2020 after surgery to remove a cancer, and while still in the hospital, I had an infection that quickly turned into a near killer of an infection.
It was methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and was not detected quickly... I ended up in intensive care until finally an infectious disease specialist identified it and began treatments.
It was touch and go and I stayed in intensive care for 5 days before they got it controlled.
Fortunately, I was out of it for nearly the entire time. When I did regain consciousness and began asking questions, my ex, a Nurse Practitioner who runs the hospital's palliative care program, showed me where I had been placed in her program.
@Jeephikelove I did and more... she is my best and most trusted friend. We have each other's backs and have a close relationship where we know we can always, in all situations, count on one another.
I had a very close call on 9/11. Left the same city on the same airline in the same make of plane AT THE SAME TIME. But I was bound for CHicago and they hijacked a flight bound for LA because it had more fuel in the tanks.
2018, 5 months of taking triple the dose of Advil and Tylenol daily put me in renal and liver failure. 5 days in the hospital saved me, I have only taken about 20 of each since.
The last time I almost died and was clinically dead was in 2015 when I had a Widowmaker and was life-lighted for my father's boat to tmh hospital in Tallahassee. I required three doses of nitroglycerin not one, and survived the deadliest heart attack known to man. I have been shot stabbed blown up hit by cars and almost drowned by the Pacific Ocean. I am here for a reason
Last September, seven days after having surgery to remove an adrenal gland we were going to the hospital for a doctor’s appointment and were hit by a car. The accident totaled both cars.
I think it was last week when we all came to a stop on the freeway and the gas tanker behind me had to drive on the shoulder to avoid smashing us😭 at least i was in the car alone. Lol i was on the phone too so i didnt want to panic 🤣
Car accident on Christmas night 2018. Whenever I have a bad day or get hurt- I just say “ meh, I survived a car crash. I can survive a small inconvenience “
I had a weird time last month. I got into spiritual thinking of leaving the body. I did die or something did die or withered and it was intense, much more than I can convey through my sharing. Nevermind, I'm still here and drinking my coffee ☕🌷
I almost choked to death on a piece of rib meat that got stuck in my throat. My wife and I were panicking, I couldn't breathe...I started to black out...then it started to clear and went down...I was able to get sipping breathes, then eventually it cleared.
It traumatized me for several years...I couldn't talk about it for a long time...I am very VERY careful when I eat now...I take small bites, chew slowly and methodically...and I have never had barbecue ribs since that happened.
@SumKindaMunster dayum. Not being able to breathe is painful. I was choking once and my girls were pulling me out of my chair before I even knew what was happening.
Few years back was driving down a 2 lane highway was doing 55-60 clear morning all of a sudden this car comes from behind this truck to pass I took the side and the grass as he passed in my lane and never stopped but I had too. My nerves were shot and was shaking the truck driver stopped and came over said the guy was flying behind him and just whipped out to pass without checking.
About 4 months ago almost had heart attack or was beginning one , lost my breath couldn’t breath in much, called 911 went to hospital had to have 2 valves fixed in my heart. The problem was that they had been bad since birth had two valves that grew together. Thankfully everything went well and now I’m back to riding my bicycle or should I say electric bicycle 😂 I can laugh about it now.
A couple of instances where I almost drowned as a kid, but not really a close call. The closest I suppose when I were the 2 times I purposely overdosed with pills.
omg,, so glad you were ok. for me,, this february. the car i was in got into a rly bad freak weather related accident along w several other cars on a highway. it could have ended way worse..
@deathfairy I see, I’ll admit the feeling of appreciation is fleeting and I try to remind myself of it even now. This is also the 4th near ☠ experience in the past 15 years for me. Mhmm I remember one you told me about long ago, with your leg going through the board of a bridge you were crossing and you almost fell through to certain death. Don’t be sorry tho, I wouldn’t even call it rambling, just a snippet of your thoughts. You need never hold back, just the opposite imo:)
@deathfairy I think you’re right and i expect they have very similar aspects, regardless of the specific situation. you can prolly make it as well as anyone in this case
Mhmm I remember a lot of stuff, you’d be even more surprised lol
Holy s##t that must have been truly scary! There's a guy who had an accident on a forklift and he had a hemicorporectomy where they amputated the entire half of his body. He's still alive. His name is Loren Schauers.