Largely invisible until one day I stood up to a girl who was bullying younger children (proud of that part) and pushed her fully clothed into the school swimming pool (less proud of that). Then I entered the Hall of Fame 😌
I had a small group of friends. Never really popular, but I had my group. We were almost like the Breakfast Club. almost all the usual groups in a school were represented, except we didn't have a jock.
I was an outcast who hung out with the other outcasts ..i didn't really have a specific group ...just did my own thing
I learned that one would or wouldn’t have MANY or a large NUMBER of friends resulting in a great AMOUNT of friendship.
i was in with the popular crowd. i was horribly introverted but i made good grades, dated the quarter back, played clarinet in the marching band, volunteered through school clubs, lived through hell week when i joined a sorority. but i wasn't like the others and neither was my family. i was on the periphery of the scene. left of center, so to speak
i had my group of friends but i would also get along with most other groups also. I would do boxing and bare knuckle fights after school for a while, so i got to know a bit of other people i would have never talked with at school and yeah that just turned into me at times hanging with other groups of people and so on. I wouldnt consider that popular but was just easy to get along with and had a common interest with a fair bit of people in different groups
I didn’t consider myself popular as I wasn’t part of the elite and party crowd. My name also wasn’t associated with being part of the slut crowd of the school. I do have a very likable personality that draws people to me, and I’m not displeasing to the eyes, so I had no problems making friendships, and attracting guys, but everyone also knew I was pretty much untouchable as far as a chance to get between my legs.
I was sort of insies with the stoners, and some of the preppies found me funny as a clown.
My social group was the misfits, but everyone regarded me fairly well and some of the kids from the "local power families" had my back so very few people messed with me.