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So I’m curious about this, why do the majority of American schools not require a school uniform?

It seems unnecessarily stressful to have to think about what to wear each day.
We never had school uniforms and i never ever stressed about it...... not one single day. because it doesnt take much thought to put on a tshirt and a pair of jeans or sweatpants.
TIDUS0029 · 31-35, M
Most of the kids wear what their parents pick out for them or simply wear what's comfortable &/or colors they like
As for why they don't require uniforms is cause they are mostly public schools not private schools
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
@TIDUS0029 👍
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Uniforms were mainly brought in to stop class distinction and stop bullying however it failed . Its now moved on to other things like who has the most expensive mobile phone or the most popular person etc . Kids will always find something to bully others about . Sadly this is learnt behaviour from adults normally the parents and society in general . Sadly if your not what society calls normal then your gonna get picked on . If your shy or a loner or stand out in any way your a target .
@Rhode57 You make a good point. At my daughters school the latest things are these ridiculously expensive “Frank Green” water bottles.
Humans always find a way of establishing a social hierarchy I guess
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
@Notladylike Sadly yes but if adults changed their behaviour so would kids they learn by example and as long as you have a society that does not accept all you will have bullying in schools . Learned behaviours change when adult example and adult behaviour changes .
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@notladylike] here in the u.k when i was at school many moons ago now in infants for the first three years we never wore uniform . was not until i went to junior school then seniors we had to have uniform which included a tie 😞at both .i see now in school the wear uniforms mandatory from when they start to when they finish
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
I guess for some kids , having that added peer pressure, could be stressful ....

My son , like myself at his age would wear the same clothes everyday for a month , if we didn't remind him that he has worn it already 3 days in a row ...

For my daughter , we usually have her pick her outfit before bed .. Because for one , she loves to do that one more thing before sleeping , and is a bit of a cute little frustrating genius at delaying bed time and getting that extra few minutes in ..

This way , she isn't stressed out in the morning,,, plus she is a terrible morning person to begin with .. Her and her mom😂

So , suffice to say , if you done it most of your life , and the norn and ain't no thing ..
@BobbyMoeven I am not a morning person and neither is my daughter!
I’ve heard of some parents getting kids dress the night before they sleep in their outfit then up and starting their day. Resourceful!
Yeah that’s the thing I’m used to uniforms. So the idea of outfits each day baffles me. But I’m sure doable if that’s what you’re used to.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
They should wear uniforms. Not everyone has my fashion sense.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
That's the main advantage of having a school uniform. And it can be cheaper and more practical than regular clothes and minimise material differences between children from a wide range of social backgrounds so they can concentrate on more important things like learning and getting along together.
Agreed ..some do..most don't
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
American is a nation of individuals
The majority of non-American schools don't have that either. The real question is why some do.
@Notladylike in many European countries it's not a thing at all.
@Notladylike sorry. It's just that non-American is pretty self-explanatory.
@NerdyPotato Is it? I wondered if you thought I meant worldwide so I tried to clarify. I appreciate the apology though thanks
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
Good point. 🙂
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
We don't have that in sweden either. It's not stressful lol, most people dont give a crap and just wear what they always wear. I've heard about one school for rich children that has problems with bullying because they don't have expensive enough clothes, but I wouldn't put my child in such an environment to begin with.
@MartinTheFirst Sweden is an example of a country that knows how to run a society well. I wouldn’t extend that to the US
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
Freedom of choice
DDonde · 31-35, M
When I was in school the idea of public school uniforms for our school was one of those that they'd float around to the kids to practice a pro vs con kind of debate and it was almost always a very unpopular idea to the students. I imagine the parents wouldn't really be all that enthusiastic about having to pay for a uniform every year either.
@DDonde I can imagine the uniform idea wouldn’t be popular with students who aren’t used to it.
I wore the uniform my parents purchased for me all through my five years of high school . Skirt was a bit short by the end 😂.
They tend to get slightly bigger sizes when purchasing so you get a few years wear out of them. Most schools also do a second hand shop so you can pass things down or pick up stuff at low cost.
To me a uniform seems more economical but I guess that’s what I’m used to.
TheArbitrator · 36-40, M
In America we strive to Foster individuality, an essential element to a free and innovative society.
@TheArbitrator Doesn’t it just fuel capitalism though and the desire to fit in or being defined by one’s appearance and financial status?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Notladylike It also fosters creativity and innovation.
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
I had to wear one when I went to school, I don't agree with them though. I think they make us wear uniforms as a part of the training to be their sheep.
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
@Notladylike I have never wanted to be like everyone else.
@Unquestioned Not even at 15?
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
@Notladylike No, but there again, I have always been a black sheep, not just in my family, but in society too.
MethDozer · M
Private schools do. In public schools it is seen as a an uneccessary expense and burden on families for clothing that has no function outside of school.
MethDozer · M
@maskedbandit You ain't wearing a polo shirt and khakis daily. They get ruined quick. Then you have no uniform.
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
@MethDozer You think children are born to make fashion statements or to learn or none of the above. 😅
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
@MethDozer 👍
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@CrazyMusicLover Yeah I have some friends who have had to have their child’s uniforms specially made in fabric the child could tolerate. That is a good point against uniforms.

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