Are you a People pleaser that feels burnout?
Ive been a people pleaser since I was a child. I felt others were more important and that if I just made sure they felt happy, they would like me. But I have read time and time again, we cant make anyone feel a certain way, EVEN when being kind to them. That their emotions are their own, and while some may like us, some will not. I wish I learned that years ago. I gave of myself so much..offering, doing, joking, pleasing. To Anyone, even strangers. Daily. For Yearsss.
Now at 40, I feel burned out. I stay away from most, because its a lot of emotional work sometimes. And that makes me feel isolated. When others my age are having kids, marrying, traveling. I feel if I dont try to please another, that if I start to focus on ME now, that I'll seem/ be selfish. Anyone feel that?
Now at 40, I feel burned out. I stay away from most, because its a lot of emotional work sometimes. And that makes me feel isolated. When others my age are having kids, marrying, traveling. I feel if I dont try to please another, that if I start to focus on ME now, that I'll seem/ be selfish. Anyone feel that?