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I Am Married, Lonely And Crave Intimacy

Sometimes at night it's the worst. Just lying next to her with my hand on her side, or her hip. I run my fingers over her body, sometimes up under her shirt and tracing the top of her pajama pant. So many nights this is the case, and so many nights get no reaction. I get myself worked up with no results.
Maybe I should keep my hands to myself.
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That makes me sad to read because I was on the other side of that, and would have relished the attention and affection.

After 7 years, I couldn't do it anymore. I left.
HelloItsme · F
@Oside77: But she is selfish Thinking of herself .
Oside77 · 46-50, M
@HelloItsme: sometimes it seems that way. And if I complain then I'm the insensitive one.
silkandlace · 46-50, M
@Oside77 indeed
LaLumieri · 51-55, F
Im going on 4 years of this all because i wont change my look to suit his fetish/ocd i totally can relate
Oside77 · 46-50, M
Yes. Even a shadow can be beautiful.
This message was deleted by its author.
silkandlace · 46-50, M
@Oside77 no reaction is the worst part of it
TheThinker · 56-60, M
I realise this post is two years old, but just to say that I went through years of that myself, and I know how it feels. It's the emptiest thing in the world. I hope you got it sorted out one way or another.
Twoinmanc · 51-55, M
i know the feeling
Oside77 · 46-50, M
39 actually. 😉
JakeTheSnake · 70-79, M
You're not the only one. I have a wife who loves me to pieces and I love her too. But she has no need of intimacy. I might as well be sleeping next to a corpse.
theSoutherner · 70-79, M
Sort it out and ask what is going on! Best way to be direct.
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
Am told I have a problem go to sleep!
theSoutherner · 70-79, M
Well you have a choice of staying and poutting up and shutting up, which Ihave done for years, or getting out which I am going to do this year.
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
@theSoutherner: cover your bases careful with the help of a lawyer to guide you through all the details. Been there twice before. Not fun
Loveableangel · 56-60, F
Get out of that relationship
Oside77 · 46-50, M
I think I’m in it for the long haul. 20 years and counting. @Loveableangel
Loveableangel · 56-60, F
@Oside77 I was in a marriage just like that and It never improved... eventually he left first ...for a period of time then returned after 6 months to say he wasn’t in love with me anymore... I should have left eight years earlier...all this after 18 years of marriage. Just don’t be unhappy for someone else.
@Oside77So, you're willing to live like that for another 30+ years? No intimacy, no passion?
That was my I want to be doing this, this way for another 20,30,40 years? Hell no.
Now I have a relationship with passion, intimacy, support, understanding etc. Not one regret over my divorce.

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