I Miss You BabyWhen you passed away I felt my soul part my flesh Like lightening struck me I witnessed my own death I'd listen real carefully To try to hear my heart beat But nothing but silence For I am a zombie That awful day you left I felt my heart... See More ยป
Married, lonelyIt has been a minute since being here. My situation has become more challenging, and i am just wondering if there is someone out there i can confide in.
Title is too Short [I Am Married, Lonely And Crave Intimacy]It comes in waves... I usually do fine in accepting the lack of intimacy, but there are times when it hurts so much
Fighting to Stay Married [I Am Married But Lonely]We've been married for almost a year and a half and together for almost 5 and a half. Things have never been without falter. We're human and neither of us is perfect. But the last couple months, really since covid began it's been rough. We're at a... See More ยป