Every time these sad omega males express their disapproval over me posting about my bf 😆I’m just going to respond by swooning over him and rambling on about how much I adore him and get full-on sappy about it. Just to give a big middle finger to these manchildren, that I’m going to talk about him all I like here and there’s nothing... See More »
Inside the mind of an incel.I am a healing incel who is currently in a relapse phase. Despite being described as "kind" and "attractive", I usually try to avoid women not because I find them annoying, but because a part of me genuinely believes that women do not have any sex... See More »
“Just cause you're REASONABLY attractive, doesn't mean you should be a shit”Recently said to me by one of our fine, self-proclaimed genius incels on here. 😂 I love that “reasonably attractive,” lolwut. I dread to think of what constitutes as reasonable attractiveness to some freak- excuse me, genius who sees women as a... See More »
Why do so many men think it's appropriate to send unsolicited dick pics to women?Then they sit around and wonder why they can't get laid.