It's weird how a secure relationship changes youI didn't want to have kids after losing my own baby just because it caused a lot of trauma especially because it was like a stillbirth. Yet after being with my person I feel secure enough that I'm no longer scared anymore. I'm just taking comfort in... See More ยป
I had the healthiest fight in a relationship everHe was worried about me buying edibles from sketchy sellers. He told me his concerns about it and we had a sort of silent standoff. I would say "I love you" and he would say it back no matter what at the least though. He never raised, yelled, or... See More ยป
Relationship With a wheelchairdriverGood evening, I am from Germany and have been looking for a woman from America or Canada for a long time. The lady can be in her fifties or even younger. The only question is is it okay if the lady's partner is in a wheelchair?
Sometimes I have trouble understanding if I'm the problem in my relationship.How do I know If my jealousy is justified or if i'm just being crazy and overreacting? Sometimes I get so anxious thinking about this. I feel a lot of things but I just don't know if they are worth being mad at my parner for. I hate creating... See More ยป
Ladies, what do you expect from a man in a relationship?Can you give us a head-up? What women want from a man in a relationship?