marijuana storyI wonder how many people have been driving with weed in their car, and pulled up next to a K-9 Police Car. With a German Shepard barking his ass off. Yikes! 😱
Cannot believe...I tried to look for and find a weed dealer on this site. Was unsuccessful but found one on Snapchat!
Hemp derived THC vs the real dealI'm from Tennessee and been vaping our legal thc vapes since they were legalized federally in 2018 by the farm bill when it was signed into law making it the first national act of legalizing THC and with the same person back in office I'm hoping for... See More »
Your ass is grassO.k bud🤨 Weed better hash this out rn! I don't care if your nose gets out of joint, but get my joint out of your nose 🤨 🌿💚🌿
When I smoke weed I can chillax! When I eat an edible I stare at my little man running around laughing and breaking shit and think to myself..It took one drunken night to make you !!