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Peaceful · F
Learn to trust you and your intuition. It never lies
Peaceful · F
@tolerantmongoose: it's a muscle that needs to be used often. We've been taught to dismiss and ignore it. This is why you reply the way you do. Work with it instead and see what happens. I'm sure you already do and don't even realize it
SensualFreeSpirit · 56-60, F
@LittleBuddha: It's not just that they are taught to ignore it, society shuns or makes fun of any reference to the word "feelings" which is another way to say intuition.

And usually it's only women who use this word & why men have made fun of them at work (even at home) for so many centuries, that in order to survive, many women have had to start acting like men instead of their true selves.

And why men are not in touch with their feelings (not that women are so great at it either, but still...) & why boys are taught to stifle them, not cry & essentially it's not the only reason for war & violence, but one of the main reasons.

Just saying...
Peaceful · F
i agree with everything you say. But haven't we come full circle about us being "taught" to ignore it? By society, family members, dismissal of just expounded a bit further which further drives home my point. Thank you :)

Starkizzed21 · 31-35, F
You just might be very Innept at reading the emotions of others. You probably sense intentions subconsciously.
To help, try to be aware of the breaths that you take. Return yourself to here and now. It is called grounding.
I get uncomfortable in a room full of people because I can feel the emotions, sense the thoughts and intentions of those around me. Body language says more than a persons words. Rarely is your intuition wrong.
Also, if you are in an environment that has a lot of threats ranging from violence to emotional and verbal abuse, whether towards you or another, your whole being becomes wired to be conscious and aware of threats before they may even be a threat. I had a traumatic childhood, therefore I understand this deeply.
ahndee · 31-35, M
Idk. I'm literally an introvert because I'm so culturally different from everyone else in my life. It's easy for me to realize that everyone wants something different than I do, and therefore I can't trust them to help me get what I want. I literally have an easy time getting what I want by isolating myself in my room and just scouring the internet to find entertainment, products I want for myself, and that sort of thing. I don't think I'll ever be close to anyone to trust them
I agree with you both. I generally won't jump into conclusion without doing my homework (if you get my drift) but I can't ever seem to decide whether it's just all in my head or whether it's reality.
Peaceful · F
Maybe trust you more. Intuition is s muscle
Aperson · M
Don't think too much. If you constantly think like that,that's not good.
WelshLovely · 46-50, F
Experience can be a real nightmare of a teacher but ultimately you choose how you react to everything, so if you don't like the way you deal with something, then choose a different way to react.
It sounds simple, but it's really hard to do. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy may help.
Breathe in for 20 seconds and then breathe out. Then talk to your friends about sports or something but you have to make it a big deal about though. That way you won't have a worried mind c:
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Aperson · M
You can actually forsee a lot od stuff. It's okay to be cautious but don't be worried. Their true colors will be on display in time.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Makes total sense. Fight or flight response. You're just in tune with your senses. Just don't let it get in the way of happiness. 😊
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Drugs, alcohol, nicotine? Any of these things ringing a bell?
Nope, not one single bell. I don't use any of those.
@SincerelyHer88: Good for you!
@CookiePounder: Yes I'm on the right path.

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