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Are You Married? For How Long? Does It Get Easier? 😅

This lady posted these points about marriage in a group. I don't agree with some but then again what do I know about marriage 😄.

Don't marry if.....

1- you are not ready to tolerate nonsense.

2- you are not ready to suffer

3- you are not ready to submit to the leadership of a man unconditionally.

4- you are not ready to love a woman unconditionally.
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pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
Early next month we will have been married for 34 years..

We have a VERY good marriage.

Mutual respect, independence, dependence.. She can do things I can not do, I can do things she can not do.. Together we do things neither of us could do..

Oh and we still make love once each day, EVERY day.. why? Because she enjoys herself and that is what she wants. Only FOUR percent of all couples engage on a daily basis and far fewer than this engage on a daily basis long term..

So how are we doing? How do YOU think we are doing? Little hint - its better than you think it is and no I do not take one bit of this for granted because I fully realize how good it really is..
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@pdqsailor1 Awww my heart just melted. I guess you still got it if you two still get busy once each day 😉.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Been together since May 1979, and married for 42 years 9 months

You give and take in marriage
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@nedkelly Wow. I'm jealous 😊.
exexec · 70-79, C
We've been married more than 40 years. I'm not sure it gets easier, but we have faced challenges together and they have brought us closer. As we get older and our bodies start to wear out, marriage enters a new phase of difficulty, providing care for whoever is laid up at the time. I'm glad we have each other.
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@exexec Awww how sweet 🤗.
4meAndyou · F
I was married for 25 years. At the end, I just could not "tolerate" any more.
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@4meAndyou Wow. 25 years is a long time 😅. I'm really curious why you'd go that long and then decide you can't anymore.
4meAndyou · F
@Thandeka It was a war of attrition.
Really · 80-89, M
Married 63 years next month. As for those four conditions; with only slight modification they could be qualifications for just living, married or single, male or female - although no. 4 could be somewhat debatable.
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@Really How was the 10 month separation on both ends 😅?
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@Really How was the 10 month separation on both ends 😅?
Really · 80-89, M
@Thandeka Truthfully I enjoyed having no one else to please or 'fit in with'. I don't think she liked it so much but she was in a new job that she loved.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
1. All relationships involve tolerating someone else's nonsense. In marriage, it's just moreso.
2. Marriage does have its own brand of suffering.
3. I'm sure there are marriages in which are unconditionally led by a man. I've never seen one in the wild.
4. You'll notice that she doesn't say anything about a woman loving a man unconditionally.

I've been married for almost 22 years.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Thandeka It's possible that you simply never realize about the guys who love you totally, passionately.
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@DunningKruger Love is more actions than words. They might have said the words but when it comes to actions it didn't match. There was always a but...
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Thandeka There's always a but.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
We have been married for 23 years but we have been together for 28 years. I have found as we matured, we have let go of our egos and we get along much better than when we were younger.
Leadership of a man 😂
@SW-User I don't know. A lot of men walk out on their families. Doesn't seem very logical to me 🤔
@SW-User not all men are capable of rising to the challenge of leadership unfortunately and some were never taught the importance of responsibility but on the whole, most men are decent and solid and pretty dependable so would probably thrive in a position of leadership.
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@SW-User I guess we expect the man to run the home just as we expect the president to run our country.
Bleak · 36-40, F
I have been married for 7 years

Trust and transparency are utmost features for a successful marriage.
being · 36-40, F
Apparently I'm not ready
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@being I thought the same thing 😅
Apparently I'm not ready according to these points, but have been married very happily for close to 17 years now. I submit to the leadership of my husband but there are conditions; he loves me, respects me and has only my best interests at heart.
I don't know why anyone would go into marriage thinking it's right to suffer or that they would need to tolerate nonsense? It seems quite a negative outlook to me.
I've been married 10 years. It's ups and downs. I think for women though in the vast majority of cases it's especially challenging if you plan on having children. There will always be a power imbalance when your children are very young and most women become the "default parent".
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
2. 🤨
This is the only one I can really be suspicious of

Suffer like in how? Or from what?
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@Iwantyourhotwife I wondered the same thing. I'm thinking maybe when the couple fails to come to a mutual understanding on something causing the atmosphere in their home to be super tense or someone giving their time and energy to everyone except their partner. It's difficult when your partner shows little care towards you and you watch them care for other people.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
We`ve been married 48 years this month. Been together over 50.
That’s about right on target!
I am married. My partner is perfect.
I've never been married, but I would like to be.
Or, have a marriage kind of relationship with someone.
It would be just as much of a marriage, just without the paperwork.
originnone · 61-69, M
Wow....4 is true.

I've been married since 1986. I love my wife a million times more than ever, and it's killing me to see her health going south....but five years ago, I'd have told you it just gets harder.
Uh. The unconditional bits are a bit crazy. The only people that are not related in a family is the husband and the wife and that dynamic is definitely conditional.
DCarey · 46-50, M
I want out!
caesar7 · 61-69, M
43 years in a common-law relationship. It does not get easier. You have to work at it and find common ground. Life throws many obstacles that test you in any relationship. You simply have to just work it out and find solutions. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If not, you know you have to move on.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Whomever posted that sounds ill-suited for marriage.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
A long ass time. The whole dom thing is weird.
Thandeka · 31-35, F
@Fukfacewillie You enjoy being married?
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Thandeka · 31-35, F
@MarkRichardson It's nice that you appreciate her. I rarely hear men say nice things about their wives.

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