28 Days CleanI will be 30 days clean on Thursday. I can't believe I actually am going to make it. I've been staying away from where I pick up, I've kept myself occupied, and I've completed the writing portion of the first step. I just need to go over it with my... See More »
Talking, Not WalkingI been talking the talk, but not really walking the walk. I'm "12" days sober, according to everyone besides me. Used again today. Twice. Still went to two meetings. I don't know when I'm going to get off my bullshit. I know it's up to me to make... See More »
Ninety In NinetyIt's day 18, not clean for 18, but going to meetings for 18 days so far. I'm shooting for 90 meetings in 90 days. I have a great home group, I go to online meetings in the morning, in-person meetings in the evening. I talk to people everyday who... See More »
Cold & SweatyGot another NA meeting at noon on zoom. I'm looking forward to it. Today is my first full day sober (so far). I'm broke, unemployed, and have no way of getting any drugs. I'm sweating, shivering, and restless.
Unnerved and ExhaustedI almost completely hate myself for what I've done. Getting fired was not on this year's bingo card. Now I have not only lost my source of income, but my resource for health and dental insurance. And a great big chunk of my dignity. I still signed... See More »
I “TRY” to limit my alcohol to 2/3 shots max a day.Lately though that’s just to wake up! I get my vivitrol shot next week so I just need to hold out until then. It helps with alcohol and opioid cravings as well
I have to drug test for this new job !.. I hope I don’t have to explain why magic marker and Elmer’s glue showed up in my system 😔 (1)
I Used to Be a Drug AddictAnd I've been clean for a good while. But the benzos. That siren song is singing off in the distance. The opiates are begging me to let them take the pain away.